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Naming Child Killers/Paedophiles... New Identity

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posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:48 PM
There's this guy from the UK who has named one of the James Bulger killers on his site. I won't name the site here as it isn't even active at the moment... more about that in a minute though. He named the killer Jon Venables, I won't state what his new identity is either but I'm sure you can find it through google.

Now here's the kick in the nuts. His WHOLE website has been pulled down, Jon Venables is getting yet ANOTHER identity this will be his FOURTH identity which will cost the taxpayer ONE MILLION POUNDS... Did I mention he's in prison at the moment?? oh did I mention why he's in prison? well when he was released a few years back it seems he took a liking to child porn. He's been in many scuffles and was a frequent coc aine user.

The guy who named him is called Chris Wittwer, he exposes Paedophiles on his, now deleted website. I seen it Sunday morning and it was all gone Monday Night. He says he's going to name the other killer, Robert Thompsons new identity in a matter of days. This guy is a modern day Robin Hood, except with Paedphile information lol

This is disgusting, I hope someone gets this info, finds them when he's released and justice is finally served. If you want to know what they did to James Bulger here:

Where they found him is a minute walk from my house, so this is kind of emotional to me and anyone from this area. Tensions are high around here and always will be until REAL justice is served. Not constantly letting them off with new identities when they fudge up, What are your thoughts ATS?

By the way...

Welcome to the UK ladies and gentlemen...

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:52 PM
After I saw the video yesterday of them arresting The Love Police (Charlie Veitch) in UK, because he was "Thinking" about protesting the royal wedding, seems you are getting to be like Amerika also...
edit on 6-5-2011 by Caji316 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:53 PM
Personally, I don't see why we can't brand them with a hot iron across their forehead.

'M' for Molester or even 'P' for Pedophile.

Just sayin...

They cause a life time of pain for their victims so they should have a lifetime of suffering as well.

edit on 6-5-2011 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by Caji316
After I saw the video yesterday of them arresting The Love Police (Charlie Veitch) in UK, seems you are getting to be like Amerika also...

It's borderline insane. lol your getting more cameras and our police are getting more viscous. nice trade. You can have Jedward next that'll show you ALL. and we'll get **shudder** Bieber.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by jude11

hahaha who hasn't thought about branding the evil perverted douche's? I think it's THE best idea, but the human rights people will jump on "Oh give them another chance, there better now" Well clearly this one isn't if he's searching child porn AFTER he killed a kid when HE was only a child... apparently his parents didn't give a damn about him. Which brought in tougher laws for social services to intervene in cases... and we all know what happened to Baby P/Peter when social services did a remarkable job with him.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by jude11
Personally, I don't see why we can't brand them with a hot iron across their forehead.

'M' for Molester.

Just sayin...

They cause a life time of pain for their victims so they should have a lifetime of suffering as well.

edit on 6-5-2011 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

A lot of the people have never had illegal contact with minors, they just get caught with material of minors, do they fall under the 'M' umbrella?

I'm wondering OP if Jon Venables was convicted for having pornographic material including minors, or did he actually molest a minor?
edit on 6-5-2011 by satron because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 06:01 PM
Why do they get new names and identities... that poor little boy didn't!!!! I say give them the names they were born with and let them loose, I'm sure they'll get taken care of real well that way!!!!

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by Jubes

Well Chris posted the images of Jon Venables so fingers crossed somebody sees him and he won't last long. My bet is the oh so kind government gives him a new house abroad somewhere an English speaking country because he looks dumb as Forrest Gump, watch out Canada & America.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by satron

Originally posted by jude11
Personally, I don't see why we can't brand them with a hot iron across their forehead.

'M' for Molester.

Just sayin...

They cause a life time of pain for their victims so they should have a lifetime of suffering as well.

edit on 6-5-2011 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

A lot of the people have never had illegal contact with minors, they just get caught with material of minors, do they fall under the 'M' umbrella?

I'm wondering OP if Jon Venables was convicted for having pornographic material including minors, or did he actually molest a minor?
edit on 6-5-2011 by satron because: (no reason given)

he KILLED a 4 year old boy .......

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by R3N3G4D3
reply to post by Jubes

watch out Canada & America.

WE don't want him here either .....

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by satron

Well my local paper said that he was hitting his harddrive with a hammer when his social service woman came around. Then it later emerged that he had a girlfriend with a 2 year old girl, when he got sent to prison for child porn he was trying to get the woman to bring the, now 3 year old child in.
Serious this guy is a friggin nutcase. As Jubes says, when he was 10 he killed a 4 year old boy by abducting him with his friend then beating him up as they walked toward where I live, then not far from here threw bricks at his head, then laid him over the train tracks to make it look accidental.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by R3N3G4D3

Venables himself had told people about his identity. It was said that he turned to drugs because he couldn't deal with the guilt he felt. Yeah, well, if you feel guilty for commiting a crime then DON'T do it again

Now he's getting another identity? Why? It could have been understandable when he was a boy, but he's a grown man now! Why is he getting unlimited new chances? He has proved he's not rehabilitated and should stay in jail for a long time and use his real name.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by Jubes

he KILLED a 4 year old boy ......

Just a little correction, James Bulger was 2, just a baby

The guy who outed Venables said he's going after Thompson too. I always thought it was going to be Thompson the one who got arrested. I wonder what he's thinking now that his identity has been threatened.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by R3N3G4D3
this is probably one of the most horrific,and appalling cases that I have ever read.How does something like this happen?how do two children even think of doing such a heinous crime like this?

Bulger suffered ten skull fractures as a result of the iron bar striking his head. Dr. Alan Williams, the case's pathologist, stated that Bulger suffered so many injuries — 42 in total — that none could be isolated as the fatal blow.[
These men no longer deserve to be in society,especially Venables after going to prison for child porn,why isn't he locked up for life,when are the officials going to get it? the mans a psychopath he better hope people don't find out his new identity,me? I hope they do.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:04 PM
Children who kill at an early age will have lifelong problems. I am not talking about someone who is way too young to realize that they just smothered their baby brother but rather someone around 7 years old or older who commits a serious crime and especially one that also includes torture or violent molestation. I have seen cases where a child comes from a good christian home and is just a bad seed. I have also seen cases where the child offender was abused in the home by parent(s) or other relative(s).

I would like to address the latter situation. When a child commits a heinous crime the entire family needs to be investigated and the parent(s) or relative(s), if found to be the root cause of the child's problem, should be punished just as severely as if they had committed the crime themselves. Severe abuse in the home can lead to many problems. The two most prominent are multiple personality disorder (read the book "When Rabbit Howls" the Trudy Chase story) and violent acting out of the same abuse on another that was visited on them. In those cases the abuser should be, as I previously stated, held to the same level of accountability as the child who committed the crime.

Just my 2 cents

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by happykat39

The dad was a drunk, the mum was a drunk, Jon got his ass handed to him regularly by his siblings - that was the excuse his lawyer told the court. I've heard different accounts about his family. Where I live if you left my house then turned left your practically on his doorstep. A kid stopped them and asked why he was bleeding and stuff and they lied and said they were taking him to the end of the street to the police station. That lad who stopped them was a mess for years blaming himself for not beating Jon to a pulp. I swear the people around here want blood, not jail time. He sits in a luxury cell guarded by two people.and has access to a Wii with Wii Fit because he ballooned to 18 stone.

He is scum, as Alan Partridge would say Sum sub-human scum.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by happykat39

They both came from troubled families.

Robert Thompson:

Robert Thompson was the tough one, the one everyone assumed to be the ringleader in the case. But Robert's personality was constructed not so much out of aggression as for the purposes of defense. He lived in a rough, even brutal environment. To survive the multiple assaults of his five older brothers and alcoholic mother, Robert developed a flinty edge.

He didn't look for trouble as much as he tried to slip out and away from it. When cornered, he would lie, cry, or take his beating with defiance. Robert's father beat his wife mercilessly, and then abandoned the family for good. Robert Thompson Senior's own upbringing paralleled his sons: left without adult supervision, the older brothers bullied the younger brothers into submission.

Jon Venables:

Susan and Neil Venables had a tumultuous relationship, splitting apart, and then reuniting. The household was in a state of constant upheaval. After Neil left, Susan and the children lived with her mother, and then moved in with Neil again, only to move out to find public housing in Liverpool. Sometimes Neil would return for reconciliation. The instability affected all three kids.

Both parents had histories of clinical depression, and Susan was particularly prone to hysterics. She came from a "strict and disciplined" background, and had been observed physically and verbally assaulting Jon. In stressful times she would shuttle Jon off to Neil's house, unable to cope with him. At the age of seven, Jon was showing signs of anti-social behavior. He hated the neighborhood children who would tease him and his siblings.

Jon himself had a squint in his eye, which other kids mocked. Jon was an easy target for the other kids, and they teased him mercilessly, because he was so easily worked up by their provocations.


posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by Casandra

"Cock Eyed Venebales". Something tells me he killed James just to say "LOOK AT WHAT I CAN DO!!!" I don't think Thompson wanted to take it that far. I know killing a kid is the lowest of the low, but I think Thompson just followed his friend trying to be like him.

Both sets of parents found out their kids had skipped school and the words of Venables mother "Again?" Mother of the year.

But the parents can't be blamed for their actions. They knew how to behave, society showed them through other kids. They knew not to kill a child yet they did. Yea their parents were drunked assholes who shouldn't have been allowed to pro-create but they did and didn't care about their kids.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by R3N3G4D3
I think Thompson just followed his friend trying to be like him.

Remember what Robert said when the cops interrogated him? He said "If I wanted to kill a baby I'd kill my own, wouldn't I?" (Referring to his little brother)

Also, he took a rose to the memorial set up for James, yet people who have dealt with him said he never showed any remorse. That's just odd.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by Casandra

He was a bitch, strong words for a 10 year old I know but hear me out. When I moved into High School one day we were all talking about them two. One girl said "My brother had a fight with him two weeks before he killed James, he got him on the floor and told Thompson he was a f ** (homophobic word)" To which Thompson got up, stood there with his lip trembling and ran home.

Venables was the leader, he was cocky as s*** in his police interviews, they are on youtube somewhere. He didn't show ANY remorse for what he did. Also they were supposed to be in prison for longer than they were. I find this line hysterical "In June 2001, after a six-month review, the parole board ruled the boys were no longer a threat to public safety". Then after he was imprisoned he was asking his girlfriend to being in her daughter... sick fudger

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