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David Wilkerson's 1974 Predictions...Right Again! This could be HUGE.

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posted on May, 7 2011 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by star in a jar
reply to post by weedwhacker

These predictions were made during at time where there was much scientific ignorance in the world... So today with our knowledge, what could cause 3 days of darkness or is the description not literal? Same thing about not stepping out of your home. Why? In today's scientific terms could it mean the air is toxic? Not an direct question to you but food for thought for others.

I'll answer that one star in a jar,
GLP said Elenin is gonna block out the sun or some B.S. The three days of darkness on GLP was and currently is talked about on GLP like going to the store.
Love the Jacob two-two avatar though!
edit on 7-5-2011 by Heartisblack because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 12:32 PM
And on that day, the sun will shine at noon, and the forces of nature will shake the foundations of the East, and a mighty river will become a sea, and the East will not know where the West has gone. A sea with many fountains will come in the time span of the outgoing tide, and the west will become a vast sea. The waters from the deep will roll upon the dry ground and many will perish. The place of old, Memphis will be no more, and in it's place, it will be called New Israel. etc. etc, and I could go on and on. Right now were waiting for Brother Camping's prediction of the end of the world in about 11 or so days, this will be his second prediction, but usually after one......... well you loose credabillity. Thing is I like the guy, think He really wants to get the word out..... just that it's not going to happen and he will once again have egge on his face, and I hate seeing that, as I say, I like the guy. Come on ...... you have to be more like : Between August first through August twentieth there will be an earthquake above 9.0 along the Mississippi river, the split will widen to twentyfive miles, great volcanic activity will lead to wind and tornado disturbances followed by hail of enormous size and continuous lightning ......know what I mean, something with information and boundaries.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 12:33 PM
Is everyone forgetting that we just soaked and softened the New Madrid Fault Line?

After a RECORD earthquake in Japan?

Just saying that there may be credit to this story now.....

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 12:35 PM
So the guy makes some vague standard predictions that every other prophet has been making since time began? Wheres the news?

I love the way that every guy under the sun who has said "there will be an earthquake in Japan" is now considered to be able to predict everything.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by wtbengineer
reply to post by Cocasinpry
It was not at all obvious in 1974 that things would be how they are now. I was 16 in 1974 and it was the best time of my life. We didn't think anything like this could go down. To make all of the predictions he did back then seemed really apocalyptic. I mean, the way things are now and the things that have happened are really the way we thought back then would be the end times. Things were different back then. Mom didn't have to work and dad only worked one job. He paid off his mortgage in less than 20 years. Always had money to go on trips and live the good life. This is how I grew up and it's not that way any more. Anyway, my point is, somebody living in that time period was being pretty bold to make those kind of predictions because it just didn't look like it was going to go that way, at least not in the forseeable future.

I was 17 in 1974 and this is what I remember of the world at that time.
We ousted our President Richard M Nixon who was forced to resign over the Watergate incident.
Patty Hurst was abducted by the Symbonese Liberation Army
We had record tornadoes in Alabama.
Guess I didnt live in the same candy coated world that you did.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

If you don't buy into predicitions,

why spend any time in this forum?

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by steven704
David Wilkerson .. i've been asked a few times to visit Times Square Church in New York, but to be honest i've never heard much of David Wilkerson.
This man oozes compassion by these few statements alone. this deserves to be researched. not to debunk but to appreciate. Thanks for the intro!

Being a nice upstanding citizen does not a prophet make.
Not to make light of his achievments.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by star in a jar
reply to post by weedwhacker

These predictions were made during at time where there was much scientific ignorance in the world... So today with our knowledge, what could cause 3 days of darkness or is the description not literal? Same thing about not stepping out of your home. Why? In today's scientific terms could it mean the air is toxic? Not an direct question to you but food for thought for others.

1974 Scientific ignorance??? That was only 37 years ago. The world was using computers (though not the general public) We had the first hand held calculators. TV's had remote controls. The idea of video phones had already been introduced at the Worlds Fair 10 full years earlier in 1964. 1974 was not the dark ages for gods sake. Yes technology has commenced at a great rate since then. Every year brought new advancements built on the technology that came before it. Lets not act like 1974 was before indoor plumbing.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by tonyinawareness
Wow awesome find and insightful. It's really great to hear about a man who worked and lived the best of his abilities. My humble opinion of what he ment by "no accident" as just that that maybe just maybe he felt aligned enough with the universe and understood that his time was then. In western culture we view death as such a negative process whereas I think its just that a process. It is said in some circles that the higher self sees all and I'm pretty sure its the birth of The saying " everything happens for a reason" in combination with " we create our own realities".

If we examines our brain for instance it is now a widely shared idea that thoughts enter our brains as waves and that the brain it self is an antenna that picks up these thoughts. In some groups have taken this further to suggest that every coin has two sides. So if someone for example wants to feel bad about themselves and chooses to.experience a negative day. The thought is sent and is received by an active participant. Not directly maybe aware of it but by they themselves choosing to go along. So if this man was better connected and in tune to his higher self to for see the future his own death process isn't far fetched

Either that or the Illuminati were after him

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by Savorrow
Is everyone forgetting that we just soaked and softened the New Madrid Fault Line?

After a RECORD earthquake in Japan?

Just saying that there may be credit to this story now.....

I can find information that earthquakes can cause flooding but I cannot find anything saying that floods cause earthquakes. Please if you have info post a link.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Signals

Awesome. I can't wait. Bring it on. The sooner the better.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 02:17 PM
1974.... We'd been to the moon, Erick VonDaniken had Chariots of the Gods, long distance phone calls were still a big thing, Twinkies were a quarter, A DeThomaso Pantera was around $12,000, Open heart surgery was easily survivable, and Disco was still some five or six years away and still somewhere in the USA some radio station was playing In a GodaDaVida. 1974 wasn't exactly yesterday, but it was modern times. David Wilkerson and 'The Cross and the Switchblade' was..... well it had a particular audience, Dave was gaining 'Cult status' and Leary's 'Tune in, turn on, drop out' was on it's way out. Paramahansa Youganananda's retreat had turned into 'Swammies' a great place to surf sometimes. It wasn't a time of antiquity or Voodoo, Levi's were the norm. Del Taco's tacos were 35 cents, nobody did Taco Bell, it was like the cheap cheap stuff. So 1974 was a contemporary time, relative to today. It all was a time occupied by the 'Baby Boomers' A generation lost in space. 1947 and Israel becoming a nation and the scripture where 'not a generation would pass' and the mindset that these are the 'End Days' according to that, and in the back of our heads, this need to see these things fulfilled. Were in a time of Limbo, a time where everyone has become Jaded, just looking for their next News Fix, something to excite them back into a pulse, limbo because it's all happening in slow motion while time is speeding up, 2012 and the Time of the Ages, a new Epoc, another newspaper bundeled in the garage for the recyclers.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 02:55 PM
Yes this is all true about Biblical Prophecy and has never been wrong yet. The birth pangs have began. The frequency of of man made and natural disasters, fish in the sea dying, dead birds everywhere. The signs are all around us and in Revelation it says we will have more understanding of end times.

We hear of polar shifts, huge 300 mph wind storms coming, the one world government forming, the temple being rebuilt, all eyes on Israel, etc, etc, etc, all correct.

This is always the first thing I think of too when a huge disaster happens and they are Intensifying.

I'm surprised David Wilkerson is dead and wasnt wearing his seat belt too. I think his dreams were accurate.

I think the big one may be in Washington State.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Your right that the Japan earthquake itself didnt cause much structural damage it was the tsumani. Still a 9.0 being a Predecessor to the big one is scary. It's hard to imagine Seattle,or San Fran would like like after a 9.0. I visited Seattle, in 02, 03, after one that collapsed concrete bridges on top of each other and it was only a 7.?

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by Signals

No more than coincidence. Anyone could have and probably have made very similar BROAD predictions about earthquakes and.. abra kadabra, it came true. Not to mention it isn't hard to predict that an earthquake is going to happen in Japan lol. Maybe I'll do that and get my own thread here on ATS

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 03:14 PM
Don't believe the guy for one second. He used too many doubtful statements such as, "Possibly", "May", and, "I believe", while making his predictions. Prophecies that are truly inspired never have any doubt to them at all. Never has God been unsure of what He is going to do, and had this man been truly inspired, he would have never said anything that showed any doubt. Just another false prophet (who made very vague predictions, anyway).

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by Signals

And here I say, God (or someone by his name, hopefully an attractive female) told me yesterday that a big earthquake will strike on Earth, and then another one, and another after that, and then again and again. And it will be on a fault line, something like Japan, Italy, California or any other place on the planet named by science.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by karen61057

Originally posted by Savorrow
Is everyone forgetting that we just soaked and softened the New Madrid Fault Line?

After a RECORD earthquake in Japan?

Just saying that there may be credit to this story now.....

I can find information that earthquakes can cause flooding but I cannot find anything saying that floods cause earthquakes. Please if you have info post a link.

It can make hard ground liquefy.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Danbones
There have been several large quakes in japan since 1974
and a bazillion smaller ones
My boss at the time ( I started working young) made the same predictions business wise
and sold his business...

There have umteen bazillion quake prediction for the end of the world, America, Cali, the new madrid, yellowstone...that island in the Azores thats supposed to flood the eastern US when half slides into the sea....


christians doen't have a history of accuracy when they prophesy as christians
especially the ones that say prophesy is of the DEBBLE

Couldn't help but correct you on your "Island in the Azores".
What you are referring to is the Isalnd of La Palma, in the Islas Canarias, further south, off the coast of N. Africa.
It will flood not only the Eastern US, but also those of Brazil. More importantly, the west coast of Northern Africa and the Atlantic coasts of European countries, including the British Isles and up the North Sea.

A Mega Tsunami as never witnessed before!

The portion of the mountain that will topple into the ocean, where there is currently a huge fracture, is the size of the Isle of Mann....that's a ginormous chunk of land-mass that is to fall into the bucket!

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 04:32 PM
Once again. David has never been right.

There is nothing that will vindicate him.

He's as wrong as Harold Camping, which is sad to say because David used to be an awesome preacher.

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