posted on May, 6 2011 @ 02:39 PM
Thought I'd add this as well. I feel it pertains to the thread. It's from another thread a day ago. . . .
Justice Robert Jefferson (1892-1954) U. S. Supreme Court Justice
"The price of freedom of religion, or of speech, or of the press, is that we must put up with, and even pay for, a good deal of rubbish."
What price, freedom? Is it to have our choice of tv stations? Satellite radio? Fries with that?
But the true price we pay for freedom is the potential for harm every day. Whether it be from speech, from the barrel of a gun, from the arms from an
enemy. We suffer for our freedom. Each and ever day. Many now think that we need not have to suffer the potential pains that freedom delivers. They
want to protect us from that "potential" harm.
But it is that potential for harm that makes freedom taste so sweet. It is valuable only because it is at risk of loss each and every day. When
something is not held in esteem, it losses its value. When something isn't treasured it no longer needs to be kept.
The true value of freedom, the "cost" is measured in each American. It is measured in each immigrant that dreams of coming to our shores.
Devalueing the dollar is simple math.
Devalueing freedom is a more insideous process. Because it tears at the core of what we used to be. It devalues our soul. It cheapens our dreams, our
hopes, our goals.
What cost freedom?