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Psy-Ops in America

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posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:47 PM

Psy-Ops in America

Upcoming INTERVIEW on Coast to Coast AM.
Tune in on 5-10-2011.

Dr. Steve Pieczenik was trained in psychiatry at Harvard University and international relations at M.I.T (PhD). He'll discuss how Psy-ops are being used against the American People on several fronts.

(visit the link for the full news article)

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Calling all ATS Osama Dead huh? What are they breaking the news to hide? Let's start digging please
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posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:47 PM
This is the REAL LIFE 'Jack Ryan' from the books and movies that Tom Clancy bases his books on. He has been involved in government since the Carter Administration.

He worked WITH Osama Bin Laden against the Russians in Afghanistan in the '80s.

This guy is the one who WROTE THE BOOK on psy-ops for the US Gov't.

He is going to talk about how Bin Laden has been known to be dead of his extreme medical complications back in 2001 just after 9/11 and the whole string of events up until today have been a psy-op against the American public.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:51 PM
So if this is all true, what are there motives behind such a conspiracy.

What are they trying to gain by all this?
To me it seems like taking the long way around to achieve a simple goal.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by AnteBellum

Global domination is a simple goal?

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by AnteBellum
So if this is all true, what are there motives behind such a conspiracy.

What are they trying to gain by all this?
To me it seems like taking the long way around to achieve a simple goal.

The public gain a loss.
The Globalists gain a lot.

People keep suing into a broken rigged system only to be lied to daily by MegaCorp news.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:04 PM
Psy-ops? Cyclops?

Tom Clancy's books always seemed to have a bit of a truth on it.

Have you ever read the book The Next War by weinberger and scheweizer.

talks about diferent war scenerios. pretty interesting and seems pretty true

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:13 PM
I truly believe a well coordinated across the media spectrum psychological campaign is being conducted against the American people by the Department of Defense and Administration to maintain support for the increasingly aggressive war policies that keep bringing the United States in conflict with more and more nations where the American people have little to no vested interest or benefit from getting involved and little to no threat from those countries directed towards Americans.

While many do believe these overt and covert military actions are for oil, gold, opium and control, where the psychological campaign really comes into play is by trying to sell Americans it is absolutely a supreme moral position of virtue that in reality leads us to killing civilians in stand off and attack campaigns to presumably protect those same civilians from their own government.

So it is all about trying to convince Americans of some moral superiority, virtue and better way of life that we are supposedly providing people through this extremely violent and murderous process.

Who out there doesn’t like to be flattered, and believe they are associated and part of the ‘best’ or ‘winning’ or ‘right’ team?

It’s a deadly game bent on making people truly believe the path to peace is through war, against nations not at war with us to begin with, and that the way to protect innocent people is through killing them in constant efforts to kill their Masters amongst them.

Meanwhile the nation is bankrupt, unemployment and homelessness are on the rise, most people who are lucky enough to have a job and a home have little discretionary income for entertainment or luxuries and sadly these beliefs that some how we are the moral savoir of the world is the compensation and the consolation that not only sustains too many Americans but also prevents them from even wanting to address our bankrupt treasury and the serious problems that face America.

I am 47 years old and never in my lifetime have I seen such blatant media manipulation, bold faced lies by government, and so much secrecy being employed to shield the real facts and real goals and who really benefits from all this bankrupting murderous insanity.

Americans need to fight back in the information war, speak up and out, and question, and not take this lying down.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by Spirit Warrior 11:11

This guy is the one who WROTE THE BOOK on psy-ops for the US Gov't.

When I first heard all of this coming from this man several days ago, I thought, "WOW! Finally we are gonna get the truth!"
But now...
I am beginning to wonder...
What are the chances that this recent flood of info from this man is the ULTIMATE reverse psy-op on us all

edit on 6-5-2011 by Elostone because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:19 PM

We are building up a new world Do not sit idly by Do not remain neutral Do not rely on this broadcast alone We are only as strong as our signal There is a war going on for your mind If you are thinking you are winning Resistance is victory Defeat is impossible Your weapons are already in hand Reach within you and find the means by which to gain your freedom Fight with tools Your fate and that of everyone you know depends on it

Layers, and layers, and layers of deception. Time to activate, my fellow community members.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by Spirit Warrior 11:11

I do not care about OBL!
According to the white house he is dead and is a non issue, this tells us the boogieman can no longer hurt us.
Now let's redirect our attention to something real and what should be current topic.
Anything come to mind?
People forged perfect documents waaaay before photoshop.
Ask the jews in nazi germany.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by AnteBellum

Originally posted by AnteBellum
So if this is all true, what are there motives behind such a conspiracy.

What are they trying to gain by all this?
To me it seems like taking the long way around to achieve a simple goal.

This is a good question simply because many others wonder the same.

Here is my answer....because I cannot speak for TPTB.

WAR ..... is a HUGE money making operation. There is no denying this. War and ANY catastrophe in general can also serve as the perfect distraction to any wrong doing, low polls, investigations, etc....

Another reason should be obvious when you look at the last administration. Bush is HEAVILY invested in the oil game....tell me....what happens when there is a war or other catastrophe ??? Oil prices soar !!

I am in the defense industry myself. Our business is absolutely BOOMING despite the rest of the unfortunate American people who are having trouble in this economy. Our CURRENT defense budget has been raised to it's greatest height since WWII. We Americans are truly weapons manufacturers. We befit greatly from war, the war machine, and the Military Industrial Complex. This is not opinion. This is my job.

Now...lets look at what happens to the American corporations during war time....have you ever heard the term "Built By The Lowest Bidder?" Perhaps by anecdote from NASA adventures on how difficult and dangerous space travel has been historically? That is because it is a LAW that the US Gov't allow American companies to bid (blindly) for contracts. This is in keeping with what makes America great...competition and capatilism. BUT....what happens during war time ??? Anyone?
...the gov't can NOW just GIVE OUT contracts 'No Bid' to anyone they want....perhaps their friends....perhaps to people they OWE for the lobbyist money and donations in getting them elected....this is how they subvert the rules to pay back the corporations.....just look at Dick Cheney....he received 30+ million dollars...not as a retirement bonus...which was separate...but as a simple 'Thank You' from his company (Halliburton) as he left them to become the VP.

Do you think there may be any conflict of interest involved when we invade Iraq after 9/11 when that country had no involvement. They tell us they have to find WMDs that didn't exist...THEN guess who gets not only the FIRST contract during the war but a NO BID contract....Halliburton !! No Bid means they have a blank check and can charge whatever they want...this is not the only corporation's just one sad example.

War = Money. There is no debate on that. It's not our first dance here.

For those who would like a link from one thing to the next just follow the dotted lines. It's not fuzzy logic.

To make myself more clear...I am neither a Democrat or a Republican. I am an American patriot, a former soldier, and a US citizen. WE can be better. We can also take our country back. The Government does NOT answer to the people anymore. They answer to the corporations because we have allowed the massive amount of money being, truly laundered, into the politicians pockets. There ARE NO lobbyists for the American public.

If you want to do something about it here is your opportunity. It is easier than you think... AND there is NO EXCUSE for not participating.....

Educate yourself....get the whole story from both sides. Use your heart to determine what is true and what is not. Then vote with your wallet when you can. Not by donating but by spending thoughtfully. Then vote politically for those who will stand for the American public. We need representation again and not finger puppets for the corporations.
edit on 6-5-2011 by Spirit Warrior 11:11 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by Spirit Warrior 11:11

I do not care about OBL!
According to the white house he is dead and is a non issue, this tells us the boogieman can no longer hurt us.
Now let's redirect our attention to something real and what should be current topic.
Anything come to mind?
People forged perfect documents waaaay before photoshop.
Ask the jews in nazi germany.

Seriously ??? Because THIS guy is saying that OBL has been long gone. Which means the Boogy Man is STILL out there and is filling the role of TPTB. Wake up and smell the logic. If this guys is wrong that's one thing....but if he is right !! We have issues still. Based on WHO this guys is....he is VERY hard to deny. Unless you want to remain asleep which is your that case you are using up my oxygen!

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 02:27 PM
Thanks for this additional information.

Pretty much what Proto said, plus to add, very effective psyops at that. Just look around at everything that is so illogical and makes no sense and we're we're heading. What I really want to know is what makes some people see this and others not.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by Spirit Warrior 11:11

The PTB have stated that it is a fact, Boogieman OBL is dead, this means,...
If he is dead no problems, he cannot come back to hurt us while we slumber in our beds.
If he does pop up,....
So either way he is effectively dead.
I call that a non issue.
Hope it helps.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by g146541

This is an insider with credential better than we'll ever see.

He is saying that OBL is not the boogie man at all. The real one is still out there. OBL was a figure head...a patsy..a puppet..

This is a psyops game. This is how psyops works. They let you THINK one thing is real when it's really something else going on. Wake up. They did this to get us into Vietnam...they do it again and again as long as we let them.
If the insider had not leaked The Pentagon Papers we would never have known. Same story here.

I'm NOT saying to live in fear or scare anyone. Quite the opposite. Just don't think that everything in the world is ok because they 'got' OBL. It's a non-issue. A distraction... the defense and intel business have thought OBL was dead at least since 2004....this guys says even earlier. What do YOU do? Just listen to the mainstream media for your info? Don't you see a problem with that in general? This is not a personal attack. Just look into the facts...then form an opinion. And news agencies are not releasing all the facts...dig deeper and use some logic.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

This is clearly the case. There IS a psyops game being played on the American public....of course there is. Ever since they developed the technique they have been using it...and why not? It works!! Clearly.

They will continue to use it as long as everyone 'believes' there is nothing going on. Why would they not?

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
Thanks for this additional information.

Pretty much what Proto said, plus to add, very effective psyops at that. Just look around at everything that is so illogical and makes no sense and we're we're heading. What I really want to know is what makes some people see this and others not.

This is an unfortunate truth. The old saying is still true "Ignorance is bliss". People can remain in their own paradigms, their very own little reality boxes, and be ignorantly happy. However, your rights AND your money will continue to be stripped away with this belief. It's just like the pan and the frog. Slowly turn up the heat and they never know until they die.

People CHOOSE to remain asleep and ignorant. It's a sad truth but they are choosing it for themselves. Sadly, even the ones who come to this website which has the sole purpose of exposing these realities still wish to remain asleep. Now THAT is an even better AND more disturbing question..."Why people would come to THIS very website and STILL agree with the mainstream media and the 'Official Story' ??" Now that is an absolute baffling question.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by Spirit Warrior 11:11

To attempt to answer that question? They want to know that others feel the way they do (validation) and/or to recruit others to their cause (strength/bravery in numbers)? Maybe they are psyoperatives (intentional or not) or are more susceptible to them? I don't know.

Originally posted by g146541

I didn't do it! I swear!
edit on 5/6/2011 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by AnteBellum
So if this is all true, what are there motives behind such a conspiracy.

What are they trying to gain by all this?
To me it seems like taking the long way around to achieve a simple goal.

I think they used Osama as a reason to preemptively invade countries that allegedly harbors and facilitate terrorists. This is under the 'War on Terrorism' started by Bush. Because of Osama, our armed forces are stronger then ever. Because of Osama, we own Iraq's oil, and Afghanistan's precious metal reserves. I add Iraq because we invaded them under the cover of the War on Terrorism, so no one really had any objections (because we just suffered the loss of thousands at the World Trade Center, we were blood thirsty, no one had any objections).

Now we're preparing our future war with Iran. Accusing them of sponsoring terrorism throughout the world, mainly Hezbollah and Hamas. They're the next target in Bush's War on Terrorism. We're going down the list of the Axis of Evil, North Korea will get their turn too.

This is all part of the 'Bush doctrine'. To eliminate any and every threat to our national security by spreading democracy and using our military power. Iraq, once a super power in the Middle East, is no longer a powerful military nation. Same goes for Libya (Obviously their weapons are obsolete compared to ours, but compared to the average military power of the rest of the world, their T-80's and MiG fighters are a formidable fighting force). It's all planned, for the greater 'American Empire'.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by BiGGz

Originally posted by AnteBellum
So if this is all true, what are there motives behind such a conspiracy.

What are they trying to gain by all this?
To me it seems like taking the long way around to achieve a simple goal.

I think they used Osama as a reason to preemptively invade countries that allegedly harbors and facilitate terrorists. This is under the 'War on Terrorism' started by Bush. Because of Osama, our armed forces are stronger then ever. Because of Osama, we own Iraq's oil, and Afghanistan's precious metal reserves. I add Iraq because we invaded them under the cover of the War on Terrorism, so no one really had any objections (because we just suffered the loss of thousands at the World Trade Center, we were blood thirsty, no one had any objections).

Now we're preparing our future war with Iran. Accusing them of sponsoring terrorism throughout the world, mainly Hezbollah and Hamas. They're the next target in Bush's War on Terrorism. We're going down the list of the Axis of Evil, North Korea will get their turn too.

This is all part of the 'Bush doctrine'. To eliminate any and every threat to our national security by spreading democracy and using our military power. Iraq, once a super power in the Middle East, is no longer a powerful military nation. Same goes for Libya (Obviously their weapons are obsolete compared to ours, but compared to the average military power of the rest of the world, their T-80's and MiG fighters are a formidable fighting force). It's all planned, for the greater 'American Empire'.

This is hopefully sarcasm..

Still. It is incorrect. We ACTUALLY get LESS oil from Iraq NOW than we did BEFORE the war. Does that make sense to you and your logic? It's not about America at all !! It's about the corporations making money FROM the war. OIL ?? Another distraction...

Tell me. Have oil and gas prices gone UP or DOWN? They have gone up....waaaayyy up. ALL prices are relative to that. The recent economic projection has this summer being the worst yet. The rebound effect is about to strike and the high cost of oil is going to make prices on everything in America soar! You have not even seen what will happen to the economy yet. It takes time for those price hikes to get down to the personal level and that is just about to happen.

We also own NOTHING in Afghanistan. No reserves, no natural resources...nothing. What is going on there then truly? The corporations are making a killing by reconstructing that country just like Iraq. More so in Iraq...which is the sole reason we went there in the first place. Afghanistan's main resource....??? Anyone? Drugs. Bottom line.

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