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So, your kids a fatty... BMI = TMI on report cards?

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posted on May, 6 2011 @ 08:59 AM
So everybody is flipping out about the BMI reports going on report cards... My only issue is societies standards for "fit" might differ from that of my own, but seriously...

A lot of parents are f-ing retards and won't do anything about this unless somebody is pointing out the problem.

Will it embarrass the kids? If they are fat, they probably already know!

Personally I think if employers can "not hire" smokers, than fat people/kids should be not allowed fast-food or junk food!

And before you throw medical issues at me, this makes up for like 2% of the problem!!!

You or your kids a fatty cause you feed them crappy food and too much of it!!!

Your thoughts?

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:14 AM
LOL...if they start putting my kid's BMI on his report card, then I shall make my own report card for my kids to send back to the school staff...and perhaps even the people at the school board. There are many overweight, coffee drinking, cigarette smoking unhealthy people in the education profession. I guess if it's fair for them to point it out to my child, I'll point it out to them


posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by sparda4355

pretty much agree totally. i'm not too keen on the part about not allowing fat people certain foods, you should be free to be fat. but being fat is bad, so if we put BMI on report cards and discourage overeating and encourage exercise then that's great. but we need to focus on helping people make better choices on their own. outlawing fast food or crafting laws "against" obesity wouldn't help anything.

on a side note, you'll always have angry fat people who want to be free to be fat. just look at the ridiculous "backlash" against michelle obama's anti-obesity campaign. and beyonce remixed one of her songs and made a video with a bunch of kids about exercise. this is exactly the way i think we should go about anti-obesity education, but you know there will be fat christians who just scream about how it's wrong to have beyonce dancing like that! with those short shorts! in front of the children?! oh, the humanity!

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by Michelle129th
LOL...if they start putting my kid's BMI on his report card, then I shall make my own report card for my kids to send back to the school staff...and perhaps even the people at the school board. There are many overweight, coffee drinking, cigarette smoking unhealthy people in the education profession. I guess if it's fair for them to point it out to my child, I'll point it out to them


is your child obese?

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:19 AM
I think it boils down to too many responsibilities outside of the family which lead the parents into a stream of apathy in regards to their child’s health. Not nearly as many children were “obese” when mothers (or in some instances fathers) stayed home to care for the family while the other parent went to work. Now, both parents work 8, 10, or 12 hours a day. They’re simply too exhausted and too stressed to give their children the proper attention. This is NOT speaking for those who are simply too damn lazy to care one way or another.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:23 AM
When will people realize that BMI is grossly outdated, and doesn't factor in physical build, muscle build, bone structure, etc.? If I were an educator in this school, I would be raising all unholy hell to the administration about this whole thing.

If I were basing my "healthy weight" off of BMI, I would look anorexic. No joke.

This is just another case of a school district overstepping their bounds, when clearly they aren't helping the problem by feeding children sodium-laden, high fat foods every day at lunch. Don't believe me? Stop into your local school and ask for a copy of the school's lunch menu. I guarantee that pizza will show up at least 6 times for the month, as well as chicken nuggets (blended chicken parts with silly putty ingredients as binders), hot dogs, cheeseburgers, and lets not forget the nasty instant mashed potatoes and chicken bits with gravy that go on top. The 'healthy' choices are mostly week old produce that look like they should be thrown in a dumpster or into a compost pile. My dog eats better than that.

This is coming from an educator who has been in the school system for a while, and I would never touch the crap that they are feeding to our kids.

Anyway, back on topic.

I'd first like to see a link to this information, and secondly, like I said when I opened with my statement, it's none of the school's business. If this happens in any district, they are grossly overstepping their bounds, just as many districts have been doing over the past year.

Just my $.02.

Peace be with you.


posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by RicoMarston

I have 3 children, none of them obese. Does that somehow change my post or opinion?


posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by Michelle129th

Agreed, teachers should have to be fit if they intend to encourage kids to do the same! Police, firefighters, anybody who are kids look up to!

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by RicoMarston

Why? If you can't get a job at certain places as a smoker cause health rates go up for non smokers, why should I have to work with fat people? They cause healthcare rates to increase as well!

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by sparda4355
reply to post by RicoMarston

... why should I have to work with fat people? They cause healthcare rates to increase as well!

Care to back up that statement with numbers and figures? I'd be very interested to see how obese people increase healthcare rates.

And just to let you know, I'm not being confrontational. I'm looking for facts.

Peace be with you.


posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:43 AM
Somebody needs to do something about fat children, if their parents aren't willing to.

We have restrictions on children drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes and having sex, because they aren't considered mature enough to make an informed decision to partake in these activities, or because the activities may be harmful to them. Yet, when it comes to unhealthy, fat-oozing food; they are allowed to unrestrictedly stuff their faces with it, and their parents have no legal obligation to feed them any semblance of a healthy diet.

I think that a lot of it is down to some parents just being completely lazy, It's far easier ordering takeaways, going to fast-food shops, and eating pre-packaged meals. If more parents made the effort to cook healthy meals for their children and watch their children's dietary intake then there wouldn't be a child obesity ''epidemic''.

There's nothing wrong with children having junk-food as a treat, but to use it as the staple family meal or ''go to'' food option is just completely irresponsible, neglectful and unfair.

edit on 6-5-2011 by Sherlock Holmes because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:49 AM
There are no BMI reports in my daughter's school....however, I live in a pretty conservative area and this is not something they would ever implement. Also, im in Colorado where everyone is fit and active and outside. With that said, her school (thanks to the principal) has created a fitness type environment where all the teachers wear trainers everyday all day long and all the kids are suppose to wear them every day (rather than other types of shoes) and they have little exercises thruout the day. Every single day, they have a long PE, numerous recesses where they get the kids out doing a walk around the school complex, playing an active game or doing some exercises/stretching/yoga/dancing. The lunch menu is ridiculously healthy
It is absolutely nothing like we had in school. Fruits, veggies, whole grains, etc etc. Although you can still pack your own lunch.
You really do not see ANY fat kids at this school. Not exaggerating at all.....

They never did this when I was in school............way back then

With all that said, I do NOT think schools should be putting BMI on a kid's report card nor should it ever be an issue. Many fat kids grow out of it and well, unfortunately for the kids, it is the parent's responsibility. There is also the stigma that is placed on a child...they have enough crap they have to deal with nowadays...Yeah, I do not support it.
edit on May 6th 2011 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:51 AM
BMI doesn't mean a thing. I'm nearly obese going only by BMI even though my fat % is only around 10%.

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posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by warbird03
BMI doesn't mean a thing. I'm nearly obese going only by BMI even though my fat % is only around 10%.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

I agree. My BMI has always been high...but if you were to look at how im kind of makes sense. Im short, built like a gymnast and put on muscle very easily. I never ever take BMI seriously.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:57 AM
Its for the benefit of the children that are being taught harmful habits. Teaching them bad eating habits that are as harmful as smoking ,drug or, alcohol use is irresponsible and in some cases the kid should be taken away (the 300 pound 8 year olds). Parents don't realise your not a good parent because you spoil your child with Junk food, your a good parent when you deny you child access to harmful products and teach them beneficial behaviours . Here child, have some sucrose cereal for breakfast, have a lunch able for lunch, and here have some chicken nuggets for dinner, don't forget desert.

Now i realise that we are living in and ever faster paced society and a lot of parent don't have the time so they say to prepare healthy foods, but the parent still makes the choice of what they allow in their homes and when they include cookies, chewy candy, chocolate, ice cream and many other junks foods, then the parents are the only ones to blame. This is why i support the the report cards telling parents they have a fat child, most of the parents are probably in bad shape themselves and how long can you go on telling you child you just big boned when its a complete lie.

In the end the BMI will most likely help some families with starting to make better choices in what the eat atleast i hope so

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:59 AM
Well, if there was a new course that would be centered on health...

How to eat better.
What simple exercises will help you to stay healthy all your life.
Educate on the effects of drugs and alcohol.
What sleep deprivation does to you.

Well then! I wouldn't mind having the BMI added to the results because it's one of the factors in health.
This in no way means if you are over your BMI that you are unhealthy. There is no proven medical problem about overweight people if they are not considered obese.

Edit PS : Btw, I am baaaaarely in the BMI...almost under it lol
edit on 6-5-2011 by User8911 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by truthseeker1984

Originally posted by sparda4355
reply to post by RicoMarston

... why should I have to work with fat people? They cause healthcare rates to increase as well!

Care to back up that statement with numbers and figures? I'd be very interested to see how obese people increase healthcare rates.

And just to let you know, I'm not being confrontational. I'm looking for facts.

Peace be with you.


Seriously? I thought this was just common knowledge...

The health problems associated with obesity are numerous. Obesity is not just a cosmetic problem. It's a health hazard. Someone who is 40% overweight is twice as likely to die prematurely as is a normal-weight person. This is because obesity has been linked to several serious medical conditions, including:
Heart disease and stroke.
High blood pressure.
Gallbladder disease and gallstones.
Breathing problems, such as sleep apnea (when a person stops breathing for a short time during sleep) and asthma.
Doctors agree that the more overweight a person is, the more likely he or she is to have health problems. People who are overweight or obese are at  increased risk for chronic disease compared to normal-weight individuals People who are overweight or obese and can gain significant health benefits from losing weight. A person is considered obese if he or she weighs at least 20% more than the maximum healthy weight for his or her height.  Those at greatest risks for overweight/obesity related conditions include:

Source 1 of 999,999,999,987

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by ziccy
Its for the benefit of the children that are being taught harmful habits. Teaching them bad eating habits that are as harmful as smoking ,drug or, alcohol use is irresponsible and in some cases the kid should be taken away (the 300 pound 8 year olds). Parents don't realise your not a good parent because you spoil your child with Junk food, your a good parent when you deny you child access to harmful products and teach them beneficial behaviours . Here child, have some sucrose cereal for breakfast, have a lunch able for lunch, and here have some chicken nuggets for dinner, don't forget desert.

Now i realise that we are living in and ever faster paced society and a lot of parent don't have the time so they say to prepare healthy foods, but the parent still makes the choice of what they allow in their homes and when they include cookies, chewy candy, chocolate, ice cream and many other junks foods, then the parents are the only ones to blame. This is why i support the the report cards telling parents they have a fat child, most of the parents are probably in bad shape themselves and how long can you go on telling you child you just big boned when its a complete lie.

In the end the BMI will most likely help some families with starting to make better choices in what the eat atleast i hope so

I understand what you are saying and agree with most of it.....

I have an ex whom I am still in contact with now and then....who eneded up marrying & produced two kids. The kids are both under 7 and are EXTREMELY fat. Not just cute and chubby....obeese. And pictures of them always show them eating out of a huge bag of chips or cookies or whatever. Everytime I see a new picture of these huge kids I feel seriously sad for them, but also disgust for how the parents are abusing the kids by feeding them so much crap and not getting that unhealthy weight off. (yes I think it is abuse) I just cant believe that parents ever let their children get like that. It is so easy to prevent it. So easy to cause it.

But even with that said.......a school has no business telling a parent how to raise their children. There is no law - yet - saying parents allowing their children to be obese is illegal. And im sure a doctor says something - if the kids are taken to a doctor. But even a doctor cannot force a parent to be a good parent.

So, if a school decides to embarass a child (because that is what will happen) and the parents STILL do nothing about it....what is next? They go home with the kids and stand over their parents making sure they feed them healthy food? Where is the line?

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:06 AM
Something I meant to put in my original post but forgot. I think there are several factors that go into a child being overweight today. Lazy parents are definitely a factor but not THE only factor in my opinion. I grew up with lazy parents that had better things to do than take us to sports, play outside with us or feed us healthy meals. I was not an obese child. Why?

I walked to school everyday. School buses were for extraordinary circumstances, not the norm as they are today.

We had 2 fifteen minute recesses, plus a one hour lunch to play outside. Lunch was 20 mins eating, 40 mins playing. At my kids' school (which I know is not the case everywhere), they have what is called a "balanced day" They get 2 forty minute breaks. 20 mins for eating, 20 for playing outside. That's a total of 40 mins outside time whereas when I was younger we got 70.

We had 45 minutes of gym everyday. My kids only have gym twice a week for 30 minutes.

On top of the 45 mins gym every morning after announcements we did a "health hustle" An in class 15 mins of on the spot exercise (running on the spot, jumping jacks etc). Helped us to move around and get our "sillies" out before learning. There is nothing like this in my kids' school.

There were probably 10 different extra curricular teams you could join after school, baseball, soccer, ringette, lacrosse, swimming etc that added to the physical activity. That was in elementary school....middle and high school had even more opportunities. There are NO extracurricular teams at my children's school currently. The teachers don't want to take on extra "unpaid" duties I guess?

This is just the list that involves the if the school is looking to start monitoring our children's health than perhaps they should look at themselves and see how they are contributing to childhood obesity.

I won't even get started on the fact that we've made our kids terrified of their own bike riding (might hurt yourself), no street hockey (too many cars), can only go to the park with an adult (might get abducted) etc etc etc...when i was a kid we just ran and biked and rollerskated all day long..because we could. This reminds me of a thread recently where a homeowners association was considering banning kids playing outside unless a parent was present....this is where our society is headed...


posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:06 AM

I applaud this step! It is the next step in the moral pushing society we have created for ourselves. You guys attacked/ing us smokers, now that this well is running dry time to start with the fatties

I love it! I love it! I love it!

At first, I thought I would defend your rights like the way my rights were defend...oh wait...that's right! Guess what? Remember that cliche old poem about standing up when folks come to take others away. It's your turn to be taken, and since I have already been handed in I get to enjoy the view. I get to laugh as you folks make the SAME arguments smokers have been making for years.

I have been waiting for this, and though this is just a small step it is a step in the fun direction. (For me, for I love cold dishes and we all know what revenge is.) Sorry to the casulties of war, but I don't remember hearing your voice when I was being hated on either...

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