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EQ in UK Imminent?

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posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:37 AM
I haven't posted for a while, I have been keeping an eye on what's going on here though!

I want to bring to you attention something that has been going on here in the UK.

Market Rasen was the epicentre of the last 'major' EQ that the UK experienced

27 Feb 08 00:56 47.8s 53.404 ° N 0.331 ° W 18.6 km 5.2 ML Market Rasen, Lincolnshire

The largest UK earthquake in over 25 years struck just before 01:00 GMT on 27 February 2008. The epicentre was approximately 4 km north of Market Rasen, but the earthquake was widely felt across England and Wales, with the most distant reports coming from Aberdeen, Truro and Ireland. BGS also received reports of damage to chimneys and masonry over a widespread area. The magnitude of the earthquake is estimated at 5.2 ML, making it the largest earthquake in the UK since a magnitude 5.4 ML earthquake struck the North Wales in 1984, which was also widely felt across England and Wales. Earthquakes of this size occur in the UK roughly every 30 years.

I have been keeping an eye on the above site, and Market Rasen has been showing some huge activity since the 17th April, non-stop, every day. You might also recal that two small'ish EQ's were reported a week apart in the last month, one just outside Blackpool, the other just outside Leigh in Lancs. I think there was a thread here about the Blackpool one with speculation about the Fracking going on off shore in Morcambe Bay.

Please visit the site above and use the drop down menu for places and dates. Unfortunately you can only go back a week. However what I want to draw your attention to is not only what is going on at Market Rasen, But also please check out what is going on in Anglesey (WLF1, Llynfaes). I have a particular interest here as this is where I come from. I can tell you that Anglesey is one of the oldest and most stable geological rocks in the world. But what started happening there 3 days ago startled me and activity has been increasing.

I have had some strange, what some would call 'psychic' experiences over the last few weeks, and this physical evidence on this site started showing up after these experiences which have only served to reinforce what I think is to come.....a major shake in the UK.

Please if anybody can throw any more light on the evidence I am presenting, it would be much appreciated.


posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:39 AM
If we are predicting where the next damaging EQ will be - I'll throw my hat in the ring and suggest Budapest, Hungary.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by ararisq

No, not predicting next EQ, just looking to my own back yard! However, I did predict the Japanese EQ on the Tuesday before it happened (my students could verify this
). My next bet would be, besides the 'little ones' which include California, possibly Alaska....but don't think so...will be in southern Europe which will trigger a major tsunami along the Mediterranean fault. There, stuck my neck out!

No I have posted this in the hope that somebody can look at the charts and give their insights.


posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by ararisq
If we are predicting where the next damaging EQ will be - I'll throw my hat in the ring and suggest Budapest, Hungary.

ill put my oar in and suggest it wont be uk directly but off the coast of greenland/ iceland it'll hit maybe uk and north america /canada with tsunami
edit on 6-5-2011 by wedidgothacked because: link

edit on 6-5-2011 by wedidgothacked because: spelling

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by angelchemuel
I have been keeping an eye on the above site, and Market Rasen has been showing some huge activity since the 17th April, non-stop, every day.

In some other thread we discussed this some days back. My own personal opinion is that this isnt earthquakes at all.
- Nothing at all shows up on the long period traces. To me, this means no earthquake Short period noise is usually man made or weather.
- Nothing shows up on the nearest seismometer - CWF. Again, no earthquake since they DO travel further than most people think.
- I get the same crap on my own seismometer because of its bad positioning. Wind, traffic, people moving about this building etc... It might be a temporary bad setup since the 17th.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 08:05 AM
Just following on from this, over at another unmentionable website, somebody got an email back from the "British Earthquake society" (probably BGS) , which in part reads...

The activity that you have observed on the LMK seismograph is most likely
caused by background noise. Unfortunately, this station is located fairly close
to a railway line that is used for conveying train-loads full of stones.

Now of course the immediate ATS response is to announce conspiracy and coverup, but as I've said before, there a hell of a lot of people around the world, like myself, who own seismometers. They're not that complex really.
Earthquakes cant be covered up. They're like radio waves, they go a long way and anyone can receive them.

Now - who's in the Market Rasen area? Somebody like to find out exactly where this seismometer is positioned?

edit on 6-5-2011 by alfa1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 08:19 AM
Thank you alfa1. I had already checked out the CWF centre, and agree with you that other closer sites should have picked something up. What I am finding interesting though is that when Market Rasen shows large movement, then Stoke and Swindon show activity albeit much smaller at the same time. If you compare the timing with Anglesey's sudden 'jiggles' they occur in the same time frame. Just a ponderance on my part. Also wondering is there some sort of fault line that would run from Market Rasen to say Stoke in particular, or Swindon? If there is, could it be that any disturbance is running along the fault line rather than traditionally in waves from the 'epicentre' i.e. Market Rasen?


PS It shows Market Rasens location on the web site if you hit the something or another button!

edit on 6-5-2011 by angelchemuel because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by alfa1
Now - who's in the Market Rasen area? Somebody like to find out exactly where this seismometer is positioned?

ok, I'll answer my own question.

The station book describes the LMK seismometer as being at
Latitude 53.4573N
Longitude 0.3274W
Station Book

On google maps, this is here...

If you zoom in, you can see what appears to be the grey cover, just like in the photo.
This is nowhere near a railway line, so either the BGS guy is lying, or the station was moved to another location on the 17th and the BGS webpage hasnt been updated.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by alfa1

Hee Hee you beat me to it with the local!! Anyhow, what do you mean the BGS guy is lying or they have moved the station? Did you think it might have been located by a railway line thus causing the readings? Or that BGS chap/chapess is/are not reporting what is going on? I don't pretend to know what the the magnitude or depth of these charts are showing and was hoping somebody here might know how to read them


posted on May, 6 2011 @ 08:28 AM
the measurements were taken by Vibrok, in their head offices in Heanor, on Ilkeston Road, not too far from a railway line (don't know what goes on that line though - freight or passengers), either way, quite a plausable explanation
Vibrock page with siesmograph details
adress of Vibrock

a google maps search for Ilkeston Road, Heanor, shows how it's quite close to a railway line (to the east)

[edit to add]

to clarify here's a quote from the webpage listed

Vibrock Limited’s V901 Seismograph records the Market Rasen Earthquake

Just before 1 am on 27th February 2008 the largest earthquake in the UK for the last 24 years occurred with an epicenter near Market Rasen, Lincolnshire. This quake measured 5.2 on the Richter Scale, was felt as far afield as Scotland, Wales and the South East and was not only felt but also recorded at our Heanor head office location, some 50 miles from the epicenter.

so this would imply that the reading was taken on a machine in their office.

after looking at the location given by earlier poster (alfa1?) - if you zoom out of that location, you can clearly see a railway line to the west, easily within range to be felt by passing heavy freight (imo)

edit on 6-5-2011 by CrastneyJPR because: to add a quote to clarify position of recording equipment

edit on 6-5-2011 by CrastneyJPR because: no reason

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by CrastneyJPR

Thanks Crastney. IMHO, it would have to be one hell of a heavy and never ending freight train, that is still passing through to cause the readings going on at Market Rasen. But also to also being felt in other centres as seismic (if that is what it is?) activity is increasing at various places around the UK....Like Anglesey.


PS I think I am correct in saying that Vibrock is also a private company and not BGS

edit on 6-5-2011 by angelchemuel because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:12 AM
indeed - probably not freight train, just pointing out that it wasn't beyond the realms of possibility to believe that if you weren't prepared to do some checking like us here on ATS are. clearly there's something happening that 'they' don't want us to know about, or maybe it's just continual background movement, that's leading up to something bigger... ?

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:23 AM
I live in south nottinghamshire on the derbyshire boarder and i felt this quake, there is NO way it was a train lol. I will be following this thread with interest

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by CrastneyJPR the uk gets many earth quakes every year but these are only very small tremours , but once in a while we get one that is a bit heavier than normal , and i don,t think that there is any cause for alarm .

i am 62 years old and when i was a child the old folk use to explain these quakes as the old coal mine galleries collapsing , but now we know otherwise . so please do not worry nothing has changed and i don,t believe that any outside influence is causing them .

what used to be a local story is now because of the media and the internet is now a global story .

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by alfa1

This is nowhere near a railway line, so either the BGS guy is lying, or the station was moved to another location on the 17th and the BGS webpage hasnt been updated.

Nope, you are wrong. The seismo is 1.7 km from the nearest railway line and that is close enough to cause interference.

Try zooming out a bit next time.

All I can see on those seismograms are wind signatures, some distant earthquakes passing through, other interference and microseisms. Unfortunately I can't get the waveform file from my normal source as that station is not publicly available in the IRIS DMC. I am working on it however.

The day that interests me is the 4th. That does not look like an earthquake, or series of but could be.

By the way this seismo is on a very sensitive display setting. 200 mV. Compare that to Yellowstone where the are set on 1600 mV often. When comparing you should also look at the long period seismogram, where nothing can be seen. If there was a serious quake here it would show on that.

I am pretty sure this is all local noise.

edit on 6/5/2011 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by angelchemuel

It is hard to say yet whether there will be an increase in Earthquakes in the UK and if we should be concerned about it. However what is suspicious is the fact that last year the Police and other governent departments were involved in an emergency drill in case the UK was hit by a large earthquake.

The drill cost a lot of money at a time when everyone is involved in cut backs, and when you consider that there have only been less than a handful of deaths in the UK in the last thousand years due to earthquakes you can only wonder if those in charge know more that they are telling the rest of the population.

edit on 6-5-2011 by keldas because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-5-2011 by keldas because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:36 PM

Cor blimmey!!

I go away foer a meditation, and make the kids tea, and I come back to all this so quickly. Thank you one and all. I would like to reply to each of you, here goes:

wedidgothacked : That would be the Atlantic fault you are talking about perhaps? I feel that once the Mediterranean one goes it will set off the Atlantic fault, and that will be the Mother of all tsunamis!


: I have done some checking, and this is why I posted. Before the 17th April Market Rasen was showing basically nothing, since then a daily 'something'!


: What quake?


: Evening sir. Yes we do get small quakes that we don't even feel most of the time. However, on this occasion the charts speak for themselves- something is upsetting them. Fore warned is fore armed as they say!


: Hello! I have seen your postings on other threads and always found them very interesting, and thus value your opinion. I was hoping, and then was very pleased that you spotted my humble first posting and felt it at least deserved your attention, thank you. However, I would like to point out that before 17th April, Market Rasen was as quiet as a church mouse, but since then it has been going silly constantly. I cannot agree on wind signatures as I have already had a look at the weather reports for the area. As to passing EQ's, I had tried to look for an Irish web site similar to BGS, to perhaps see if there was something happening in your neck of the woods to affecr Anglesey's activity (and on going) in the last 3 days. Perhaps you could point me in the right direction of an Irish BGS equivalent please?
Slightly off topic, can you explain if seismo's are set at different sensitivities, how then do they ratify the readings accross the world so that a 5.0 means the same thing everywhere? I am probably being dense at this juncture! Lol!
I am looking forward to your findings concerning the 4th. Thank you for taking the time.
Could you have a quick peek at Anglesey over the last 3 days please? I would very much appreciate it.


: yes, and this year they did one for tsunami's and tidal surges. Funny how Bolton I think it was (maybe Bury) had some of the rescue services dressed in nuclear fall out gear, and the drill was even set up with showers to decontaminate a 150 people in one hour. But I digress from my own posting!

Thank you all very much. This is my first thread/posting here. I have only been 'allowed' to add comments up till now. I do hope my instincts will be wrong when I look at these charts. But I don't believe they are, my instinct has never let me down in the past.

Many many rainbows to you all

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by ararisq
If we are predicting where the next damaging EQ will be - I'll throw my hat in the ring and suggest Budapest, Hungary.

Hungary is a EQ free zone. Although Hungary had a 4.9 back in February, but that's very rare. One 4.9 is usually happening in every 20-35 years... So if your prediction is true, the next one will be minimum 20 years later. Hungary is one of the last countries which will ever see a damaging EQ (That's why so many wants to conquer our country so desperate as it's a safe haven. It's an excellent place to survive. And it's still our home and its always will be.).
edit on 6-5-2011 by Sentinel412 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by PuterMan
reply to post by alfa1

This is nowhere near a railway line, so either the BGS guy is lying, or the station was moved to another location on the 17th and the BGS webpage hasnt been updated.

Nope, you are wrong. The seismo is 1.7 km from the nearest railway line and that is close enough to cause interference.

Try zooming out a bit next time.

All I can see on those seismograms are wind signatures, some distant earthquakes passing through, other interference and microseisms. Unfortunately I can't get the waveform file from my normal source as that station is not publicly available in the IRIS DMC. I am working on it however.

The day that interests me is the 4th. That does not look like an earthquake, or series of but could be.

By the way this seismo is on a very sensitive display setting. 200 mV. Compare that to Yellowstone where the are set on 1600 mV often. When comparing you should also look at the long period seismogram, where nothing can be seen. If there was a serious quake here it would show on that.

I am pretty sure this is all local noise.

edit on 6/5/2011 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

Sorry Puterman, and i know you are highly thought of here ...BUT, if that was the case then there would be seizmic action and big quakes every day !
Regardless if there is a train station near by ??

The UK IS getting more quakes lately, PLUS the chemtrailing has been stepped up...yes i know alot of you dont believe in it but you have to see it to believe it !!

No dis-respect to the USA but sometimes try to see what were going through in the UK, dont get me wrong, we love you guys and we will always have your back, but sometimes, just sometimes, see whats going on OUTSIDE of the USA...We have always been there for you. The UK is up # streek at the moment and most of us are freaking out about it...and maybe screaming HELP !!!

With everything going on around the world, and the UK being on Nuke aleart its prety dangerous stuff right now...

peace to the world x

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 08:02 PM
The chance of a significant earthquake event in the UK is (er) nil. The UK is not on any significant fault lines. It is just the way it is. The last earthquake to get a mention in the press cracked a chimney pot and a dog was reported to have barked "very loudly".

Earthquakes happen all the time. The earth moves. Destructive earthquakes happen on fault lines.


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