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Al Qaeda Confirms Osama Bin Laden's Death!

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+2 more 
posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:30 AM
Breaking News 1:34pm UK, Friday May 06, 2011 Al Qaeda Confirms Osama Bin Laden's Death

I have been wondering when this would happen, its just breaking now but apparently Al’Qa’ida have confirmed that Osama Bin Laden is dead. I will post more as more information becomes available.

Your thoughts?

edit on 6-5-2011 by kevinunknown because: (no reason given)

+26 more 
posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by kevinunknown

Is it not Al Qaeda working for the CIA in Lybia?

Well would you look at that! Unless i see his head on a pike i wont believe a word from anyone else and neither should you. This news would mean more if it was the Taliban not Al Qaeda.

Sorry i have to point out, WE ARE ARMING THESE REBELS that in effect is killing our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Americans you need to wake up fast and read between the lines theses wars are con's.
edit on 6-5-2011 by michaelmcclen because: elaborated

+4 more 
posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:37 AM
Yes i just seen this on BBC news. Starting to believe now that he was killed a few days ago.

We can now look forward to all the BS threads on this being a conspiracy to.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:38 AM
My thoughts are complicated and many.

The night I heard about it a load was lifted
and I went to my friends house and said
"Let's drink beer. Osama is dead."

Then I watched ATS descend into a rash of OBL threads
like some kind of yeast infection.

This headline reads to me like it's saying
"We don't believe our own president until the enemy confirms his statements."

But that doesn't bother me.
Not at all.
I think it's good medicine for our Government to find itself not getting a free pass on anything they say.

And even better I really dig what it's doing to the rest of the world.

From what I understand many people of the middle east are pointing to conspiracy web sites in America and saying, "see, the US did 9/11, it's all a conspiracy." This makes me lol. So which is it. Is suicide bombing a brilliant difficult to fight technique developed by eastern terrorists, or is it all an American plot. I can see the recruitment posters now. "Join the Mujahadeen, and die for America's political advantage."

It warms me to think that our open society,
with it's volitile free opinions,
are inducing schizophrenia in the closed repressive cultures of the world.

David Grouchy
edit on 6-5-2011 by davidgrouchy because: (no reason given)

+22 more 
posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:39 AM
I believe not a word of this. Al-CIAda can "claim" all they want that he is dead. This whole thing wreaks of sh*t. Unless they dump his body on my front lawn I'm not buying it.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by michaelmcclen

I had a debate with some else about the CIA and Al’Qa’ida working together in Libya. All I will say is that I don’t believe it however it is not the purpose of this thread to discuss this issue but if you have a thread on it please direct me to it and I will happily explain why I am sceptical about that story. This thread is about the death of OBL and I would like to keep it that way

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by CharterZZ
Yes i just seen this on BBC news. Starting to believe now that he was killed a few days ago.

We can now look forward to all the BS threads on this being a conspiracy to.

Me too my suspicions are slowly being lifted, although I would still appreciate a pic, but I am willing to believe that Osama was killed in the raid.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by kevinunknown
reply to post by michaelmcclen

I had a debate with some else about the CIA and Al’Qa’ida working together in Libya. All I will say is that I don’t believe it however it is not the purpose of this thread to discuss this issue but if you have a thread on it please direct me to it and I will happily explain why I am sceptical about that story. This thread is about the death of OBL and I would like to keep it that way

Even if they are not working hand in hand the CIA is arming the rebels which as i said in an earlier post contains Al Qaida, so in effect the American government is amring what they call enemys of their state.

It all Stinks of BS

What I forgot to mention is that the BBC as you know is state controlled and the Chief ex is hand picked by the prime minister of the UK. Never believe the MSM look at how they lied through their teeth thus far on the killing.
edit on 6-5-2011 by michaelmcclen because: elaborated

+15 more 
posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by IamAbeliever

I bet you would believe it If they said he was still alive though. Some people on ATS only believe what they want to believe or news sources that back up their beliefs

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by kevinunknown
Your thoughts?

Yeah sure, try to educate yourself away from the BS that is spoon fed to you by the corrupt and dishonest main stream media outlets....

Try looking past the end of your nose for truth and answers....Look the other way...within...for even greater truths...

edit on 6-5-2011 by de1111codEiT because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by michaelmcclen

Ok please go create a thread about how Al’Qa’ida and the CIA are working together in Libya so we can debate that on a appropriate thread. This thread is about Al’Qa’ida confirming the death of OBL I really want to keep on-topic. I appreciate that you may think this is important, if you think it is that important got make a thread about it and PM me the link and I will happily discuss it with you.

+6 more 
posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by kevinunknown
reply to post by IamAbeliever

I bet you would believe it If they said he was still alive though. Some people on ATS only believe what they want to believe or news sources that back up their beliefs

Nope. I have believed that he was killed years ago. I don't think he was killed on May 1st, I don't believe he had anything to do with 9/11, and I don't believe that Al-Qaeda even exists.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by de1111codEiT

The video is of Jason Burke, I have been following him on twitter since the OBL story broke, if you want the facts of OBL you could do a lot worse than to follow this mans tweets. He firmly believes OBL is dead and was killed on May the 1st. That is an interesting video though, but in no way suggests obama was already dead

Here read his article in the Guardian about the top 10 Bin Laden myths.

1. Osama bin Laden was 'created' by the CIA

He did not receive any direct funding or training from the US during the 1980s. Nor did his followers. The Afghan mujahideen, via Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency, received large amounts of both. Some bled to the Arabs fighting the Soviets but nothing significant.

edit on 6-5-2011 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr

Originally posted by CharterZZ
Yes i just seen this on BBC news. Starting to believe now that he was killed a few days ago.

We can now look forward to all the BS threads on this being a conspiracy to.

Me too my suspicions are slowly being lifted, although I would still appreciate a pic, but I am willing to believe that Osama was killed in the raid.

At first I was skeptical. Now that both Pakistan and AQ have confirmed, I see little room for doubt. Also, his wife and daughter are confirming the event. IMO, there's no conspiracy here. OBL was killed as is being reported around the world.

Next theory?

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by IamAbeliever

Then you should change your name to IamAdis-believer. LOL!

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by kevinunknown

If i dont see a body i dont believe he's dead same as i cant be found guilty in a court with no evidence.

When your up in court you can not be found guilty without evidence (UK). With your logic the courts shouldent need evidence to put you away behind bars because a higher power said you where guilty? This is just the same as taking the MSM word for his death, they claim he's dead but have they seen any evidence?

Im not trying to start an arguement but the way you are wording your posts is leaving the topic up for debate.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by kevinunknown

This thread is about Al’Qa’ida confirming the death of OBL I really want to keep on-topic.

Nothing against your comment OP but I am not to sure what's there to talk about unless you take a look at the surrounding factors associated with Al'Qa'ida..........

If you want to stay on "TOPIC"...........Please give your opinion in your opening post............Then we can debate...

edit on 6-5-2011 by Cloudsinthesky because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by de1111codEiT

Go read Burkes on Al’Qa’ida and you will get his words in contest and with that understand that he did believe Al’Qa’ida exists and that he argues is even more dangerous in some regards than governments and media outlets would argue. That whole video is out of contest and should only be viewed in the context of his other writings. Like someone said above if you follow his tweets you would see he believes OBL was killed on mayday.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by IamAbeliever

Nope. I have believed that he was killed years ago. I don't think he was killed on May 1st, I don't believe he had anything to do with 9/11, and I don't believe that Al-Qaeda even exists.

You already said that.
Look fool, saying it twice doesn't make it more persuasive.

Here are my facts.
I helped to support and raise funds for the Afgan Freedom Fighters in 1983,
by copying a flyer with a phone number and address to send money too that
had as it's center picture a large man called Osama Bin Laden on it with an AK-47.
The flyer was taken directly out of a mercenary magazine that was availiable in any circle-K in the US.

After Russia left Afganistan,
it was discovered that Osama had set up a database
with a primitive computer where every volunteer had their
personal name, home, and nearest relative entered into it.
You know, incase they died, they could notify the family and not be lost in action.
This primitive data base was called Al’Qa’ida.

That's it. Nothing more.

Basically he got away with a list of clients who were willing to kill for Islam in any country, and who melted back into their regular lives.

But as to Osama's fate.


He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.

Any questions?

David Grouchy
edit on 6-5-2011 by davidgrouchy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:57 AM

Never believe the MSM look at how they lied through their teeth thus far on the killing.

Not so fast. There have been multiple historical conspiracies uncovered by the MSM. It would be smarter to think critically on anything that is reported.

Don't throw out the baby with the bath water.....

edit on 6-5-2011 by Mike.Ockizard because: (no reason given)

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