posted on May, 6 2011 @ 07:01 AM
I watched last night and I was not too impressed with any of the candidates. Though a good idea or two may have been tossed out, those ideas were pipe
dreams (i.e., Paul's desire to legalize drugs, Cain's 23% sales tax plan)
Ron Paul - Was the best of the night, still is a poor speaker. Probably too radical for mainstream America.
Gary Johnson - Soft spoken, nice guy, but did not come across as having strong leadership skills
Cain - Has a 3-point plan for everything...the same 3-point plan. He is not a Washington insider, but most of his thoughts lacked real substance.
Santorum - Holier than thou, you can have liberties so long as they are in line with my beliefs, little substance and no originality. (Worst of the
night by leaps and bounds)
Pawlenty- Consistently went over his allotted time which was annoying, dodged questions, very robotic in his movement (a la Al Gore), lacked
originality or original thought.
After watching this debate, I don't see any of these guys getting the Republican nomination. But what do I know...I'm not a Republican. Just an