IRT (in reference to) that loud humming noise heard all over the South/Southeast US, it looks like this might be a good possible explanation wouldn't
you say?
"Here's Your Mystery Rumble, Folks. NASA's GIANT Cloud Machine in MS - BBC Special"
I mean don't get me wrong, I want to believe as much as the next person and considering that my very own wife had her first and only UFO sighting in
San Diego, CA in April 2010....I am pretty much convinced that there is SOMETHING out there. However, in the ongoing effort to deny ignorance I came
across that video and well it IMO presented a very good case as to what those "mystery humming noises" that so many people had heard a few months
Originally posted by Newbomb Turk
IRT (in reference to) that loud humming noise heard all over the South/Southeast US, it looks like this might be a good possible explanation wouldn't
you say?
"Here's Your Mystery Rumble, Folks. NASA's GIANT Cloud Machine in MS - BBC Special"
I mean don't get me wrong, I want to believe as much as the next person and considering that my very own wife had her first and only UFO sighting in
San Diego, CA in April 2010....I am pretty much convinced that there is SOMETHING out there. However, in the ongoing effort to deny ignorance I came
across that video and well it IMO presented a very good case as to what those "mystery humming noises" that so many people had heard a few months
No, this isn't the explanation. It is a HUGE stretch of the imagination to say that this accounts for the noise. That rumbling, BTW, is occurring all
over the world, not just the south. Besides, there are so many reasons this would not account for the noise...first, sound like that created by this
facility would dissipate the farther away you get. The video says that everyone moved away. Sure, you might hear it in the distance, but you could
tell that the source of the sound is far away. The reports, on the other hand, usually say that the sound seems to be right there, above them or very
close. And it is very loud, not typical of the sound created by something far away. Also, I don't know how many installations there are like the one
in the video but there aren't that many. Likely only the one shown. If that is the case, how do you explain the rumbling in California or England?
Not this way, that's certain. Theories like this don't "deny ignorance" - they encourage it by looking for ANYTHING that might have a similarity
in some, weak-linked way and proclaiming "here's the answer." It's basically intellectual dishonesty. We should accept the fact that we cannot
explain everything and thus, that there is simply no explanation for some mysteries given our sad state of knowledge. We just don't have all the
answers, not even hidden ones.
Just a to, using "RE:"(...regarding) would probably be better and less potentially confusing than using "IRT"( reference to) which is not as
commonly used.
First off...the video in the OP is courtesy of sheilaaliens and when I once inadvertently posted a vid from her, nearly got run off ATS!!
Secondly....that sound is not like all the videos posted that I heard. Not at all. Also, can you explain how this ' cloud machine' is moved 1000's
of miles to different locations?
Well, it would help if you could reference a specific rumbling event. There have been a few reported to small news stations in various regions
in the US (probably elsewhere too) as Visiting ESB said. Also, the video you posted was filmed at NASA John C. Stennis Space Center apparently, in
south Mississippi. One area that had the highest number of reports was Florida during this event
and this small article here a few days
later and some 190 odd miles to the east.
Hope that helps - also the flash in that one video...
is no one alarmed by the fact that this is so close to the Mississippi ? they are making clouds, this really needs to be looked at. We are all aware
of HAARP, we are also well aware of the its alleged ability to move weather systems, So wouldn't it be a fair argument that NASA is making these
clouds and HAARP could be placing them....look at whats happening around the New Madrid...
I was just watching a video series and was onto the second video when the cloud machine and the mysterious earth sounds were mentioned. The creator of
the video also links what Michio Kaku stated about the different levels of alien civilizations and how one of them is supposed to be able to control
the weather. The cloud machine is also compared to the video in Florida where the family thought a tornado was getting ready to bear down on them.
Anyways, I thought it was interesting, made sense, and wanted to share it here. Enjoy!