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Army Research Laboratory Document Describes 3-D Holographic Imaging / Means to Project Holographic I

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posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:40 PM

Has anyone else read this 1998 document? It talks about hos Strontium, Barium, and Niobate can be used to help create Holographic Imaging. This would lend some credence to the Project Blue Beam theory, that a fake alien invasion is going to be staged so that a New World Order can be established. Can someone take a look at this document and let me know if they have heard of the ARL, and if this document has veracity? Also, can Chem-Trails and Nuke-Fallout create Strontium, Barium, and Niobate and the right environment for creating holographic images?




(sourced from

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by Andelise

I'm new here, but I'm gonna go ahead and say, thanks for posting because I for sure wasn't gonna find this!

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:47 PM
There has been an existing threads on this one...

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by Andelise

Nope, it doesn't.

Army Research Laboratory Document Describes 3-D Holographic Imaging / Means to Project Holographic

Is not going to happen, (in the intent of the OP) as can be seen by reading the sourced material.

Once again, since this had been explained, in another thread, but apparently ignored?

It is fantasy, and spurred by ridiculous other online "sources" that simply have no concept of what they are writing about. The "11:11codeblogspot" is a load of rubbish......plain to see, if you bother to apply some rational thought and science to it.

"Holographic" projections will, someday, become commonplace....but not in the way imagined by those paranoid bloggers. SO far, for controlled environments. But, they are very obviously holograms, and not "real".

"Blue Beam" is yet another of their imaginative concoctions. Why are people fooled by this crap so easily??

Why do they never stop to realize that, as fantasized, "Blue Beam" won't work for one simple reason: SOUND!! As in, the absence of.....nobody would be "fooled" in any way....sheesh, people think they see "alien spaceships" every day (just look on YouTube, at the silly videos they post) and NO ONE has "panicked" the concept for this non-existent scheme tries to postulate.

The document, and inventions in that Army Research Lab info are for the development of better types of displays....leading, likely, to future televisions and computer monitor screens, someday after it trickles down to civilian markets.....The device still needs a CRYSTAL matrix, and has a limited range.

And, this question was already answered to you, in the other thread:

Also, can Chem-Trails and Nuke-Fallout create Strontium, Barium, and Niobate and the right environment for creating holographic images?

The SBN matrix of chemicals must be in a lattice, in a crystal formation....NOT spread out thinly (not even possible to do, anyhow) in the atmosphere!
edit on 6 May 2011 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:18 AM
I wonder if they look as cool as this

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by Andelise

Nope, it doesn't.

Army Research Laboratory Document Describes 3-D Holographic Imaging / Means to Project Holographic

Is not going to happen, (in the intent of the OP) as can be seen by reading the sourced material.

Once again, since this had been explained, in another thread, but apparently ignored?

It is fantasy, and spurred by ridiculous other online "sources" that simply have no concept of what they are writing about. The "11:11codeblogspot" is a load of rubbish......plain to see, if you bother to apply some rational thought and science to it.

"Holographic" projections will, someday, become commonplace....but not in the way imagined by those paranoid bloggers. SO far, for controlled environments. But, they are very obviously holograms, and not "real".

"Blue Beam" is yet another of their imaginative concoctions. Why are people fooled by this crap so easily??

Why do they never stop to realize that, as fantasized, "Blue Beam" won't work for one simple reason: SOUND!! As in, the absence of.....nobody would be "fooled" in any way....sheesh, people think they see "alien spaceships" every day (just look on YouTube, at the silly videos they post) and NO ONE has "panicked" the concept for this non-existent scheme tries to postulate.

The document, and inventions in that Army Research Lab info are for the development of better types of displays....leading, likely, to future televisions and computer monitor screens, someday after it trickles down to civilian markets.....The device still needs a CRYSTAL matrix, and has a limited range.

And, this question was already answered to you, in the other thread:

Also, can Chem-Trails and Nuke-Fallout create Strontium, Barium, and Niobate and the right environment for creating holographic images?

The SBN matrix of chemicals must be in a lattice, in a crystal formation....NOT spread out thinly (not even possible to do, anyhow) in the atmosphere!
edit on 6 May 2011 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)

I have to agree with you on this. People want to believe the Blue Beam crap so badly that they'll look for anything that says "hologram" and latch on to it. Some, knowing that most will not read or understand the document, wlll post it to lend credibility to the Blue Beam hoax and count on the fact that no one will read it. But, if you read it, it looks as though the display needs a crystal and an eyepiece to view the projection.

Not to mention the whole idea of Blue Beam started with an old Star Trek episde. The idea is taken directly from that particular episode but too many think it's the gospel truth...

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 11:23 AM
Thanks, everybody. As I like to get multiple viewpoints, not just one (thanks just the same, WW), I hoped I would get more feedback on this forum, and I did. I did look for that other thread prior to my post yesterday and had trouble finding it. If someone knows the link to that and can forward, I would appreciate it.

With that said, there is evidence pointing to black ops activity using the EISCAT facilities. If you study the blue spiral over norway material on that 1111awakening blog, you can clearly see a beam projecting from the ground. It obviously was a test, termed "Tequila Sunrise" - Not some sort of "shift" into a lighter solar system due to solar flares etc. I mean if you want to say something is full of crap, WW, why don't you look at what supposedly respected (quantum) scientists like David Sereda are saying about the Blue Spiral and other supposed ufo acitivity. Now that is crazy talk, in my opinion.

I am far more able to believe there are black ops going on that relate to these supposed benign HAARP facilities than I am likely to believe we are all having a DNA awakening as we hop and skip along into the dawning new age of the frickin' aquarius. I mean, come on! Anyone else with me here? -Ande

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 11:27 AM
BTW, to make it easier on all of you, here is the link that has a few videos discussing the Blue Spiral Over Norway, and "Tequila Sunrise," and the technology that makes such projection possible, using ELF waves.

You might also refer to Nick Begitch, Jr's book: "Angel's Don't Play This HAARP" - which discusses the other less benign workings of HAARP and EISCAT facilities and ELF-waves in particular.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 11:32 AM
Oh, and one last thing: I have been observing this ATS site and its forums for awhile. I see all kinds of unsupported hogwash posted here all the time, most of which has far less support than what the 1111 awakening guy has on his blog (the reality of Tequila Sunrise black ops testing in Norway being a case in point). But anytime I even mention Project Blue Beam, it is dismissed out of hand. This seems close-minded to me, and I wonder how many of you have bothered to really look at what is out there on this subject. I am not saying I agree with all of the supposed "agenda" of PBB, but certain things need explaining here, such as the fact that during the Phoenix Lights sky anomaly in AZ, several witnesses noticed a red beam and a triangular image that appeared to be a holographic projection. This was also seen in Mexico City during that big UFO sighting. All of this stuff is conveniently located on that 1111 awakening blog. I don't understand why nobody here seems to even want to talk about the possibility that more is going on with these EISCAT / HAARP facilities than is being admitted to, even on this ATS site. I remain confused. - Ande

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by Brotherman

To Brotherman: TOTALLY COOL!!!

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

To WW: You are telling me sound could not be produced as part of the projection process? Or, how about this one? "They" (whoever is orchestrating this) rely on people like David Sereda and his theory, and try to convince everybody that the "aliens" exist in a different dimension, thereby being "transparent" and also not making sound because they are in another (5th, 9th, who cares?) dimension? I mean, with the crap that Sereda and his gang put out there, there are a few who would believe that - Just go online and look at what the 1111 awakening code people are saying about all of this. Once we start talking about Modern Physics and those type of hypothesis, people will be open to believing weirder stuff than was ever shown on any of the Star Trek series!

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:51 PM
Why don't you ask the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army?

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by VegaCloud

ER, gee, Vegacloud, could you expand on your suggestion? It is a bit nebulous. Last I knew, this was Above Top Secret. This implies we are discussing possible above top secret (black ops) things. I highly doubt that I will get my questions answered in a transparent way by asking the official you reference. What's up with that?

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 02:48 PM
Yeah, but inquiring minds want to know:

Can it project a believable holographic image of Bin Laden's dead body?

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by SphinxMontreal

HA! Now that is the million dollar question of the day!

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by Andelise

That video about tequila sunrise is awesome, I just watched it. I like the science involved in vortex pluralism and similar vortex-based and string theory-based ideas. It was on a different thread but I just happened across it an hour ago. I'll imbed it here if I can.

I find it funny that some people fight adamantly against the idea that Project Blue Beam exists. What we can make now is obviously a hologram and fake... WHY would that prove it can't get more realistic in the future?? Just seems ignorant to me... like saying all we have now is a one-stroke lawnmower/weedwhacker engine but could turn it into a formula one car without much work. The idea is obviously sound.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by awakenone
There has been an existing threads on this one...

this is worthless unless you provide a link to it, or at very least a title.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by Thermo Klein

Oh, praise be, you are a breath of fresh air. Speaking of Weedwhackers: A guy with that same handle whacks everything I attempt to convey about PBB. I cannot believe the close-mindedness of some people here. His argument was that there would not be sound. I do hope you saw my rather spirited reply in return to his obviously short-sighted and faulty logic...(smirk).

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by Thermo Klein

Yes, my thoughts exactly, Thermo. I in fact searched for a thread that included this document that I found on that blog (from the Army Research Lab) but I did not find one. Then I get this smarmy and unhelpful reply that a thread was in existence. I ask for the link, and get nothing in return. Okay, people, show me the thread. I am sure it exists, but I cannot find it. Thanks Ever So. - Andelise

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by Thermo Klein

Oh yeah, and that video rocks, huh? I found lots of great videos on that 1111awakening blog I referenced. And the document shown was originally sourced by an ATS person here! But nobody lately seems to be mentioning it, despite the increased incidents of Sky Anomalies being filmed around the world, which that Alien Disclosure site dutifully posts.

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