posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:44 PM
It is true that FEMA and local agencies have assets in the area around the New Madrid Seismic Zone for the NLE11 exercise. NLE 11 is National Level
Exercise 2011, which is to be conducted on May 15, 2011. Not sure if they will work it as intended with the flooding.
The MSM is sorely lacking, I have almost given up trying to find information in East Arkansas, but I can't give-up. I have found Facebook to be the
most efficient way of spreading information (credible,) by photos and videos. The Cell Phone is the greatest asset civilian journalists have to share
information quickly. We have to stress this over and over. The media isn't doing enough, so we have to step-up and fill the gap.
Just trying to find information about an area is maddening. Finding aerial maps or photos is seemingly difficult and it is unknown why. Some feel as
if the information is censored. There is no mention of it on YouTube. There is one aerial video from May 2, 2011, but I refuse to believe it's not
there. Either the search terms are incorrect or it's being censored in some way. It's just not there.
The best tools we have are our eyes and ears. Use the technology and common sense. Just keep your eyes open and too much information is better than
none at all. Post, video, and photograph everything you see which might be out of the ordinary. If this all gets beyond what it is now, we'll just
have to stop for a bit and realize that what is required is to just get out there and do it. When we see the truth, and it doesn't reconcile with
what MSM is showing, then we know we have been censored or lied-to, all along. I hope this isn't the case, but I have little patience and won't
give benefit of the doubt to a MSM and Gov't that have perpetually skewed the truth or presented a biased version of the truth for so long, who knows
they might believe their own versions, but I can see through their muddy waters as clearly as air.