posted on May, 6 2011 @ 02:25 AM
Bill, while I like the idea of the survey (and I took it), some of the questions could still benefit from a bit more thought. For example, being
married and having children can be exclusive events: one does not have to connect to the other.
Is there a "not in a partner relationship but have
children" option? I don't recall it, so my apologies if there is. Also, some of us are at the age where we have children but they are not dependent on
us... People with "adult children" is also a useful demographic, because our spending priorities are often very different.
I rated the glossy magazine very low for several reasons, one of the main ones being that to make it work you'd probably need at least 70% of the
pages devoted to advertising. However, if you were to produce a
journal, that might be a different matter. People who buy journals (like Natl.
Geographic, for example) tend to keep them for long periods. This increases their value for potential advertisers and can also therefore reduce the
total amount of ads required. (NG runs around 8 to 10% ads.) If there was a way to set up a separate entity (as an NFP foundation) that produced the
journal, I think it might be attractive to more members.
Did anyone proof-read the survey before it was released? If so, could it be done again? I was a bit dismayed to see errors in it.
edit on 6/5/11 by JustMike because: nvm