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14 Signs That The Collapse Of Our Modern World Has Already Begun.

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posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:36 PM
Good post,good read it's a shame our world is like this.It seems like there is no way to turn it around
i take it they win and we lose.And our children lose as well.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:06 PM
Excellent post, OP, thank you for sharing this. It really touches on many different subjects.

I can think of quite a few more items to add to the list, but I don't think that would really be needed. It is clear that the degradation is picking up speed and should be undeniable to any who are paying attention. Great changes are indeed coming, but that does not necessarily have to be a bad thing. The current system and way of doing things is beyond broken, and the sooner it is relegated to history, the better off we will all be. That is my hope, anyway, but I try to maintain positivity through turmoil.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by dreams n chains

Absolutely, it truly amazes me when I contemplate and experience the "zombiefication" which seems to emanate from the very core of the beings which surround me (I'm not sure if I should refer to them as humans anymore). This could not have been a gradual devolution of values and intelligence could it? If it was then I am truly ashamed for not having noticed it until recent years. Perhaps I was just born into this world with enough level-headed individuals around me that I gained a different perspective.

There are rare instances when I will begin a conversation with another individual about the destructive pattern of the planet's inhabitants. I swear their reaction usually is something in the range of "meh."

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:52 PM
Good points. Btw, it's December 21, 2012 and not December 23, 2012. You didn't mention what will happen after December 21, 2012. December 21, 2012 is the culmination of ascension. We would have ascended to 5th dimension by that time and we will finally graduate from 3rd density experience of duality, just like what we are experiencing now. So do not fear the future but instead look forward to it. Live your life in love and spread your love to everyone. That is how we are supposed to live in the first place.
edit on 5-5-2011 by wavemaker because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:31 AM
We are all still focusing on the effects and not the cause.

Saying "THEY" are doing it is letting yourself off the hook.

Dolphins and whales that wash up on the shore are so toxic that they cannot be placed in your local refuse dump. That was a fact 40 years ago!!!! Why do you think there are so many cancers in the developed world.

It is estimated every Killer whale aborts its first born as the accumulated body fats are transferred to unborn the fetus.

The proportion of misgarriges in women skyrocketed in the last 40 years.

We as a species have yet to define what it means to be HUMAN.

Is it any wonder we are compelled to say "they" are doing it.


Until we stop blaming and start taking responsibility it will not change. You will not change. They will not change and we will not change.

What is the cause???

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by subtopia

well said!

We are the cause, and if we all take steps, the house of cards will fall and we can begin living again.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by wavemaker
Good points. Btw, it's December 21, 2012 and not December 23, 2012. You didn't mention what will happen after December 21, 2012. December 21, 2012 is the culmination of ascension. We would have ascended to 5th dimension by that time and we will finally graduate from 3rd density experience of duality, just like what we are experiencing now. So do not fear the future but instead look forward to it. Live your life in love and spread your love to everyone. That is how we are supposed to live in the first place.
edit on 5-5-2011 by wavemaker because: (no reason given)

I think most intelligent and civilized people would agree with you. But unfortunately, at least in the human race as we know it today, will always be those who will live their lives to make sure everyone elses way of life is destroyed, or do a good job of making it hell. Or there will always be a government or "conspiracy group" around to make sure bad guys always exist whether real or not. Unfortunately, I don't think we, the human race, as a whole, have grown enough intelligently to live in peace with one another. Love is defined in many ways, and some take it more seriously than others, sometimes to the extreme. As much as I want to believe we can live in peace with one another, I just don't see it happening in my lifetime and that truly is a damn shame.

EDIT: BTW you are correct on your IS December 21, 2012.
edit on 6-5-2011 by DragonFire1024 because: agree with date correction

edit on 6-5-2011 by DragonFire1024 because: spelling

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:14 AM
You've missed more important ones actually that had begun before any you mentioned.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:27 AM
Yes but would this collapse leave us going backwards or forwards? If the whole world happened to go through this, the new tech hidden from us would HAVE to come out to SAVE humanity. I don't see the people who run this world staying alive by themselves and doing all the work such as farming, maintenance of electronics, heck even I.T work. Could you imagine some Billionaire trying to fix his OWN computer? They don't even fix their own kids - straight to the psychologist if Little Jimmy is upset.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:38 AM
Another problem is heavy usage of synthetic fertilizers which contaminate not only surface water but also natural filtering system. Substrata is now in many areas saturated by nitrates and other pollutants - more then 60% of wells in Czech republic are now unusable as drinking water source because nitrates pollution, other wells are destroyed by different pollutants. If we stop overusing fertilizers now, it will take another 60-100 years to wash out nitrates from substrata.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 02:30 AM
good post

keep on tracking new signs

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 02:44 AM
Change is neither good or bad. It is simply a function of the universe we live in. All good things must come to an end. And this is certainly the end. People will indeed be talking about this era with wonder as to how humanity could have been this insane. I can't wait to see what grows from the decay once the corpse of this sick society has been laid to rest.

Viva la revolution.

You cannot comprehend how lucky you are to be alive in this moment of change. You get to see the transition from one reality to the other. For those with a strong yet flexible enough mind to cope with the change that is.

Good things for me don't know about the rest.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by RUSSO

Most of these aren't actually happening or not at the scale they claim.

Therefore, while the modern world is collapsing, it's death is not written in stone.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by stygmartyrZA
I feel like crying..

Why are they doing this to the people of this earth?

I think the answer lies in the definition of they, and the lack of humanity they possess,
and by lack of humanity, the possibility is that they are not human at all.

They are doing it for us. We need to reach critical mass in allowing. Until we have enough, 'they' keep doing what they were doing 1000's of years ago.
They are training us, the sheep will filter tru, the one's who succeed have successfully complete live's training.

I hope

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 02:54 AM
Silence of bees? I've had to call the fire dept. twice this week to take care of some enormous hives right next to a school bus stop. As far as those chemtrails causing it, ehhhhh, I don't buy it.

More Doom Please

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 02:54 AM
Excellent thread, RUSSO. I want to add some quick comments. Much of what you've listed is being done INTENTIONALLY. It's called Depopulation.

Originally posted by RUSSO

#1 - Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis - At first it seemed like a fluke; but now it's a pattern. The weather is becoming increasingly extreme. Over 120 tornadoes recently struck the U.S. Midwest. Texas is on fire and suffering through an extreme drought. And where there aren't fires and droughts, there are floods. This is only the beginning... watch for more freak weather over the next 18 months.

It's possible that some of these "natural" disasters have human help. Look at HAARP & weather modification. Some believe earthquakes can be manmade. Tesla had an invention that could do that.

#2 - The silence of the bees - Colony Collapse Disorder continues to accelerate across North America. We already know it's being caused in part by chemical pesticides (and possibly worsened by GMOs), but the chemical industry is engaged in a full-on cover-up to deny this truth while the pollinators of our world suffer a devastating population collapse. (

There's also talk that the bees are dying from microwaves & EMF (electro magnetic frequency) poisoning.

#5 - The rise of the medical police state - The armed SWAT raids on Maryanne Godboldo in Detroit are only the beginning ( The truth is that the medical system uses guns to force its vaccines and chemotherapy onto children and teens across America. The medical system has become so utterly useless, corrupt and dangerous that it must actually invoke guns in peoples' faces just to "convince" people to take its medicine. This is a gunpoint-enforced medical monopoly that exists as a threat to our health and our freedoms.

We are going to have to be forced to take the vaccines that contain the RFID chips and the poisons.

#6 - The increasing frequency of food shortages and crop failures - Notice the spike in food prices? That's just the beginning: Food prices will continue to skyrocket in the years ahead due to extreme weather, the loss of pollinators and the global contamination of crops by GMOs. Real food is becoming increasingly scarce in our world. You might want to think about starting a home garden...

We should start seeing the results of this as early as this year. Edgar Cayce said those who had home gardens would fare better than those who don't.

#7 - The runaway destruction of the world by energy companies - The radioactive fallout from Fukushima isn't the only way in which energy companies are destroying our world: Don't forget about the Deepwater Horizon and the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico -- a spill that isn't over, by the way. They're still spraying Corexit in the Gulf one year later!

The destruction of the GOM will affect the world.

#8 - The continued GMO contamination of our planet - This may be the worst chapter in the coming collapse: The widespread genetic pollution of our planet through GMOs. This is a crime against nature and against humanity. It is a "gene spill" that may never be contained as it spreads its deadly DNA across the world's food crops, leading to crop failures and starvation ( The use of GMOs is the closest thing to "Satanic" that you'll find in modern agriculture. The agenda behind this is pure evil.

Why do you think the Global Elite have built seed vaults? The purpose of the GMO is not just to control food supply & make obscene profits. It's to sterilize people and artificially create famine.

#9 - The tyranny and criminal crackdowns targeting real food (raw milk) - When you can't even sell honest farm food to your neighbors without being targeted and arrested by the cops, something is terribly wrong with the world. But this is happening today, all across America. Now the feds are even targeting the Amish! (

The Elite do not want too many healthy serfs. We are expected to die en masse. Those who survive will be too sick to fight back. They cannot control a world population of almost seven billion.

#10 - The escalation of the counterfeiting of the money supply - In a failed economic system approaching collapse, the moronic leaders can only think of "solutions" that actually accelerate their own downfall. The runaway counterfeiting of money by the Federal Reserve (with its "quantitative easing" and other counterfeit methods) is a classic sign that the end of our current system is fast approaching. The economic insanities are obvious to anyone who can still do math.

The collapse of the US economy & US Dollar were orchestrated to create a desperate & impoverished populace willing to trade national sovereignty & the US Constitution for the mirage of "security & prosperity." The promises of the Elite are lies. Once the populace have surrendered, things will only get worse for the citizens of the North American Union. The US, Canada and Mexico will be turned into one huge borderless Third World country.

#11 - The plummeting intelligence of the masses - One of the most disturbing signs that we're already in the collapse is the great dumbing-down of the masses. The drooling, CNN-watching television zombies who dominate our landscape offer absolutely nothing of value to the world. They are the "mindless consumers" who get vaccinated, watch television and eat processed, pasteurized junk food. They're on psychiatric meds and believe everything the government tells them. Most of these people, of course, won't make it through the collapse.

The dumbing down of America is intentional. The Elite do not want intelligent, thinking serfs. They want ignorant obedient serfs who actually believe what they are told and do not ask questions.

#13 - The ongoing pharmaceutical pollution of our world - Beyond the GMO contamination and the radiation contamination of our world, we are also experiencing the mass pharmaceutical contamination of our planet. It's not just the pharma factories that dump their products into the rivers (; it's also the fact that well over half the population is now taking drugs almost daily, and those drugs pass right through their bodies and end up in the water supply where they contaminate the fish ( Even beyond that, the drugs end up in the human sewage sludge that's packaged and sold as "organic soil!" (

And there is worse. People like George Soros are calling for the legalization of ALL currently illegal drugs. That means crack coc aine, heroin and whatever else they have now. Nothing is more controllable than a drug addict. They will do anything for their next fix.

One of the things that worries me, is the surveillance. The technology of surveillance is advancing by leaps & bounds, it's already far beyond what George Orwell could have imagined.

Things are going to get very bad on our planet. But Edgar Cayce said that humankind would survive.

edit on 6-5-2011 by AuranVector because: attempt to reformat

edit on 6-5-2011 by AuranVector because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by stygmartyrZA
I feel like crying..

Why are they doing this to the people of this earth?

I think the answer lies in the definition of they, and the lack of humanity they possess,
and by lack of humanity, the possibility is that they are not human at all.

They are doing this because the world is overpopulated and resources are shrinking. It's unsustainable.

Voluntary birth control is not going to work.

The Global Elite are all about money, power and control. They have no real respect for individual human life, certainly not the life of a "serf."

Human beings are part starseed to begin with. We were engineered by ETs, but not the Grays. The ETs look like humans.
edit on 6-5-2011 by AuranVector because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by RUSSO

Take these things apart one by one and you have all the topic we cover here on ATS everyday. We all know this stuff. I think rather than be afraid it is exciting times we are living in. We still have time to make changes if we want to. Change never happens without a leader. This is our problem. The leaders are not worth following anywhere and so we go round and round in place, nothing gets better. Just degrees of worse.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by subtopia
We are all still focusing on the effects and not the cause.

Saying "THEY" are doing it is letting yourself off the hook.

Dolphins and whales that wash up on the shore are so toxic that they cannot be placed in your local refuse dump. That was a fact 40 years ago!!!! Why do you think there are so many cancers in the developed world.

It is estimated every Killer whale aborts its first born as the accumulated body fats are transferred to unborn the fetus.

The proportion of misgarriges in women skyrocketed in the last 40 years.

We as a species have yet to define what it means to be HUMAN.

Is it any wonder we are compelled to say "they" are doing it.


Until we stop blaming and start taking responsibility it will not change. You will not change. They will not change and we will not change.

What is the cause???

We are the cause. We - the unprincipled, the irreverent and the lazy.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 03:44 AM
ok people now that we know all that what are we going to do ?

seriously look at us what are we doing...i'm trying to make move people around since 2 years, but now seriously i'm tired...the situation has not evolved it's worse now, i'm apart and people around me think I'm paranoid ...

we are so pathetic spending our time here screaming how this world is fallen apart we stars and flags but it not make the world better place, it's worse i can not blame my friends to be blind, i can only blame myself to know and find any issue to make the world change

i'm so sad...very sad...leave this world to his funest destiny with some luck maybe another will reborn much faire.
edit on 6-5-2011 by pitchdragon because: (no reason given)

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