posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 05:07 PM
Dude, what is this tripe?! I'm Christian, and...what the fork?! This is one person trying to speak for all Christians.
Please don't be
offended by this. It's making me laugh. We're not mindless sheep, so please don't insult us by this one person. *Giggles* Dang it, I'm going to
hell for Tai chi...
I think we shouldn't open ourselves up to demons or any other spirit that isn't God, and I'm having a hard time deciding whether or not TK would
put me in danger. But hey, my Religion teacher said that it would be just another energy field, and all (Earthly) energy comes from God, sooo...
But wait! This just killed it for me:
Rock music, even if it has no lyrics, will open another doorway to demons by listening to it.
Ok, my soul is in SO much trouble now... This person has some good stuff to say, but it treads upon a path one might call "extreme." *Giggles*