Captain Bird steadied "himself" and called out to his men: "Careful men! This is where the top vampires keep their prisoners - know them by their
eyes, which are like stars to fire, and do not confuse them with the human prisoners we must save!"
Along the path, into the lair, the ground was hard and unsoiled.
The group of soldiers came to a torch-lit clearing at the end of the cave.
Here they heard screams and murmurs, and soon the rocky auditorium in the cave was illuminated.
Some humans were chained to the walls, while others hanged from the high ceiling upside-down, where they were slowly bled dry into clay dishes below
their swaying heads.
A soldier vomited at the sight, and then ran towards a dangling figure.
He cried out a name, but the figure turned with glowing eyes, and bit him on his face, just below his right eye.
As the soldier fell to his knees in shock, many of the dangling figures changed into bats, and began to fly around the cave.
Those left hanging were people, who cried out to be saved.
To the soldiers the swarm of fluttering and squeaking bats was an annoyance.
They thrust about with their swords, as they advanced to free the strung-up humans.
William needed no more prompting or training.
He sprouted wings from his shoulders, and within a few seconds he was flying after the bats, sometimes ripping them to pieces.
However, in the mayhem, a few darted through the cave's corridor to freedom.
Just as a swarm flew to the corridor and exit, William grabbed one bat, as the rest escaped.
It squeaked, while William held its wings.
Next thing it was as big as William, and slammed him into the opposite wall of the cave.
William lay on the ground, as a vampire landed before him.
It was Mr Richards, in his religious frock, growling straight at William.
"Look what you have done - you have helped to commit genocide against your fellow vampires!"
Another bat transformed into a human form on a higher rocky ledge.
It wore a loin-cloth with jade and turquoise tassels, and its silky black hair hung down below its shoulders.
It kept its wings moving slowly: "This was unnecessary, leave the new prince. A new king comes from Europe. A bigger king and vampire comes from the
old country. Hail to the new king ... and you William, your knee shall bow to the new king!"
With that both men became bats and fluttered around the stunned soldiers until they had escaped.
The entire atmosphere lifted, and the men rushed forward to free the human captives.
Afterwards the men in Western clothing stripped naked to make sure none had the condition of the vampire, and unfortunately one was bitten, and had to
be put to death, but many human lives were saved in the cave, as the soldiers released the human prisoners.
Only William and Captain Bird did not strip, as the naked men found alcohol and treasures in the cave.
When the dawn came they dragged out the bodies, which instantly turned into ashes in the sunlight.
Some men painted themselves gray with the ashes, and a victory dance began.
By noon most had drifted, or run into the ocean's surf to wash themselves from the blood of the battle.
Captain Bird whispered to William, as both of them lay at the entrance of the cave: "You know my secret now ..."
William whispered back: "I don't care."
Bird whispered again: "It's a pity we cannot bathe with the other men ... normally they would have appreciated that after a battle."
William lay still for a while, and then he beheld Bird's naked shoulders, and she unwound a tight cloth around her chest.
Her breasts fell forwards from their confines, and William could no longer contain his naked desire...
edit on 20-3-2012 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)