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The Only Prediction I Ever heard That Actually Happened

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posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by niceguybob

There were no emails. I called the FBI and told them. Later that same day another agent called me back and wanted to talk to me about it. They were very interested in what happened. The FBI never came to my house, but they had all my contact information.

I quit daytrading after that day. Everyone here who was trading at that time remembers the market being frozen for several days. As a daytrader, I would have had a heart attack if I was stuck in a trade. I lost my nerve after that. I remember picking tomatoes that morning for canning and getting inside late. After I opened up my charts and stuff I saw they were frozen. I pm'd my broker and asked him what was wrong. He told me to turn on my tv. That was how I found out about the event.

That day was a turning point for me and eventually led to my whole world view changing. I respect people who have not had their eyes opened yet. I understand how hard of a pill it is to swallow. I honestly don't know if I would have swallowed the red pill without this push. I remembered how it felt when I realized our government was that wicked. I honestly liked George W Bush. Then I opened my eyes and started seeing what he was doing. He made a fast push to get the Patriot Act passed. I saw pictures of him giving people the middle finger. I read where he called our constitution just a "GD" piece of paper. I saw clips of him being helped across the white house lawn by his wife as he was stumbling drunk.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by 400kv

Yes, I will never forget his username. It was lllllllskywatchllllll. I think there were more l's than that, but you get the drift.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by XmikaX

I have told this story here before, but not in it's own thread. It really didn't get much interest that way. You can google my name from what I understand and see where I have posted it in other places throughout the years.

I brought it up today because it's been stirring up inside me again. With current events being what they are, I just felt like this needed to be heard. Maybe there are some fence sitters here who need a little more information to look into the story with a more open mind.

I was talking to a friend today who buys the fact that there may have been explosives in the building. However, he also thinks that was done by terrorists too. (bangs head on wall)

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by starwarsisreal
I believe the guy heard from Bill Cooper here is the link to his prediction about planes hitting months before 911

Sadly for that he paid dearly

He was too convincing that his information was first hand and his life was in danger. You had to hear the raw fear in his voice. He was shaking and freaking out.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Omicron2011
Were you in a trading chat room or a ufo chat room?

I was in the UFO room during the evening, three weeks before 9/11/2001. During the day I was trading in a different room. I mentioned the daytrading to give a little background as to how I even managed to find the ufo room.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:35 PM
Very nice story.

I don't find it particularly compelling, mainly because I told people I knew in about 1993 that the start of the next big nasty long war was going to come out of Afghanistan. I essentially laid out the scenario of the group that was taking over Afghanistan, and what they were trying to do. I told people that they were going to try and bring the fight to people in North America.

My ex straight up became absolutely enraged and called me a war-monger.

My father 20 years before that told people that if he wanted to be a bad man, he didn't need bombs, he only needed an international airplane with a full tank.

Between my father and I, we managed to piece together exactly what happened. At least a decade before it did.

Your anonymous tipster doesn't mean anything to me because you'd like me to believe something that directly conflicts with what I said to people I knew was going to happen, and did happen.
edit on 2011/5/5 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by XmikaX
reply to post by hardamber

why are you coming out now with that story ? and not before...

you know the orchestration by ptb of a 911 coming out is to be considered as a possibility by any sane decent paranoid conspiracy theorist
edit on 5-5-2011 by XmikaX because: (no reason given)

I was light years away from being a conspiracty theorist before that day. I was so conservative and analytical. Heck, I was addicted to technical trading. I love chart patterns and fib numbers. It took me a couple weeks to start realizing what was really going on. It was a long process before I became an all out conspiracty theorist.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
Thanks for sharing that information.

After mulling over your account a bit, it might as well be true.

The manner of your writing and your disposition appear consistent with the truth, although of course, this is your shorthand version of the story.

If you have more time in a few days, and remember any specific details, please add them for us to see.

We really need every piece of the puzzle in order to complete the big picture, and I have a feeling your personal piece of the puzzle could really put things into perspective for us if only we could find out more about it.

I realize that you personally may not know much more, but really anything you can remember even little stuff would be really important and can help us figure this out.

Like anything specific you remembering the whistle blower saying?
Or anything specific you remember the FBI agents asking, for example silly questions that don't make much sense etc?


If I remember anything else I will post it. I doubt I missed anything. I will talk to my son again tomorrow and see if he remembers anything else. This affected him deeply. I think he's the one who found "Loose Change" and had me watch it.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:43 PM
In the first week after 9 the eleventh
I saw some very interesting things on YouTube and Google Video
that were all scrubbed from the internet in the month that followed, never to be seen again.

The most surprising one was an interview with Jackie Chan
where he said "You know, I was supposed to go to the twin towers on that day,
but I got a phone call telling me that the trip had been canceled." He then got a wierd look
on his face and cast his eyes to the floor for a few seconds like somone who just realized that "someone" knew.

David Grouchy

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by Aeons
Wow, that is interesting. The impressive thing about this one prediction was the guy got the timing right and the name of the terrorist boss. He also mentioned Sarajevo, which meant nothing to me until today. An earlier poster found information linking Sarajevo to Bin Laden.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:53 PM
Some people knowing something is happening and not doing anything about it is really not the same thing as someone setting it up themselves.

If I'm very calmed minded and I can judge a crowd will react a certain way, and I see a punch flying for my face that I could duck, but figure that people are putting me in danger by sitting on the side lines and just suggesting I duck over and over and over and never walk away and never hit back....well I might let a punch land. It'll hurt, but the deathly beating I get when eventually I tire and can't duck OR hit back will be WAY worse.

Just sayin'.

Knowing something going to happen, isn't the same thing as having created the thing that is going to happen.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by hardamber
reply to post by Aeons
Wow, that is interesting. The impressive thing about this one prediction was the guy got the timing right and the name of the terrorist boss. He also mentioned Sarajevo, which meant nothing to me until today. An earlier poster found information linking Sarajevo to Bin Laden.

Al-Qaeda has been working through and with and subsuming the Mujahideen groups, which yes had/have ties into the southern russian/ex-ussr muslim states. Which might mean that he was paying attention to what was happening in the world and knew some recent history, or that he knew someone who did.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by davidgrouchy
In the first week after 9 the eleventh
I saw some very interesting things on YouTube and Google Video
that were all scrubbed from the internet in the month that followed, never to be seen again.

The most surprising one was an interview with Jackie Chan
where he said "You know, I was supposed to go to the twin towers on that day,
but I got a phone call telling me that the trip had been canceled." He then got a wierd look
on his face and cast his eyes to the floor for a few seconds like somone who just realized that "someone" knew.

David Grouchy

Holy Cow! I never heard that before. There were a lot of things disappearing back then. There was another video made early on where a radio host had people send him copies of things they taped live that day. Some of those videos disappeared too. Thankfully, his viewers taped them before they were lost. I can't remember his name right now.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by davidgrouchy

Seth MacFarlane was also supposed to be on one of the flights that day, but says his agent or assistant messed up the times and he missed the flight. Until now I never thought it was anything but a lucky coincidence, but now I wonder.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:31 PM
Lots and lots of things disappeared that day. That I agree with. I live in Canada, and was utterly engrossed in the whole thing that day. Watching, reading from sources all over the World.

You might imagine that seeing something happen that I said was going to happen lent an extra level of interest.

Which is how I got to see how the news blackout rolled out of the US. Utterly fascinating and horrifying to watch.

And it literally rolled. First black out happened in CANADA. (That's right Canada. The first and most complete black out started in Canada.) Then the USA, which was a far broader black out. Then Europe, Australia, etc.

The degree of control that it demonstrated....eye opening.
edit on 2011/5/5 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:46 PM
Aeon, News blackout on 9/11? I don't remember that it was all over, every channel.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by Omicron2011
Aeon, News blackout on 9/11? I don't remember that it was all over, every channel.

Yep, and certain pieces of information just dropped.

The event was all over the news. But certain bits of information just disappeared. The looks of confusion of news anchors suddenly having info they were reporting suddenly drop was amusing. "Uh, we'll follow up on that." But, nobody ever followed up. Anywhere. Ever.

The news black out was selective, not complete.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by hardamber

reply to post by hardamber

Maybe a psychic told him? I know of a psychic that mentioned every last detail 7 months prior. Even down to the date and time. A zillion details, even down to the sounds and the bodies flying out the windows. Even mentioned that one plane was originally headed for California. And also, that the plane that was downed in PA, was meant for a "big white house". And also mentioned seeing the pentagon with only 4 sides. Once 911 actually happened, everyone she told will never be the same. In fact she was a bit freaked out herself. Perhaps this info came from the same psychic?

You see, one of the people she told her lengthy premonition to, was related to someone that was offered a job in the WTC, and another in Boston (I think it was Boston if I remember correctly). And was told to tell him not to take the WTC one. To quote her... "Why would anyone want to work in a building where they could die?" That sort of freaked the lady with the relative out big time. Perhaps she then in turn freaked out her brother?

Anyways, this occaisional psychic wasn't out to capitalize on something so dreadful. Especially since she was shell shocked that it actually happened exactly like she said. She never gave a date, time, or exact details for anything. Ever... Her witnesses got very nervous just being around her. They worked in the same building as her, and all of them quit their jobs. And those were very professional positions in a very desirable location. If you got to work there, you were very fortunate. And they all just up and left. I suspect they had post traumatic stress syndrome. The psychic lost some really good friends. Sometimes being a psychic isn't as wonderful as you would think.

edit on 6-5-2011 by elouina because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 01:01 AM
There goes this strange music again .
Anyway in Australia at least perhaps a year or three before S11 , there was an article about Saddam Hussein , where the Author of the article ascribed a prediction/threat to Hussein concerning the USA , a sort of revenge vow for the 1990 invasion by the west.
I haven't googled it as iam addled beyond normal currently, but I am 100% sure its existence can easily be discovered (unless of course a conspiracy has erased its traces.).
If we think logically Saddam had the motive .
He had the loot.
He had the fanatical lackeys.
But for some reason it was bin Laden.
A guy unarmed at his death, living in an austere mansion in Pakistan.
What Iam saying is before the attack on S11, some journalist had printed a prediction of a very big revenge attack on the USA.
And it was referring to Saddam Hussein.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by Aeons

Yep, and certain pieces of information just dropped.

The event was all over the news. But certain bits of information just disappeared. The looks of confusion of news anchors suddenly having info they were reporting suddenly drop was amusing. "Uh, we'll follow up on that." But, nobody ever followed up. Anywhere. Ever.

The news black out was selective, not complete.

Yep, I was glued, GLUED to the entire second by mili-second event, as it unfolded in various forms (tv, couple of phone conversations going, and mostly fox and cnn news). My company had major telecom hubs in one of the towers and we were very concerned for our customers - all before the second tower hit and the reality of the moment, now microscopically-minute in importance, but not at the time. Anyway....back to focus.

I remember the same thing with the media. At the time, it was very surreal and unbelievable to me. It wasn't like typical 24/7 news casting mistakes, misinformation, or misquoting; it felt more deliberate.

Okay, like the PA incident. The story was retold so many times, each time with added details and new endings. I KNOW what I heard, as it unfolded. I HEARD it, on two sources. One was the Howard Stern radio show. They said there were more planes, (I'm thinking 5, for some reason) and at least two had jets following or flying near, with what was assumed (my assumption) orders to shoot down. I'm thinking the other was over Texas.

Plus, all the way to the following day, they were still reporting a few more hijacked planes or attempted hijacks.

I'm sure I'll remember more, but those were very clear.

Anyone else? Aeons, do you remember anything specific?.

Oh, BTW; I remember turning on Fox that morning to listen to news while I dressed for work. Every morning at 6am. It was a while before we knew it was something other than some small single-engine plane. That was what was the general opinion, until around the time we witnessed the second jumbo-jet come into full-view and we all (nation and world) watched in literal shock, as the rest un-folded live, right in front of our eyes. News agencies were afraid to replay anything, as to miss the horror unfolding - all the way to the jumping. The jumping. damn.

I still can't get through a full visual reminder without tears welling up. I was so greatful that next day, greatful to have a next day, greatful for my country, greatful for my God and my many blessings. It was truly a time to reflect, rebuild, beautiful daughter was born 40 weeks later. Just shy of Independence Day - how fitting really.

edit on 6-5-2011 by SourGrapes because: (no reason given)

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