reply to post by Catfish
here you go
soundchaosdebug - Enables all sounds to play at once. To turn it off, simply type soundchaosdebug again.
Chat Protection /Options (alias: /o)
There are three separate flags which a user can set to customize which incoming chat messages are ignored.
Whispers - When on, private messages from people who are not in your friends list will be ignored.
/options ignorewhispers (alias: /o igw) - This command will ignore whispers from anyone who isn't in your friends list.
/options unignorewhispers (alias: /o unigw) - This command will allow whispers from anyone who isn't in your friends list.
Public - When on, messages in public channels from people who are not in your friends list will be ignored.
/options ignorepublic (alias: /o igpub) - Ignore messages in public chat channels from anyone who isn't in your friends list.
/options unignorepublic (alias: /o unigpub) - Allow messages in public chat channels from anyone who isn't in your friends list.
Private - When on, messages in private channels from people who are not in your friends list will be ignored.
/options ignoreprivate (alias: /o igpriv) - Ignore messages in private chat channels from anyone who isn't in your friends list.
/options unignoreprivate (alias: /o unigpriv) - Allow messages in private chat channels from anyone who isn't in your friends list.
/friends (alias /f) - The base command for all friends operations, on its own it prints out help about the friends commands.
/friends list (alias: /f l) - Displays your current friends list and has a summary of what each friend is doing at the moment on (ie. lists
channel name or game name he/she is in at the time).
/friends add [accountname] (alias: /f a) - Adds the specified account name to your friends list. You will receive an error if the account name is an
invalid account (contains naughty words, etc.) or if you have too many friends in your list (maximum of 25).
/friends remove [accountname] (alias: /f r) - Removes the specified account name from your friends list. You will receive an error message if the
account isn't in the list.
/friends msg [message] (alias: /f m) - Sends a message to all of your friends.
/friends promote [accountname] (alias: /f p) - Promotes the account name in your friends list. If no position is supplied (or is zero) then the friend
will be promoted up one place in the list. If the position is supplied then the friend will be moved to that position from the top of the list with
number one being the highest position.
/friends demote [accountname] (alias: /f d) - Demotes the account name in your friends list. If no position is supplied (or is zero) then the friend
will be demoted one place in the list. If the position is supplied then the friend will be moved to that position from the bottom of the list with
number one being the lowest position.
/f add (username) this cammand lets you add a friend to your list
/f list Views all your friends tells whether off or online
/reply replies to the last message sent
Target Line Codes
You can enable these by right clicking on the Diablo II shortcut on your desktop and choosing Properties. In the target box after the last quotation,
press the space bar once and type in the command lines below for the desired effect.
-w - Enables you to play in window mode.
-skiptobnet - Bypasses the introduction screens by starting the game at the login screen.
-ns - No sound driver is loaded.
-nosave - Never saves the game.