posted on May, 5 2011 @ 05:43 PM
Trying to "pop" out of existence and reappear years farther down the road, would have horrifying implications. For example, every 24 hours the Earth
marks one full spin on the Earth's Axis. Every year Marks a full revolution around the sun. As if this wasn't enough hassle trying to plot a
physical position to return to, our solar system is hurtling through space at 483,000 mi/hr (792,000 km/hr). At those speeds it would take 18 seconds
to travel the entire span of the united states. If that doesn't cut it for making a insanely precise calculation, our Galaxy flies through the
universe at a whopping 1.3 million mi/hr (2.1 million km/hr)! This means simply that an hour from the time you read this you will be millions of miles
away from where you are in space right now. So back to time travel. Unless the device you invented had the capability of anchoring itself to Earth as
it went backwards or forwards through time, you would find yourself billions and billions of miles from Earth just by skipping ahead one year. You
would need to know the EXACT location that you would be manifesting to, the time(date and time), the spacial coordinates. Otherwise you would be
manifesting into either open space, or stuck into solid matter. Really the only logical explanation of any time traveling device would be that it is
attached to the Earth and puts the person into that machine at another time, rather than having to pick a safe physical coordinate of space to occupy
when you got to your destination.