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Quite interesting interview with Dr, Judy Wood on Coast to Coast on 911 and the death of Osama Bin L

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posted on May, 5 2011 @ 03:12 AM
Quite interesting interview with Dr, Judy Wood.
The interesting point is that the result of a poll was that 42% of respondents said they don't believe the body was bin Laden, and that the burial at sea was part of a cover-up.

Van: MrThemastercleanser | Gemaakt op: 4 mei 2011

Coast to Coast am Where did the towers go Dr. Judy Wood 05-03-2011

Poll on bin Laden
First hour guest, author Howard Bloom reacted to our surprising Insta-Poll results on the burial of bin Laden, in which 42% of respondents said they don't believe the body was bin Laden, and that the burial at sea was part of a cover-up. He suggested this might reflect the percentage of non-Democrats who mistrust the Obama administration. A certain amount of mistrust in the government is healthy, as it represents the freedom of speech we have in this country, he added.

edit on 5/5/11 by spacevisitor because: made a correction

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 03:29 AM
OH I can't read this thread... I haven't listened to that show yet.

I'll come back later. But really looking forward to it.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 03:59 AM
i am 20 mins in...
this is really interesting , thankyou...
back to it.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by spacevisitor

Ok now shes mentioning John Hutchison ..... I say shes a paid dis-info agent many of the things shes stating really do not sound like they are coming from someone who has a PHD? in PHYSICS.

The way she words things just astounds me.....
I believe some people are paid by the government to try and discredit the 911 truth movement through loonery such as this...

Some things she says seem to be sound but other things are just wacked especially when she Mentions John Hutchison? This is just making me not even want to listen anymore because i've seen that and its been proven hes a hoaxer.

Also after many statements she makes she chuckles and giggles like a little girl sometimes (and holds it back very well). This make mes question whether she really believes what she is saying...

I vote paid gov Dis-info agent trying to confuse people so many things she mentions makes no sense whatsoever FACEPALM

And Btw yes i do Believe 911 was a False-Flag But this lady really is saying things on the threshold of Fringe Science

Yes she actually says the Buildings go "Poof" This is definitely paid Dis-info Agent. Makes sense that she has a book too about it definitely proves she is.

She says buildings go Poof But the fact is that most of the building you see is actually air space in between the floor and the Ceiling so yes when the building collapsed on itself from possible demolition building is going to be a somewhat small rubble pile compared to what you'd think it was because of the size of the buildings. Also when the pulverization of the building and many of the things inside the building that wasn't steel was pulverized from the Pure weight of the building falling onto its own footprint and/or self. So yes the Pulverization all that huge dust cloud you see in the Air after the building collapsed was essentially part of that Building.... Also why the Razed building pile looked somewhat small.

I do 911 was a False-Flag and possibly the Building was demolished via Thermite etc but many things she is saying is

This is Pure Luncacy

edit on 5-5-2011 by XRaDiiX because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by XRaDiiX

very quick to throw mud , you

and a very extensive mud pie you made to dirty her theory


i will keep listening and make up my own mind thanks.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by XRaDiiX
reply to post by spacevisitor

I say shes a paid dis-info agent

Is that just a guess, or can you provide me the evidence for that?

Originally posted by XRaDiiX
She says buildings go Poof But the fact is that most of the building you see is actually air space in between the floor and the Ceiling so yes when the building collapsed on itself from possible demolition building is going to be a somewhat small rubble pile compared to what you'd think it was because of the size of the buildings. Also when the pulverization of the building and many of the things inside the building that wasn't steel was pulverized from the Pure weight of the building falling onto its own footprint and/or self. So yes the Pulverization all that huge dust cloud you see in the Air after the building collapsed was essentially part of that Building.... Also why the Razed building pile looked somewhat small.

I do 911 was a False-Flag and possibly the Building was demolished via Thermite etc.

You must not forget that there was no doubt really something out of the extraordinary regarding the speed of the collapse of both Twin Towers and also not to forget the speed of the collapse of WTC 7, listen for instance what this man says about it, and he is clearly not alone in that.

AE911Truth on Detroit Fox News TV Channel 2 - 4-18-11

There were no doubt explosions heard by many people.

118 Witnesses:
The Firefighters’ Testimony to Explosions in the Twin Towers Graeme MacQueen August 21, 2006

But the question is if those used explosives alone could have been responsible for such an extraordinary collapse speed and total pulverization ?
Or did that all happened because there was a combination of explosives and indeed some kind of secret directed energy technology.

Because could that energy weapon have been responsible for all those strangely toasted cars?


Figure 7(a). burned NYPD car Police car I've not seen before.
Why the back end and not the front?

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 07:06 AM
Whatever caused burns to the surrounding area was probably inside the tower and spilled over. How come the steele kept staying hot for weeks afterwards, did the laser keep fiering? Try and talk to a physicist and have him explain to you how big such a weapon would have to be to do what she claims. I am willing to bet it would dwarf the ISS.

Also after looking her up briefly, she claims the weapon caused the wtc to end up pulverized by "molecular disassociation". So unless the weapon is incredibly precise, the collaterral damage would be additional structures in the immediate vicinity of the tower to end up pulverized as well, like the wtc and not burned out.
edit on 5-5-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by XRaDiiX
Ok now shes mentioning John Hutchison ..... I say shes a paid dis-info agent many of the things shes stating really do not sound like they are coming from someone who has a PHD? in PHYSICS.

The way she words things just astounds me.....
I believe some people are paid by the government to try and discredit the 911 truth movement through loonery such as this...

I don't of the major propaganda tools the conspiracy people are employing is the much repeated "thousands of PHDs and professions are disagreeing with the official story and who are we to contradict these PHD/professionals?" and yet when we have one of those very PHDs and professionals saying something YOU disagree with, you accuse her of being a secret paid disinformation agent. What makes one PHD/professional different from another PHD/professional other than that they're saying something that you yourself don't want to be true? It's the whole reason you're accusing the PHD/professionals of NIST of being secret paid disinformation agents to begin with.

Please explain to me why you conspiracy people have any credibility whatsoever.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by Cassius666
Whatever caused burns to the surrounding area was probably inside the tower and spilled over. How come the steele kept staying hot for weeks afterwards, did the laser keep fiering? Try and talk to a physicist and have him explain to you how big such a weapon would have to be to do what she claims. I am willing to bet it would dwarf the ISS.

While you're at it, would you mind explaining how controlled demolitions supposedly explains how the steel kept staying hot for weeks? Did secret agents tunnel down underground and shovel more thermite onto the steel to stoke the fires?

Hey kettle! This is the pot! You're black!

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Because i don't believe Energy weapons turned the towers to dust that she explains of in the video watch the video then we'll talk.

I believe it was thermite that took the towers down Controlled Demolition. Nice try.

I don't need a PHD to realise that the idea of the Towers being destroyed by "Energy Lasers or Weapons" is Lunacy.
From someone actually claiming to believe in the OS and the MSM lies i'm surprised you criticize me for this; hypocritical much?

So you believe the OS of 911 the MSM told you but you say i'm wrong for thinking that this lady is a cook for Praising John Hutchison Proven Hoaxer and Purported Discoverer of "anti-gravity" and also the person she says talks about this Lunacy Idea of Energy weapons destroying the Towers. Mhm Ok.........
edit on 5-5-2011 by XRaDiiX because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by spacevisitor

Thermite took the Towers down Not "Energy" Weapons or whatever That is just Pure LUNACY

reply to post by 2theC

Yes go ahead and listen to government paid dis-info agents that spout crazy ideas about energy weapons and john Hutchison proven hoaxer and he also believes he discovered anti-gravity.

I'll stick to the rest of the 911 truthers and say it was Controlled Demolition Via Thermite. Building 7.

Suckers like you guys are the ones that allow the sheeple to dis-credit truthers for falling for such Lunacy.
edit on 5-5-2011 by XRaDiiX because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 09:00 AM
I just downloaded this, the show when Bin Laden died with Richard Hoagland was amazing. If he gets into this debate I'm pretty sure he'll either A. Bring some awesome stuff like documents, videos etc. or B. He'll turn into Nutcase Richard where he talks about robot skulls on the moon.

I'll comment on the interview when I'lve listened OP.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 09:09 AM
What XRad said.
edit on 5-5-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by spacevisitor


Figure 7(a). burned NYPD car Police car I've not seen before.
Why the back end and not the front?

Er, because red hot embers crashed down just on the back end?

No DEW, No nukes. Just common sense.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by Cassius666
Whatever caused burns to the surrounding area was probably inside the tower and spilled over. How come the steele kept staying hot for weeks afterwards, did the laser keep fiering? Try and talk to a physicist and have him explain to you how big such a weapon would have to be to do what she claims. I am willing to bet it would dwarf the ISS.

While you're at it, would you mind explaining how controlled demolitions supposedly explains how the steel kept staying hot for weeks? Did secret agents tunnel down underground and shovel more thermite onto the steel to stoke the fires?

Hey kettle! This is the pot! You're black!

There werent fires, there was red glowing hot steele, there is a difference. No flame. And not all of the steelebeams kept staying red hot either. So you are saying the conspiracy theory of laser beams do not account for the red hot steele that has been digged up a week after the demolition not to mention the molten steele before and during the collapse and I agree.

The pot calling the kettle does not work for you either, if you intend to keep defending the official conspiracy theory, that all we have seen is the effect of airliners smashing into the tower. But please explain to me how the official conspiracy theory of towers brought down by airliners and office fires account for molten steele and a pit staying hot enough for weeks to turn steele red hot, so much so that some of the dump trucks with a steele bed couldnt take it.

No matter how big the energy discharge, steele does not store energy, at least not long enough to burn red hot for weeks, so it must have kept coming from somewhere. If you have a pit unreacted thermate and you stir it all up it might very well react with the steele it comes into contact with.

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by XRaDiiX
Ok now shes mentioning John Hutchison ..... I say shes a paid dis-info agent many of the things shes stating really do not sound like they are coming from someone who has a PHD? in PHYSICS.

The way she words things just astounds me.....
I believe some people are paid by the government to try and discredit the 911 truth movement through loonery such as this...

I don't of the major propaganda tools the conspiracy people are employing is the much repeated "thousands of PHDs and professions are disagreeing with the official story and who are we to contradict these PHD/professionals?" and yet when we have one of those very PHDs and professionals saying something YOU disagree with, you accuse her of being a secret paid disinformation agent. What makes one PHD/professional different from another PHD/professional other than that they're saying something that you yourself don't want to be true? It's the whole reason you're accusing the PHD/professionals of NIST of being secret paid disinformation agents to begin with.

Please explain to me why you conspiracy people have any credibility whatsoever.

There is a difference between a theologian compiling material researched by others and publishing it into a book, a scientist with a PH.D in chemistry analyings dust that is allegdly from the WTC and plethora of architects saying the only viable explanation for what we saw is controlled demolition, based on their education and ONE scientists with a PH.D in Material Science publishing a paper based on no data whatsoever.

Not to mention that like I said before, the official conspiracy theory is a theory supported by a small circle of conspiracy theorists, which includes you and the people who composed the NIST report, the laser beam theory has even less traction. So I will go with what every other scientist on the globe with a related education in the field says, controlled demolition.

Now please explain to me, why the conspiracy people who believe in the official conspiracy theory have any credibility whatsoever. Why is it that talk of conctrolled demolition makes your blood boil, while the officialy conspiracy theory and even lasers from outers space is something you are fine with?

Dont be angry, that we dont champion the conspiracy theory you believe in. At least yours has a bit more traction

edit on 5-5-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

What Cassius Said ^ ^ ^

yes and This line again because it just is that damn good

Quote XRaDiiX Myself

Yes go ahead and listen to government paid dis-info agents that spout crazy ideas about energy weapons and john Hutchison proven hoaxer and he also believes he discovered anti-gravity.

I'll stick to the rest of the 911 truthers and say it was Controlled Demolition Via Thermite. Building 7.

Suckers like you guys are the ones that allow the sheeple to dis-credit truthers for falling for such Lunacy.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by Cassius666
Whatever caused burns to the surrounding area was probably inside the tower and spilled over. How come the steele kept staying hot for weeks afterwards, did the laser keep fiering? Try and talk to a physicist and have him explain to you how big such a weapon would have to be to do what she claims. I am willing to bet it would dwarf the ISS.

While you're at it, would you mind explaining how controlled demolitions supposedly explains how the steel kept staying hot for weeks? Did secret agents tunnel down underground and shovel more thermite onto the steel to stoke the fires?

Hey kettle! This is the pot! You're black!

There werent fires, there was red glowing hot steele, there is a difference. No flame. And not all of the steelebeams kept staying red hot either. So you are saying the conspiracy theory of laser beams do not account for the red hot steele that has been digged up a week after the demolition not to mention the molten steele before and during the collapse and I agree.

The pot calling the kettle does not work for you either, if you intend to keep defending the official conspiracy theory, that all we have seen is the effect of airliners smashing into the tower. But please explain to me how the official conspiracy theory of towers brought down by airliners and office fires account for molten steele and a pit staying hot enough for weeks to turn steele red hot, so much so that some of the dump trucks with a steele bed couldnt take it.

No matter how big the energy discharge, steele does not store energy, at least not long enough to burn red hot for weeks, so it must have kept coming from somewhere. If you have a pit unreacted thermate and you stir it all up it might very well react with the steele it comes into contact with.

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by XRaDiiX
Ok now shes mentioning John Hutchison ..... I say shes a paid dis-info agent many of the things shes stating really do not sound like they are coming from someone who has a PHD? in PHYSICS.

The way she words things just astounds me.....
I believe some people are paid by the government to try and discredit the 911 truth movement through loonery such as this...

I don't of the major propaganda tools the conspiracy people are employing is the much repeated "thousands of PHDs and professions are disagreeing with the official story and who are we to contradict these PHD/professionals?" and yet when we have one of those very PHDs and professionals saying something YOU disagree with, you accuse her of being a secret paid disinformation agent. What makes one PHD/professional different from another PHD/professional other than that they're saying something that you yourself don't want to be true? It's the whole reason you're accusing the PHD/professionals of NIST of being secret paid disinformation agents to begin with.

Please explain to me why you conspiracy people have any credibility whatsoever.

There is a difference between a theologian compiling material researched by others and publishing it into a book, a scientist with a PH.D in chemistry analyings dust that is allegdly from the WTC and plethora of architects saying the only viable explanation for what we saw is controlled demolition, based on their education and ONE scientists with a PH.D in Material Science publishing a paper based on no data whatsoever.

Not to mention that like I said before, the official conspiracy theory is a theory supported by a small circle of conspiracy theorists, which includes you and the people who composed the NIST report, the laser beam theory has even less traction. So I will go with what every other scientist on the globe with a related education in the field says, controlled demolition.

Now please explain to me, why the conspiracy people who believe in the official conspiracy theory have any credibility whatsoever. Why is it that talk of conctrolled demolition makes your blood boil, while the officialy conspiracy theory and even lasers from outers space is something you are fine with?

Dont be angry, that we dont champion the conspiracy theory you believe in. At least yours has a bit more traction

All this does not mean of course this Judy woman is a payed disinfo agent. Just like the people who propagate the official conspiracy theory, she bases her paper on little or not data, unlike the architects who not only in Europe, but in America and other continents as well, made good case for controlled demolition.

This Judy woman has little data to work with, and the NIST report isnt a scientific paper in any way shape or form, not even rendering the data public they work with or at the very least the data they used for the simulations and the data for the framework of their simulations. Judy and the PH.Ds under the umbrella of the NIST report, did not produce any work that can be called analytic.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Cassius666
Whatever caused burns to the surrounding area was probably inside the tower and spilled over. How come the steele kept staying hot for weeks afterwards, did the laser keep fiering? Try and talk to a physicist and have him explain to you how big such a weapon would have to be to do what she claims. I am willing to bet it would dwarf the ISS.

Also after looking her up briefly, she claims the weapon caused the wtc to end up pulverized by "molecular disassociation". So unless the weapon is incredibly precise, the collaterral damage would be additional structures in the immediate vicinity of the tower to end up pulverized as well, like the wtc and not burned out.

You must not forget that the development of these kinds of weapons is ongoing since decades now, so don’t you think it is possible that they have them already operational by now although secretly, as they have no doubt many other weapons.
Even Nikola Tesla was working on such a weapon.

Nikola Tesla (1856–1943) was a noted inventor, scientist and electrical engineer.
Tesla was noted for claiming that he had developed what he called a "teleforce" weapon, or death ray. This death ray could "send concentrated beams of particles through the free air, of such tremendous energy that they will bring down a fleet of 10,000 enemy airplanes at a distance of 250 miles (400 km) from a defending nation's border and will cause armies of millions to drop dead in their tracks", as said in an article. He offered this invention to the U.S. War Department and to several European countries without success. Various conspiracy theories persist regarding the nature of this device and the whereabouts of Tesla's model or schematics for it.

On zorgon’s site you find quite some interesting public information about such weapons.

Weapons in Space - The State of the Art

• DEW - Directed Energy Weapons
o Directed Energy Professional Society - (Outside Link) (Needs Archiving)
o ABL - Airborne Laser - Boeing: Integrated Defense Systems
o Air Force Research Laboratory Directed Energy Directorate - Pegasus
 Directed Energy Directorate Home Page
o Air Power Australia - Directed Energy Weapons and Electromagnetic Bombs - (OL) (Archived)
o Introducing the Particle-Beam Weapon - Dr. Richard M. Roberds - Air University Article

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:38 AM
Ok which is it now? Does this weapon pulverize stuff through molecular dissasotiation or does it burn up steele cars?

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 10:43 AM
just because a person has a doctorates does not mean they cannot suffer from delusions.

She is very delusional.

Probably called in from the mental institute.
George even sounded like he did not believe her malarkey.

She was right about one thing.

A lot of magnesium was used in the construction and it will burn hot until oxygen in removed.

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