posted on May, 5 2011 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by jnyblujns
I'm just across the river from you jnyblujns. (((Huge Hugs for you )))
This brought a fresh batch of tears to my eyes. Thank you for this very touching tribute to the victims of these deadly tornados. I had no idea that
so many were still missing.
Thoughts of hope and prayers of comfort to you and all of the families affected by these terrible storms.
I have dear friends in the Ruth Community that were hit very hard. The outpouring of love, hugs, help, support and much needed supplies have been
simply amazing. Volunteers from all over the state have been and still are working tirelessly in any way that they possibly can to help. People from
as far away as Montgomery (that I personally know of) have delivered food, ice, water, gas, hugs and comfort to complete strangers.
It is wonderful thing to see people come together in love, aid, and support to help out so many that so desperately need it.
On behalf of my dear friends and the people of Alabama, THANK YOU to everyone who helped/is helping out. A huge THANKS to all of the out-of-staters
who came in and worked so tirelessly and diligently to restore power, assist in search and rescue, bring in supplies, equipment and manpower. God
bless you!
I wish the whole world could operate in such a way. I just hate it took a tragedy such as this to tweak the heartstrings and feelings of goodwill we
should always have toward each other.
People of the flooded Mississippi River and surrounding areas.... you are also in our thoughts and prayers.
Peace and Blessings