Originally posted by 0001391
It is often heard that if you find a person with no friends there is probably a pretty good reason for it. The suggestion seems to imply that there
is something wrong with a person with no friends. What do you think about that? Is it possible a person could have no friends without being some
kind of bad person?
It's absolutely possible. In fact, it's perfectly delightful! The deal is that you have to do it
intentionally and bring a kind of discipline.
You must really choose this path (you can modify it if necessary as time goes on) but you must be serious and one-pointed. It can't be you laying
around in your underwear all day eating fritos and reading camus and having some kind of self-indulgent existential angst. No. That's just wallowing
in ignorance. Instead you have to design and follow an almost military or hermetic routine. Cold showers, strenuious workout, spiritual cultivation of
some sort, pushing yourself to study something challenging, etc etc. You have to abandon all self-consciousness about it and just do it. You don't
even have to tell anyone else this is what you are doing. Don't be showy or make a big deal, then you slide back into the same old BS. Just quietly go
about your business. Read up on famous hermits of different traditions...ancient Christian Desert Fathers, other religious figures from Hinduism,
Taoism, Buddhism...its not a matter of belief with this so much as a way of being. Read the Russian book
The Way of the Pilgrim for example.
Choose that kind of life for a short while, a year, two years, whatever it takes. Or maybe even forever.
You know, sometime in the 1700s I think it might have been, a group of sailors found a man alone on a tiny desert island in the South Seas. He was a
marooned European sailor, and was the only one to survive the crash of his ship some forty years earlier. He had been alone on the island for 40
years, with plenty of food and water and nothing particular to do. The crew that discovered him offered to take him back to Europe with them but he
absolutely refused. They described him as extremely happy, peaceful, and glowing with good health.
Originally posted by 0001391
What about people who are perpetually victims and seem to always get the fuzzy end of the lollipop without seemingly deserving it. Are some people
cursed? Is there such a thing as chronic bad luck? Is it a matter of attitude? Are they paying some kind of karmic debt from a previous life? Are
they being testing? Is it the choice of their eternal soul to come to the game of life with all the cards stacked against them, just to experience
being crapped on for a whole lifetime? Are they special people who the forces of darkness puts special effort into trampling down so they never reach
their potential? Are they delusional, imagining themselves to be victims when in fact they are rotten people?
I don't have an answer to these kinds of questions. If I thought too much about them I'd go insane so I just lower my head and keep slogging ahead.
Maybe that's not the best way to deal with it but that's the best I've ever been able to do. At this time and place in my life, that's fine. Maybe
later I'll figure it out, maybe not. Let me know of you figure any of this out...chances are neither of us will....
Originally posted by 0001391
Why is it that psychopaths and evil people can have many friends and companions, and a good person can have few or no allies in life? Why is it that
people tend to celebrate those who are liars, cheats and thieves while the victims are looked down upon? Society abhors losers, and celebrates
winners, even if they won by cheating or cruelty. Why?
It's not always that way but one thing is true when it comes right down to it power is power and thats really all there is to it. I don't particularly
like it either, but we don't get to make the rules.
How do you think we humans got to the top of the food chain as a speicies, anyway? It wasn't by holding hands and visualizing positive vibes, I can
tell you that.
We all live by the sword in one way or another and we all die by the same sword later somehow. Those who think they are exempt from this iron law are
lying to themselves.
edit on 5/5/11 by silent thunder because: (no reason given)