Oh the pain of it all. I know exactly what you mean and feel your anger. The police here in my city in Florida are very predictable. We noticed they
had accquired all new blue light bars. Well, they were low profile and sleek. Actually good looking, but hard to see. At the time, I told my friends
to watch out because they now have to pay for them. Sure enough they rolled out the following week with orders to nail everyone for anything.
Preferably that they can fine for. Me and some friends were coming out of a very popular bar and my friend spit in the bushes, out in the parking lot,
on the way to his car. A cop in hiding jumped out and hand cuffed him, arrested him, and took him to jail for spitting in public!!! $200 fine! Now
come on, what total BS! And this was back in 1985. They do things to pay for equipment, pensions, new cars, etc. Oh, and the taxpayers are taxed for
it as well. I guess you aren't quite up to the scumbaggery of the police state yet like here in the US. I tell people all the time, the stuff we got
away with when we were younger would land us in jail, if not prison, today. Another thing that really is wrong is they will confiscate cars, money,
etc. just because they caught someone and charged them with a felony. If you have too much money on you, prepare for an interrorgation on the side of
the road.
Now, this little story is to lighten things up a bit. I was remodeling my house and in FLorida it gets hot and humid in the summer. I had worked in a
house with no AC all day and was hot, tired, and needed a shower. I was going back to the other house and people were going 45 in a 55. So, I safely
was passing them and changed lanes a couple of times. People that live on the Island are a bunch of cry babies. They started calling in to the
sherriff because I was "frequently changing lanes". Well, I got pulled over by 5 police vehicles. 3 marked units, and 2 under cover pick up trucks.
One was a K9. This lady officer approaches (and she was the only one to get out of her vehicle the whole time) my truck and asks what the rush was? I
said I am hot, dirty, and tired and was simply trying to get home, get a shower, and relax. She says, "I have been working all day and I am not hot
and sweaty and tired". OK, this is where my past Military Police training and other law enforcement experience tells me she is looking for a
confrontation. So, I just didn't say anything. She wanted to start an argument, get me off balance so to speak. So, seeing I am cool, calm, and
collected. she asks me to get out of the vehicle. No worries. We go around the front of my truck and she asks the standard questions these days, :Any
hand grenades, drugs, dead bodies, or anything else I should be aware of in your vehicle?" This is supposed to be a joke and people that act nervous
and say no are probably hiding something. So, I smile and say no grenades, drugs, or dead bodies officer. She asks permission to search the vehicle.
No problem lady, knock yourself out. So, she proceeds to search everything, tools and all for about 20 minutes. I am quite amused at this because I
know there isn't anything in my truck. I don't drink or do drugs and she has no clue about my past or she would have left by now. Finally, she pops
her head up and in this little sweet voice says, "You don't have any narcotics?" I couldn't help it, I busted out laughing at her. I am thinking, is
this lady a rookie on her probationary period or what? Does she actually think that someone would answer that kind of question in the affirmative?
Like, Oh I hid it over here, let me get it out for you. Unbelievable!! She is humiliated now at looking totally stupid and having all these cruizers
and UC trucks on scene for nothing. Then, to top it all off she comes back with a ticket for following too closely, which is not what she claimed she
pulled me over for in the first place and I wasn't following too closely anyway. So, as I am signing the ticket (my lawyer will have it dismissed
without me even having to do anything) she has this bipolar moment and says,"If you try to take this to court, I'll hang your ass!" I almost fell out
of my truck on that one. Now she thinks this wrongfully issued citation is some major crime that we are going to have a Jury Trial over, or at least
that is how she acted. I just shook my head and laughed to myself. Then it was back to the other extreme, "Have a nice day and be careful going home".
Unbelievable! And when legislatures give them far too much power, like the Patriot Act, there exists a serious danger to citizenry for abuse to occur.
Unfortunately, I have seen it far to often. Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely!
edit on 4/5/11 by spirit_horse because: typo(s)