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What is happening to our constitution?

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posted on May, 4 2011 @ 06:09 PM
There are countless things I could write in this thread to get my point across, that our Constitution, is being stepped on, and completely put to aside on all fronts. To the morning of 9/11 to the election of Obama we have been degrading our liberty that the Constitution promises.

In this video,

The reporter announces that a Security Official stated that the Navy Seals were sent to the compound to kill, not capture Osama.

I, for one, who holds the constitution very close to my heart,

Don't care Osama was " Responsible " for the death of 3,000 Americans ( Even that isn't proven )

or that he was the face of terrorism

or that he was America's Most Wanted.

I care that we didn't give what our constitution states...

The right for a trial... Navy Seals, ( If needed/wanted too, could easily contain him safely )

Everyone has the right for trail, have it be a mass murder, or a thief, we all have the right for one.

Our constitution is crumbling, Our liberties are being stripped.

I rather live one day a lion, then a life time as a caged lamb, we have the right, to be FREE.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 06:11 PM
they have guns. they are allowed to do whatever they want. according to most of the US population.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Crazytalk

right on!!! well said!!

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 06:13 PM
I don't want to be governed by a government who thinks they have the right to do something, for their possession of the "bigger stick"
edit on 4-5-2011 by Crazytalk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by Crazytalk

I, for one, who holds the constitution very close to my heart,

So did I, and most other ATS members, until we realized that the Constitution is nothing more than an Oval Office decoration.

TPTB have systematically removed/limited all the powers that were given to the people. I feel your pain, but at this time it is probably best to distance yourself from the constitution, it seems to get you into a whole lot of trouble these days.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 06:15 PM
Am not American but a Northern neighbour. It's being eroded in rust from degradation and over time of being to comfortable. Now's the time to refine your sword of justice. Clean it anew from the rust and strike down the ones who seek to undermine the very Liberties that are Spiritually given.

Life is like a sword. To long in the water, it's to soft. To long in the fire, it's to brittle. Just enough and you have the perfect edge. Toss it aside for to long while you enjoy the fruits, it will rust. It is rusted now. People realize it is rusted, now we choose WHEN to refine it, WHEN to make it anew to polish so we NEVER forget to rust it again.
edit on 4-5-2011 by OneLife because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by OneLife

Very, very well said mate! But what I came to realize, is the way we can, "Unrust" our sword, will be nothing short of a civil war, a revolution.

We can't look at a sword, and preach to it, and allow the rust to magicaly fall off, we need man-power and hard work. We need to, I believe physically do something.

I do not condone the use of violence, but I don't see any other way fit.
edit on 4-5-2011 by Crazytalk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by Crazytalk

I know, it is the only way. We're conditioned to think violence isn't the key, but it's going to get more violent if a 'uprising' doesn't occur. A revolution is the lifting of the veil, unrusting the sword. Swing the sword around, begin practicing with it, and the rust will wear off to strike down the foes that choose to further degrade our society and living into slavery.

A civil war is a lifting of the veil, is getting rid of the viruses, the cancer, in society and sharpening the sword of justice.

I suggest you read George Washington's 'prophecy'. It speaks just as I speak but in different terms. The 'lifting of the veil' will be the third World War. It's not going to be pretty, but it must happen so we can burn away the old and learn from this. All of this.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by OneLife

Brother, you speak beautiful words, Ill be sure to pick up this book tomorrow after class. If these things you say happen, I'll be casting the stone with all my fellow Americans.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 06:31 PM
The Constitution was shredded and is now bird cage liner being sh*t upon daily by those who supposedly swear an oath to protect and defend it.

I look forward to the day that they are tried and true justice is served for their treason. We're lucky the currently illegal weed hemp grows as prolifically as it does. It makes for very strong rope and will fit nicely around the necks of those who have made it illegal.

I tear up just thinking of watching them swing as the Star Spangled Banner is played in the background...

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 06:32 PM
Things are much different now. Back during the revolution and the civil war, civilians had the same armament as the military, muskets, cannons and swords. Now all we have are firearms, while they have aircraft, jdams, rockets, missiles, etc... Even though, we still have sheer #'s.. But we are still at a huge disadvantage, compared to 120+ years ago. But I think the main problem is the brainwashing and conditioning. We had it great for so long that the people let their guard down. One day all will be well. Keep your head up.


posted on May, 4 2011 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by Crazytalk

NO NO. you don't need to buy a book.. It's just a prophecy, a revelation George Washington had. You can read it here.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 06:41 PM
Again as an outsider I feel I should reiterate the quote to all of you in america that we get the government we deserve. It was I believe a comment made by an american. C'est la gare.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by CrazytalkI care that we didn't give what our constitution states...

The right for a trial... Navy Seals, ( If needed/wanted too, could easily contain him safely )

Everyone has the right for trail, have it be a mass murder, or a thief, we all have the right for one.

Our constitution is crumbling, Our liberties are being stripped.

I rather live one day a lion, then a life time as a caged lamb, we have the right, to be FREE.

Ok, here is the thing about indictments, warrants, his having a weapon during the raid and other evidence regarding the death of Osama Bin Laden…

1. OBL is the leader of a Terrorist Organization with which we are at war.
2. He is not an American Citizen
3. He was not in America or one of it's protectorates
4. SEALs are not Law Enforcement Officers they don't serve warrants they conduct military operations

You seem to have very much mistaken the rules of one of two distinct games for the other; the first being “Cops and Robbers” the second being “Soldiers and Terrorists”.

The rules of Cops and Robbers are pretty confusing and in most cases require an actual lawyer to sort them out properly. There is jurisdiction, evidence and other stuff like that...

However, the game of Soldiers and Terrorists is pretty simple – if you are a Soldier you kill the Terrorists and vice versa. Soldiers take their orders from their Chain of Command as do the Terrorists and any member of the chain be it his person, his residence or conveyance are valid military targets. Military targets don't get rights they get to be destroyed, nutralized or killed.

Anyway, back to the game; the only real rule is that you pick a side but then again that really only applies to the Soldiers as Terrorists are a sneaky bunch which makes them hard to trust when it comes to surrender so when they reach for something reflex (training, muscle memory, whatever you want to call it) kicks in and often results in a quick cranial lead injection for the Terrorists.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by Crazytalk

Dear Crazytalk,

I believe your sentiment is on the right track. The Constitution was designed to protect us from government not to protect the government from us. It is an amazing document that is open to change; but, we the people allowed it to be perverted to achieve change without going through the process. Abortion laws were declared unconstitutional (doesn't matter how one feels about abortion), prayer in school was declared unconstitutional (doesn't matter how one feels about prayer in school - personally, I am against it) and currently we are looking to "redefine" citizenship to say that even if you were born here it doesn't make you a citizen (doesn't matter how one feels about this either). On the other end we now allow torture (cruel and unusual punishment), executions without trial (Bin Laden should have been taken as a prisoner of war), we have abolished the right to be brought before a court when detained for citizens (once we have called them a terrorist) and can detain without limit.

The problem as I see it is that the left is for ignoring some parts of the constitution and the right is in favor of ignoring other parts. You cannot be a little pregnant, either you are or you are not. You can not have a constitutionally run government if you ignore it when it is inconvenient. The Constitution has a process that allows it to be changed, when we ignore the process and take shortcuts it continues to be ignored more an more and that is where we are at. I have the American Jurisprudence award in Constitutional law and consider it about as useful as toilet paper anymore.

If the majority of people are in favor of ignoring parts of the constitution it does not matter who wishes to ignore which parts. It is all or nothing. The people we elected that have chosen to ignore the constitution get re-elected, that is our shame. For those who claim we need to resort to violence, that is even worse and won't change a thing, it is we the people who don't want it followed to it's complete extent. The "Equal Rights Amendment" was not approved as needed and it's tenents were implemented as if it was (doesn't matter how people feel about that).

Ex-President Bush has openly admitted that he approved torture; but, the majority of people support it. How many soldiers have been court martialed for being involved in torture and how many Americans would support it? Most would say that they were following orders, I have heard that one before. President Clinton lied in a sworn deposition and should have been tried; but, popular opinon did not support it, they justified it. I could go on an on; but, the point is that if we support any part of it, regardless of our reason, then this is where we end up.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by Crazytalk

I thought the constitution was in place to protect American citizens. Are you saying it should protect foreigners as well?

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 09:23 PM
Why worry about this, and not the other, more important assaults on the Constitution?

What about the countless unconstitutional social programs taxpayers are forced to fund?

How about the systematic assault on the 2nd, 4th, 9th, & 10th Amendments?

Where is the outcry for those atrocities?

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 09:25 PM
The Constitution, has been for a while, a corporate TOS, to be changed and used.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by lokdog
reply to post by Crazytalk

I thought the constitution was in place to protect American citizens. Are you saying it should protect foreigners as well?

Our constitution does protect foreigners too, it ensures that treaties are kept and cannot be changed by simple laws being enacted. It protects all people in the United States, even visitors, from unlawful detainment. It protects foreigners by making sure that they are allowed to be brought before a judge rather than just kept in jail, it protects all including foreigners from cruel and unusual punishment and allows them the right to worship as they may. The constitution was here to not just protect us; but, to set up a fair system of government.

posted on May, 5 2011 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by AQuestion

I get all that, what I dont understand is how OBL was supposed to be protected by our constitution. That is what I gathered was the main premise of the op's thread.

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