posted on May, 4 2011 @ 01:11 PM
I've noted a few thoughts on my Facebook wall over the last few days and gotten blasted by friends and family for my "conspiracy theories"...which
I did not, in any way, promote.
Me: "So which is it? Osama was killed last week or two days ago? You cant have both, Mr. President."
My friend: "I dont buy the conspiracy theories. if you want a good news channel I would recomend pbs they report the facts."
First off, in no way, shape or form did I mention any sort of conspiracy...I was only spouting off about my frustration about the MSM and the
"facts" being reported. Suddenly I am being called out by a variety of people about my question. Now a lot of my posts are being removed by
Me: "And yes, FB has been deleting my comments about things left and right since yesterday morning."
Another friend: "Lame. Means someone is reporting you."
This morning, after three of my messages disappearing I decided to stop posting anything concerning Osama on my FB page for fear of being reported.
Meaning, yes, I felt incredibly angry and a bit humiliated at being verbally attacked by people I thought were my friends (the only people on my list
are people I know IRL).
I feel it is being done to discredit us, and make us look like naive imbeciles. Although anyone NOT questioning this whole Osama ordeal is naive IMHO.