posted on May, 8 2011 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by intrepid
I'm well aware of the gains the Torys made in the centre of the universe, and how the liberals have fallen on there face in the once stronghold of
Canada. (Ontario and Quebec) and know my geography as well and its not just Quebec and the atlantic sucking the tit of the west. My main point is, no
I am not pissed Harper got elected.... cause I just don't see a reason to be mad. There all bad for us, they are all just word of mouth speakers who
garner public interest for the right now cause. Appease everyone who elected them based on that one niche platform, then govern with there own ideals
after that. I just don't see how any other political party would have been any better. Still though with the gains in the east the election was still
won bye the overwhelming majority in the west who chose a Tory majority over four more years of constant squabble and getting nothing done. I for one
am happiest that the seperatist movement can finally disappear and the thorn in the sides of Canadian politics is gone and we can get things voted
through the floor with out a right wing vote to hold things up good riddence BQ hopefully gone forever.....