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Buddhism is the right, true and correct religion

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posted on May, 3 2011 @ 11:23 PM
To the OP: I appreciate your desire and heart... however I disagree with thinking any one body of understanding is the only right, true, and correct body of understanding. Not even Buddha would agree with you based on what I have gleaned from the teachings.

By taking this stance, you are closing yourself off from a great deal of wonderful teachings to be had in all periods of time, all cultures of history, and all viewpoints towards life.

Buddhism is one approach... one which is very broad and flexible... but if taken as the only path to understanding... ceases to be following the teaching of Buddha or taking into account a deep understanding of infinity.


posted on May, 4 2011 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by Ultraman2011

It doesn't have any proof or evidential backing. That alone is what is wrong, false, and incorrect about it. It still requires that we accept postulations about the nature of the universe without evidential backing. The faith shifts from the deity to the universe and its nature as a whole.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 06:01 AM
Nothing against Buddhism but I don't agree with the concept of detachment to end ones suffering.
It's like have no strings on a guitar and expect it to play music. It's an unbalanced solution.
Not that suffering is best teacher but you can learn from it.

Instead I prefer Jesus play on the Confucian golden rule.

Do onto other as you would have done on to your self.
In the hopes that that would create an environment with less suffering.

As for God being judgmental. Doesn't karma also contain dualistic notions of Good and Bad?

With out those notions you may have peace but you would also have nothing.
Instead I chose the reward of being with my creator. He gave me the gift of individuality, being a voice in the choir. And free will so I could choose to love him.

It would be impolite to easily reject his gift.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

Science provides knowledge. God provides wisdom.
Knowledge with out Wisdom is a wild animal, that attacks all life.
If you need proof read the news. Look at our environment. Look at the government. Look at our society. Just open your eyes and look.

As people look to the universe, we ask who started the big bang, then we see the universe point to God.
If God didn't light the fuse, what did?

If you don't have an answer, you shouldn't rule out other solutions so easily.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by bobbobulau

Originally posted by bobbobulau
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

Science provides knowledge. God provides wisdom.

Citation needed. I've yet to see any deity provide anything

Knowledge with out Wisdom is a wild animal, that attacks all life.

I'm sorry, but how does understanding that water is a combination of two hydrogen atoms with an oxygen atom attack anything?

If you need proof read the news.

Yes, all those life saving medicines, atheists donating billions to charity, all of the farming techniques, etc...that's all so destructive.

Look at our environment. Look at the government. Look at our society. Just open your eyes and look.

That's not really an argument...what about our environment is a result of science? What about government? What about society?

If anything, the harm to the environment is happening because we ignored the scientific realities of how industrial development would harm it. And government? Hardly the most scientifically ordered out institution.

As people look to the universe, we ask who started the big bang, then we see the universe point to God.

No...there is no reason to ask 'who'. Hell, the event could have happened on its own.

If God didn't light the fuse, what did?

I don't know. Of course, that's just me being honest. I could say a unicorn farted and then lit a match and that was what caused the big bang. That explanation would be equally valid.

If you don't have an answer, you shouldn't rule out other solutions so easily.

Yes, I should. That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

Citation needed. I've yet to see any deity provide anything

Then do you have a notion of right and wrong?
If so how did they develop? Please any outside influences.

I'm sorry, but how does understanding that water is a combination of two hydrogen atoms with an oxygen atom attack anything?

Obviously you are purposely being short sited. Don't understand why?

If are able to understand H2O the you have the capabilities to develop compounds that are extremely dangerous to life. What is the point of understanding H2O if it doesn't benefit your life and the life of others?

Yes, all those life saving medicines, atheists donating billions to charity, all of the farming techniques

Are all the above scenarios wise or unwise in your opinion?
Am I correct in the opinion that you believe there isn't any negative aspects of Science?

That's not really an argument...what about our environment is a result of science? What about government? What about society?

Again purposely being short sighted. The world has serious issues with man made pollution. If you are unwilling to acknowledge this you don't have any credibility in my opinion.

When we have trouble from Government and Society is because these organizations don't follow notions of good and wrong for the general society?

No...there is no reason to ask 'who'. Hell, the event could have happened on its own. I don't know. Of course, that's just me being honest. I could say a unicorn farted and then lit a match and that was what caused the big bang. That explanation would be equally valid. Yes, I should. That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

If you are seeking the truth then there is no reason to rule out the possibility of a who. That bias would more than like create a flawed result.

Before I go further.
Do you believe in the Big Ban or evolution?
If so where you involved with the research or just accepted the theory?

With the Hypothesis of having a Creator, you have to acknowledge that this entity exists out side of our own time an space in an alternate universe. After all he was there before it’s creation. Our technology doesn’t have the capabilities detect him directly.

Instead we could detect him through his interaction. His interaction was though a state knows as spirit, a similar in concept as the String Theory. Since again we don't have the tech to directly analyze this state . I base my evidence to various witness accounts documented thought the centuries.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 08:54 AM
For me Buddhism explains every aspect of life. It shows that we are all part of the same concoiusness, it shows there are spirits (ghosts) and higher spirits. It also takes into account science/quantum physics, string theory is the scientific explanation to the collective consiousness. The detachment that part of Buddhism, is something I have felt due to depersonalisation/ derealisation so this makes sense to me. In fact everything that I have experienced in my life I could not find answers for in one place. I could not be atheist because I felt like there was more, I could not be christian/ muslim/sihk/jewish because these are dogmatic practices that ask me to accept without questioning to take the bible/koran e.c.t as literal word of god.

Where as Buddha says

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”

I think if Buddha were around today he would be on ATS

Buddhism is progression not oppression. I am not Buddhist but I would like to be and have been considering it for some time.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by eyesdown

Thank you for that insight. You have expressed what I was trying to get very effectively,

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 10:36 AM
I like Buddhism quite a lot, and have studied it, and practiced various methods of it.
Buddhism is very varied. It has many views, and ways of it's practice.
Even the Buddha said there are many ways, and does not claim to be the ONE, ONLY way.
The only Buddhist sect that claims to be the one true way is the Japanese Nichiren setc, but it does so with a logical Sutra based approach. They are very popular worldwide and known for it's chant, Nam-myoh-renge-kyo, though there are many Nichiren sects, and they often don't get along.
Numbers-wise, the most popular Buddhist path is the Pure Land path, based on the Sutras which tell of Bodhisattva Damakara, who attained Buddhahood, became Amida Buddha, and created the Pure Land, where true believers can attain rebirth there, and then become a Buddha. Their popular chant is Namu Amida Butsu.
These are popular Mahayana sects. Mahayana means the great vehicle. Hinayana, also called Theravada, is more like the fundamentalist Buddhists, I think India and Burma and other places, have this as their main path.
Then there is Tibetan Buddhism which is it's own thing, a blend of Buddhism and the Tibetan native Bon religion.
As such, Buddhism can be confusing to a newbie. I'd recommend reading the Dhammapada, it's like the essential Buddhist text, and it's short. Then I would read the Lotus Sutra, and the Pure Land Sutra.
I'd then read some stuff by Nichiren and Shinran to start with.
edit on 4-5-2011 by tom502 because: misspell

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by eyesdown
For me Buddhism explains every aspect of life. It shows that we are all part of the same concoiusness, it shows there are spirits (ghosts) and higher spirits. It also takes into account science/quantum physics, string theory is the scientific explanation to the collective consiousness. The detachment that part of Buddhism, is something I have felt due to depersonalisation/ derealisation so this makes sense to me. In fact everything that I have experienced in my life I could not find answers for in one place. I could not be atheist because I felt like there was more, I could not be christian/ muslim/sihk/jewish because these are dogmatic practices that ask me to accept without questioning to take the bible/koran e.c.t as literal word of god.

Where as Buddha says

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”

I think if Buddha were around today he would be on ATS

Buddhism is progression not oppression. I am not Buddhist but I would like to be and have been considering it for some time.

These same teachings are found even more deeply and broadly in Taoist teachings in particular.

Hindu teachings also contain these same principles. Much of the Bahai faith is based in the same perspectives and principles. The Law of One is these principles taken to the most complete point I've found thus far.

The original Christian teachings are the same... as are the Jewish. What you are perceiving as "Christian" is actually a political control mechanism distortion meant to control and manipulate. This is unfortunate and certainly worth rejecting in my view as well, but if you take this to discard all of the underlying teachings, you will be missing the very real alignment with your world view that both of these belief systems are founded on. Especially the more esoteric Christian teachings such as the Gospel of Thomas and others. When you trace them back to their original teachings and not the ones manipulated by later people... you will find that they are basically teaching the same thing as Buddhism.

Buddhism has its organized aspect as well... with its own dogmas to be overcome... but you are correct in identifying that it hasn't been corrupted as much as Christianity, etc.

Taoism and the Law of One are less corrupted that Buddhism (on an organized level).

Knowing your true self regardless of anything else "out there" is the least corrupted of all.

Christianity is also progression not oppression... if you are willing to look past the manipulated aspects of it and seek deeper. Just as to fully appreciate Buddhism you have to look past the mass organization and different "sects" that all teach conflicting "truths". I have appreciated my time with Buddhists, but I personally do not feel the teachings are intended to stop at being a Buddhist. Though if this is someone's choice, I do not reject that either... but since the OP was asking for other views...

Thank you for the opportunity to share.


edit on 4-5-2011 by ErgoTheConfusion because: (no reason given)


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posted on May, 4 2011 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by Ultraman2011

budda was considered a god beause he was the only man known to be able to catch an arrow with his bare hand...

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 10:50 AM
That brings to mind an important thing. The Buddha was a man, a regular man, and he attained an enlightened state, thus making him a Buddha, or one who is awakened. In Buddhism, there is no central "God" figure like in Christianity/Islam/Judaism. Buddhism is often called an atheist path because of that. The path of Buddhism teaches we all can become Buddhas, and that's the goal.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by tom502

i have studied spiritual religions and buddhism is one of the yes most enlightening but it also is mainly about becoming "in tune" with the world around you so you may sense the other worlds around you. if i already have that inner peace than why must i folow buddas teachings to keep that state?

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by Ultraman2011

Buddhism is a "some what" good way to LIVE your life, but it is not enough when you die. Like many other religions, Buddhism is works based salvation.

Works cannot save your soul, only God can do that. The blood of Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven since he already died for you. Now you don't have to die if you accept his death in the place of yours, FOR YOUR SINS.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 11:24 AM
OK, this should not devolve into a Christianity Vs Buddhism thread.
In fact, we see in Christianity, that it is made up of stuff Jesus never taught. It was stuff made up after he died.
Buddha and Jesus also taught much the same things.
The idea of after-life in Buddhism, is when you attain the state of Buddhahood, you enter inter Nirvana, or a state of "god-like beingness"(my word, not theirs), or one attains a higher rebirth, either to a Buddhaland, or a more advanced land continuing their path for self-realization.
The only Buddhist path that is somewhat similar to Christianity is the Pure Land, based on the Vow of Amida Buddha, but even then, non believers are not sent to hell, but continue with their path of attainment wherever.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by ErgoTheConfusion

These same teachings are found even more deeply and broadly in Taoist teachings in particular.

Hindu teachings also contain these same principles. Much of the Bahai faith is based in the same perspectives and principles. The Law of One is these principles taken to the most complete point I've found thus far.

The original Christian teachings are the same... as are the Jewish. What you are perceiving as "Christian" is actually a political control mechanism distortion meant to control and manipulate. This is unfortunate and certainly worth rejecting in my view as well, but if you take this to discard all of the underlying teachings, you will be missing the very real alignment with your world view that both of these belief systems are founded on. Especially the more esoteric Christian teachings such as the Gospel of Thomas and others. When you trace them back to their original teachings and not the ones manipulated by later people... you will find that they are basically teaching the same thing as Buddhism.

Buddhism has its organized aspect as well... with its own dogmas to be overcome... but you are correct in identifying that it hasn't been corrupted as much as Christianity, etc.

Taoism and the Law of One are less corrupted that Buddhism (on an organized level).

Knowing your true self regardless of anything else "out there" is the least corrupted of all.

Christianity is also progression not oppression... if you are willing to look past the manipulated aspects of it and seek deeper. Just as to fully appreciate Buddhism you have to look past the mass organization and different "sects" that all teach conflicting "truths". I have appreciated my time with Buddhists, but I personally do not feel the teachings are intended to stop at being a Buddhist. Though if this is someone's choice, I do not reject that either... but since the OP was asking for other views...

Thank you for the opportunity to share.


edit on 4-5-2011 by ErgoTheConfusion because: (no reason given)

Thanks for your reply. I understand that my response may have come across as a little ignorant towards others or of other faiths but when I look around the world as it is now I look at the effects religion is still doing to people. Many faiths may as you say have been founded in good heart and have the same teachings, i admit my knowledge of other religions could be better, but it is the rigid (collect) behaviour of the people that follow the religions that sway me from them.

Also the bible and koran to me are clearly evident that they are the word of man not god. As a feminist, I find it hard to see that a god could place men above women and if god had spoken to people back in the day would he not have told them about equality, as the world has slowly evolved to on its own? This shows me that these religious texts were written by men of the time who wrote only of what they could perceive.

(I don't mean to pick specifically on Christianity and Islam but its what I know the most about)

Anyway minor rant over. I have heard of Taoism but not looked into much , so yes I will do and you are correct in the fact that knowing your true self is important. I just fear that religious texts aim to suppress some peoples true emotions, because of the FEAR of god as opposed to the LOVE of god.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by Ultraman2011

You could be right. I tend to think all religions end up being right, but that's just me. I don't think God cares which religion you follow because it's all Him anyway. The only thing for sure is that the only people that know the answer are no longer with us!

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by eyesdown
Thanks for your reply. I understand that my response may have come across as a little ignorant towards others or of other faiths

I didn't get that impression at all, so no worries.

Originally posted by eyesdown
but when I look around the world as it is now I look at the effects religion is still doing to people. Many faiths may as you say have been founded in good heart and have the same teachings, i admit my knowledge of other religions could be better, but it is the rigid (collect) behaviour of the people that follow the religions that sway me from them.

Agreed. This is why I have rejected all organized religions... eventually reaching the point of pure fundamental materialism and atheism... then coming back to an appreciation for the spiritual nature of reality but without the trappings of the things called religion, but ultimately just another form of Corporations and Governments.

Originally posted by eyesdownAlso the bible and koran to me are clearly evident that they are the word of man not god.

All writings are the word of man... trying to communicate a higher message/understanding. There are no writings that aren't the words of man... just some are written by men of a clearer understanding than others.

Originally posted by eyesdownAs a feminist, I find it hard to see that a god could place men above women and if god had spoken to people back in the day would he not have told them about equality, as the world has slowly evolved to on its own? This shows me that these religious texts were written by men of the time who wrote only of what they could perceive.

Agreed... but if you throw the baby out with the bathwater... you may be missing out on something valuable. They must be understood in the context of the time and the culture trying to communicate to. Even most women of the time would have a hard time appreciating and agreeing with a feminist message of today, so you'd have to tailor your communication to their context if you wished to make any progress at all.

Spirituality of mankind is an evolutionary process as much as biological evolution is... this is the step by step process of Tao/The Universe/God/The Creator/Infinity knowing itself through us as individual portions of itself.

For example consider what happens when an American who knows how to speak Japanese, but is not well versed in Japanese history and culture... tries to translate Japanese writings. Much is distorted or lost in the translation. It is not that the person was necessarily trying to deceive... but they could only work with the tools they had available. A person who has a discerning eye will be able to go into the reading knowing this... and be better prepared to deal with the distortions while still seeking the valuable insight that is still there to be offered.

Originally posted by eyesdownAnyway minor rant over. I have heard of Taoism but not looked into much , so yes I will do and you are correct in the fact that knowing your true self is important. I just fear that religious texts aim to suppress some peoples true emotions, because of the FEAR of god as opposed to the LOVE of god.

This is because it is very useful for certain people who have a longer term view of life and history than your average person to manipulate the texts in a way that makes it so the people can be controlled. By fear. Government, finance, and organized religion are all very effective methods to enslave a person's body or mind... it is up to the individual (as you have already done it seems) to say NO! to this and seek their own path.

So I agree... but what I'm suggesting is that if you go into it knowing this, and don't hate the text but simply accept that it has been passed through many filters, you can keep your mind open to what works for you and what doesn't... and the things that don't can be read with an eye towards learning more about the people at the time and putting everything in a context. This will teach us more about where we have come from, are now, and can be going... than rejecting a whole body of work. The best way to avoid repeating mistakes is to understand how they were made. Often a mistake now wasn't a mistake at the time... but merely a lack of appreciation for the long term consequences of certain perspectives and actions.

Thank you for your reply... I enjoy having the opportunity to share my understandings (flawed and not) with you.

edit on 4-5-2011 by ErgoTheConfusion because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by Ultraman2011

All religions claim the same; does that not lead you to wonder?

Its all about the very essence of life, LOVE, the very light of life. Practice that with each and every one, unconditionally, and you will not go wrong: it defuses all things evil and eccentric, and transforms the mind. It is difficult to do; but as with all things, the more you practice it the better you will get.

Peace be with you!!!

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 02:02 PM
My only opinion to the op - see below.

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