posted on May, 3 2011 @ 08:27 PM
I recieve a 'progressive' (Liberal) am talk radio station's shows out of a big main city about 100 miles East of me. Most of those hosts have been
trying to push the PTB koolaid of oo lookee what a President our President is, more or less, but I have noticed as the OP here has, that callers try
and broach perceptions which trouble them, albeit too gently, for me. I'm sure I'd get myself hung up on, with my stomping into the china shop.
As an uber far (but fiscal) Lefty, I actually like Michael Savage, shockingly. There have been times though, where I was offended by him. I have not
listened to him lately, because I was afraid he'd be celebrating the demise of the chief "Islamofascist". So I'm glad someone here said he is
being skeptical. Maybe I will check him out after all, then.