posted on May, 3 2011 @ 03:45 PM
A soul is a conscious form of energy that inhabits a human body and possibly many other entities as well.
Today I am going to talk about the memory of a soul, and I am going to propose to why we don't have much memory of our past lives and etc.
Quiet a while ago I read an article that scientists believed that the "soul," relies within a small part of the brain in quantum material. This led
me to ponder about what happens when we die. In most common belief, the soul separates the body and moves on. Considering the brain has a destined
location to retain memory (the hippocampus), memory is retained within the body.
In this case, whenever the soul leaves the body, it leaves all the contents behind it. Since my assumption states that memory is a working part of the
body, the soul leaves behind the memory within the body and when we enter the new body, we enter a state of tabula rasa or a partial form of it.
Now I understand this argument is flawed with certain children have extraordinary talents at a young age, and especially the kid who remembered all
the pilot names and etc from WW2. But the hypothetical what if can state that the soul might be able to retain information which it wants to retain
into the next life so it doesn't have to start anew.
I made this conclusion (the last paragraph) with my own personal belief of the soul wanting to experience and to reach certain experiences it either
unlearns what it wants to learn or relearn to get into a situation and it keeps the information it has already learned to not waste time.
In this case, the soul is nothing more than pure consciousness, other than the resources it drags along with it to the next life to experience.