posted on May, 8 2011 @ 06:56 PM
The Grey have been asking for the truth. We agree that they should have the truth, it would only be civilized from all points of view. That many of
our number have fallen to the tempation of Disinformation this is true, but the majority of our number agree that any sentient life should atleast
have access to the Truth. It is expected that you will listen. Whether or not you except my interpretation of the truth is up to you. You are free to
do as you please (within certain minimual constraints).
In my personal tradition, I offer you a challenge. Seth's Challenge.
I have found that those of the Grey tradition, even the beleif system, are a strange people in that they continually ask for the Truth and yet when it
is presented to them, they either turn and run from the Strength of it, or Rebel against it through any means necessary (including ridicule with no
form or substance to it, loud insulting talk, or the insinuation that they are of equivalent rank which is not so).
Under divine law, we are equals. But this does not mean we are of equivalent ranks. If you disagree with my words, then fine, do so, but do not act as
an animal and yell, or ridicule (just to appear cool to your other nothing friends), or in other ways try to illustrate through silly means that you
are my equal in this way. I welcome intellectual, courteous agreement or disagreement and find this stimulating, however, I issue you this
Seth's Challenge
You have asked for the truth, and I come with it. I will answer you honestly, or not (same rules as you). If the Strength of it is too much, then
yell, carry on like the barberous race that you eminate from, insult me, I care not. And I will leave. And then accept that you are not worthy of the
Truth and your collective position invalid.
My challenge: show me that you are atleast as civilized as a human, able to have an actual conversation about the truth. Show me that the Truther
position is atleast possible. That you will become angry, afraid, tempted to bring all manner of trickery and false accusation against me, I expect
this (it is the nature of your race) but prove to me and yourself that you are above this, that you have what it takes to understand the Truth that
you have asked for.
But I know you Grey (having met with you many times in struggle) you are unworthy of the Truth of the Nephilim, those men of renoun. That you love
playing this game of "I can handle the truth" and continually run from it, or resist it I expect.
If you are unable to accept the tone of this then you will not be able to bear the strength of my message, and therefore, I am wasting my time in
speaking with you. As said by Jesus "Cast not your pearls before swine, for they will turn around and rend u." I come with pearls, and fear you are
swine, and I fear that you will try to rend me as you have several other messengers before me. We want the truth you continually say. I come in the
name of the elites, I will tell u my opinion regarding the truth, All I ask is that you be civilized.
But I know you. You become scared. Several of you number will come and think I am easy pickings. "He has not been a member long, he has no right to
say these things. I have paid my dues here at and who is this person who dares talk to us with this tone. I will defend, and send
this imposter upon his way." And the Grey in you will reject this opportunity to hear the Truth.
But I will perserver, for I am not afraid of your kind, and offer to you again the truth. And you will quickly find that you are not my intellectual
or experiencial match, and you will be angered by this and resort to insults, yelling, and the usual grey infantile behavior that distinguishes you
across the cosmos. This is the Grey way after all, lol.
And you will get your brethren and say "Let us gang up on this messenger and silence him." Notice in this moment what you are doing. I have said
that I come with the Truth and all you want to do is silence me. Perhaps you are not worthy of it. Perhaps it scares you. Perhaps it brings out the
barbarism in you nature. Perhaps you are just a filthy pack of messenger killers in your heart of hearts? A human would say "He is a fool....let us
depart. He is boring, and lying and of no use. Let him speak but I will go to another place to hear the truth I want to hear." but I know the Grey,
you won't do that but attack with your brethren until you have silenced me. And then pat yourselves on the back saying "Ha! We have silenced him."
and all you will have done is illustrate the hypocracy of your position, that you want the truth, and yet are unable (for whatever reason) to bear
And again I will percerver and will resist you by ignoring your insults, your yelling, your discusting made-up rules of "proper conduct" and
"policy" all the while you spit on conduct and policy in your very actions. Notice this when you do it, so that you might change for the better some
day. And also know of the heathen race that you eminate from, the hypocracy, the gaul, the mediocraty that is entrenched in the so-called "Galactic
Federations". Perhaps then you will try to put your house in order before commenting on that of the Nephilim.
If you come at me as a man, I will talk to you as a man. If you come to me as a ravening beast, I will treat you as a dog. Is this not proper?
And then when you have had your vile fun, a dark thought will creep into your mind, and notice then that there is only murder in a Grey's heart. You
will say things like "Perhaps we can hack into the AboveTopSecret and get this heretic's IP address and track him down?" or "We will find you and
silence you?" or the more pathetic of you number will go running to the moderators whimpering "He is speaking lies, he is speaking lies, ban him,
ban him" And the moderator will tell you of your code that as long as I keep within the rules and policies that I am free to post here. But you will
in pathetic Grey fashion whine, intreat, threaten you moderators with social ostracism to silence me. And you will find one scared enough of you that
you will succeed and have me banned.
Then (lauging mockingly) you will try to find me. I won't be here. You will accuse each other of being me, and in the process act like thugs to the
weaker members, and those that sound even remotely like me, and there will be a big hubb-ub, where is that evil Templar Seth? He is here, I know he
is. And you will abuse your number, your friends, and like a bunch of chickens peck to death those of you that have a few specs of my blood on them. I
invite you to prove me wrong in these alligations. But I know the end from the beginning.
Lol, I am noble and fearless. I care not if you listen to the truth for the Grey and the pleadians are inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.
In fact I come here just to mock you, to offer you the Truth and see you rebell against it and reject me. I will be long gone and only percerver long
enough to show you the depth of your rebellion against truth. That I will tell you, I would just tell you. It is no secret. But I want you to see who
and what you are, and thus the challenge.
But let us say that you have the strength, the humility, the courage of an average human being. Then I will planely tell you what you want to know. If
it not be to your liking, I cannot force you to accept what is. After all (laughing) it is only my opinion, and just the rantings of a madman, right.
But let us see your devotion to civility, to intellect, to the ability to accept the truth if it is again presented to you|?
Prove me wrong. Prove that my strong words are bigotry. Be more noble with me than I have been with you here. Show me that you are greater than a
Neph, and swallow my strong words and sit and listen. This is your entry fee to have the truth presented to you. If it is acceptable stay, and if not
leave quietly. And don't submit to mediocraty. I have told you the truth here IMO, and we will see if you have what it takes to run with the Big
Dogs. And unable, please notice and change for the better.
I will not implore you. I will not bow to you. I will not present it in a way that is fashionable,m or pleasing to your senses, or conform to your
ideas of what is proper and good. I WILL JUST SAY IT. Plainly. No disinformation. No kissing your asses. No double-talk. Just as one man to another.
Are you special-needs kids who need to be told in a special, head-patting way so that you might understand, or are you men and women who can handle
the plain, unadulterated truth? We shall see won't we?
But I already know the end from the beginning. I know you all to well. You are incapable of the elite nature. That we have enriched you, educated you,
allowed you to communicate with each other over vast distances, tried to bring you up to our levels of civility, honour, courage and power this is
true. Now repay us in kind by illustrating that you are not animals but men and women, educated, intelligent, and in control of yourselves as are the
If I do not return, know that one of your number, or a few managed to get me banned. I walk where and when I choose. I will not sneek back in with
another username to try to beg you to hear the truth. I don't beg! I will just let you fall. This is about you, not about me. I have the Truth, you
do not. If there is any begging to be done, it should be done on your end.
Or perhaps the closest you'll ever get to the truth is "I saw a strange thing in the sky" or "Please tell me I beg what that shadow was on my wall
last night". Perhaps these are the limits of Grey ability to accept Truth, and all you are worthy of? Prove me wrong.
I will return...