posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 02:47 PM
I would love to have an official disclosure. One thing I am certain of, if they (ETs) were a bunch of masters looking for slave labor, we wouldn't be
having this discussion. Which makes me think that if they are in contact, they are waiting on the governments of the world to come up with some
solution that would have as few panic stricken people as possible.
If the ETs do show themselves without the consent of the people in charge, then the governments could always lay back and say, "Wow, cool- we never
had any concrete proof they existed." With all the disinfo out there it would be a perfectly acceptable response accepted by the sheeple er masses.
When I first started getting into this there were tons of youtube vids about how the government is really close to full disclosure. (this was at least
a few years ago)
While I want to believe, I truly won't until either ive been probed (and remember) or they come peacefully and I see them in person.