posted on May, 3 2011 @ 11:21 AM
I have odd criteria for what gets a flag: Good subject (whether I agree or not), Well researched/written (agree or not), particularly humorous
(especially if I needed a laugh), if I learned something new (whether I liked the subject or not), feel it needs to be read by others (especially if I
became engrossed reading the thread) and if I have several replies in the thread itself (hey, I was compelled to reply, others might also). One other
thing will usually get a flag...if I feel the thread is one of those "hidden gems".
Stars: Similar to the above but I am more apt to star than flag. Of course that has more to do with there being more replies than threads than
anything else.
Applause: Yes, being a mod I can give those. The reasons can vary to the above, sometimes I will applaud if I see a person has learned something,
admitted they were wrong about something, done something exceptional, because they mentioned something important that isn't mentioned often (again,
one of those rare gems), because "I felt like it" (which can be for ambiguous reasons including a callback to the old WATS votes).
And the rarest thing of all...clicking on the friend button: Each has their own reasons, sometimes those are public and sometimes those are private.
And yes, I consider myself as having more friends on ATS than those that listed (the rest of the staff, I consider to be all family of sorts)...just
that the listed ones are special in their own right and they still appear in the order they were clicked. Some will notice that SkepticOverlord was
first...and that was for considering allowing a topic to exist despite being very set against it. It takes a big person to publicly acknowledge that
they might have been hasty in a steadfast position and the willingness to hear a core opposition was a bold and telling part of a person's character,
especially when the listening was not done as lip service. Thus he earned my respect and the first person I clicked the friend button on.
As for the Foe button, never used it due to the negative way people have used it to mean that they dislike someone versus finding them to be a worthy
intellectual adversary and/or counterpoint. Are there people I have disliked? Yes, but giving them the public acknowledgement with the foe button, is
placing more value than they are worth in my opinion. And this coming from a guy that was so seething with rage over a betrayal that I came very close
to actually killing (or kicking the ever-living crap as a bare minimum) a life-long friend over it. What saved him, frankly, was he was not home at
the time I went there. So I wrote him off as dead for almost 2 years until I finally listened to his pleas for friendship through my cousin.