posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:41 PM
I need a break from the OBL death threads and thought I would share this story.
Anyone that has played wow knows how easy it is to get your account hacked.One of my accounts became compromised and I had to go to great lengths to
get it back.When I did I noticed that Blizzard mailed me duplicates of all the items I had that predated the time of the hack.So not only did I have
all the items and gold the hacker obtained but also duplicates of my stuff as well, this gave me an idea.The account wasn't my main so I got brave
and gave it back to the chinese based gold farming company that hacked it to begin with.I then waited 7 weeks before requesting account recovery from
blizzard and changed the password.When I got the account back it was LOADED with gold and high sought after items that sold well on the ah.It also had
some tier gear and a few rare mounts.Soon after Blizzard banned it because the credit card the gold farmers used was cancelled and they demanded I pay
from the time I had recovered the account .This was a small price to pay for the amount of stuff I got from this process plus I wasn't trying to
steal game time anyway just trying to get even with the hackers.By the time I was finished with selling all the duplicate's to vendors and auctioning
off ore,bars,flasks,pots and so on I hit the gold cap, a whopping 214,748 gold, 36 silver, 48 copper.I was at the end of my time with wow so I did the
only sensible thing a hardcore wow player would do.....I sold it back to the company that hacked me for a decent amount of money.
Retribution at
it's finest!