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Having A Leg Up In The Weeks To Come.

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posted on May, 2 2011 @ 09:46 PM
I find it quite fascinating about the advantage that many of us have, and how we can use it to advance our knowledge, resources, research and all around intelligence. I had a conversation earlier about the disgust over the latest news (OBL), and how dumb some are to be celebrating that death of this person, without any evidence about... well.. anything.

I then stated that we (ATS) have a leg up because we are aware from all angles. We discuss things here, and still watch, listen and learn from those that wouldn't give this site a second glance. We have formed a community of observation. Not just observing our news, research, and knowledge, but we share what we see, we are outside looking in.

While others were in the street celebrating, we were sifting through the distraction, and looking for the hidden pieces to an otherwise, unnoticed puzzle. I think that we should not be angry about the invisible box that others so comfortably live in, but look from the outside, many of those celebrating people are what our world has turned into. Just looking into things that we like, will also put us in a box.

There is going to be lots of breaking news discovered by members here. Not because we are smarter then everyone else, but because we have learned to take everything with a grain of salt. We can spend time here, and then go about our day to day, without a hitch. We can discuss things that NO ONE would, and not be afraid.

After all of the dust settles the only thing that will be feared are those who use their intellect to look past the facade. We have become the revolutionaries! We have become the minority group that will have to make the change for the upcoming events. We as a community have the power to make change. I choose not to allow many to speak for a few. Actually the opposite.

We have worked hard to be a step ahead. I see a hard road up ahead, and many will have questions, and concerns, and maybe, just maybe it will be to late for some. I for one say to my friends we have stepped up! This was one of the tests that we knew would come, and how we all reacted has said alot.

Congratulations ATS!

Peace, NRE.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 09:59 PM
Searching for knowledge always comes at a price, however.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by Nostradumbass
Searching for knowledge always comes at a price, however.

Well the price that I pay, I am more then happy to except the charges.

Peace, NRE.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:07 PM
Well said OP. Mankind has evolved to this point because we're always learning and always searching for answers. I like to think we're keeping that trend alive here. As for those in the invisible box, it's strange how over the past 24 hours how disconnected from the rest of the country I feel. Knowledge is power. Let's spread it out and not keep it confined to one entity of our society.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:16 PM
WE are the TRUE Powers That Be....I say we take our place back now.....Evil has to diminish, love and compassion has to grow.....Thats just the way it has to be.....It's "it's" time.....

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:44 PM
I guess I wrote the thread because it felt like the "recent news" was a test. A test that only few would pass, and felt that some of us here were aware of it also. I guess we will see I know that I plan on keeping my eyes and ears open.... at all times!!

Peace, NRE.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 08:10 AM
The path to enlightenment is never easy...
But is rewarding...

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 12:52 PM
I appreciate the jaundiced eye, but I am always amazed when it fails to take in an entire overview of a specific situation, and becomes blind to its own isolation as the true whole sits out there and is available for acknowledgement.

A good example is this OBL takedown. The announcement that the entire operation (including the verification of OBL's remains and the burial at sea) was recorded, and even streamed live during the attack itself, suggests that Obvama and his crew are going to make this verification available to a 3rd party at some point in the near future. This - to me - indicates that the operation did happen, that OBL was killed, and that his remains were authenticated before being buried at sea. Why? Because they didn't have to state that they have this video, forensic and material proof. In fact, they could've easily dropped a smart bomb on this compound and turned it into a hole full of smoldering nothing, and simply announced the death if all they wanted was to make a big announcement to derail other news that is or isn't gaining traction. Instead, they streamed a potentially disastrous commando raid, right next to Pakistan's "West Point", and took the guy's body with them. Then they announced that they obtained all the proof anyone could ever demand that they did, in fact, take the guy down.

All that extra comes across - to me, anyway - as being instructive concerning the veracity of the official narrative. So, what does it look like when someone's trying to hoodwink us? A good example is the 9/11 attack's official narrative.

No one has ever verified any of that narrative, and all efforts to verify it have been aggressively blocked by both the media and the government. And a week after those attacks, a very good explanation for this bizarre response to a mass murder that caused thousands of deaths, trillions of dollars in war debt and tens of thousands of deaths in the Middle East, emerged in the form of a handful of letters laced with Anthrax that were mailed directly to the media and the DNC Senate leadership. Now, since we know that this specific strain of Anthrax was manufactured in Maryland, and that it took at least 3 years to make it, it seems reasonable to assume that the relatively small amount that was used is not the whole of what was manufactured. Also, since it was in envelopes that referred directly to the 9/11 attacks, and were only a week after those attacks (after the 3 years that it took to make this specific batch of Anthrax) it also becomes suspiciously plausible that these attacks were follow-on attacks related to the 9/11 attacks themselves. Simple demonstrated association (the notes) as well as event timing (only one week) relative to the initial attacks. Also, since there were no further attacks, even though no one was ever apprehended or even suspected at the time, it gets real obvious that the entire mission of those attacks was completed and the ends achieved.

Suddenly, the media's and government's backing away from the 9/11 investigation suggests a much darker scenario, with the rest of what must've been a larger batch of incredibly sophisticated weaponized Anthrax emerging as the primary impetus of what's become a virulent anomaly, when compared to the reaction that such an enormous event (two events in fact) would inspire from the law enforcement community of any modern society on this planet. As the weirdness continued to pile up, and the obvious contradictions became more and more stark, the media and government resistance to any mention at all of an alternative narrative matched that increase in public skepticism with increased belligerence and a circling the wagons mentality. In short, it's the battle to shut down any further information discovery concerning both the 9/11 attacks and the Anthrax attacks that has been the real smoking gun, and what has logically associated these two events with one another as one umbrella event.

There's a big difference between the OBL takedown and the 9/11-Anthrax attack suite, even though the OBL event is only a couple days old yet. Conspiracy theories need to be at least as credible as the official narratives they're attempting to expose. It's good to be vigilant, but it's critical to be credible. Being credible will ensure that if you do uncover something, that your discovery will be taken seriously. Sadly, there are too many on this board that have destroyed their credibility on too many topics, and while it may be okay within these confines, it doesn't do anything to help expose anything to the outside world.

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