Sorry about that, my brain shut down and due to loss of motor function my head hit the keyboard. let me try again:
"I typed this with my forehead."
Okay, now that that's out of the way...
I am not a professional, but since a kid I have always loved planes and all the cool stuff they can do. Oh yeah, and I worked for Lockheed in the
/80's/90's, but what could I know about planes.
Anyways, it strikes me as odd that people are just now noticing "stufftrails" (patent pending) being expelled from the plane's "planus" (patent
pending). This has been something I've noticed for years and years and years. But I will humor the notion for a minute.
1. If these chemicals (I'm assuming Barium, etc.) can be added to fuel, at such a level that they are effecting our health, how can these planes
operate efficiently with the high levels of these chemicals? If this is possible, where the hell is my Barium car? No, seriously, I want one.
2. If Barium is going to... well, not sure what the "stufftrails" (patent pending) are doing to us, but Barium if is dangerous, why are we using it to
determine whether people are aspirating? This surely requires congressional inquiry.
3. Exactly what are these "stufftrails" doing to us? TPTB seem to have succeeded in "stuffing" us for years, who is controlling my mind/giving me
cancer/sterilizing me?
4. Wait, our air and our water? Hold up, were getting tag-teamed now. Why wouldn't TPTB just "stuff" our water? I know we test it, but we also test
the air. are the air/water testers hiding "stuff" from us?
Thank you for your time. But not your's.... yeah, you.
edit on 13-5-2011 by GringoViejo because: fnord