Hello ATS Community, let me introduce myself.
I shall go by the name of Warrior Of Light whilst on the board. For a backround on why I chose this name, it comes from a volume of the same name by
an author I admire named Paulo Coelho which contains various philosophical teachings and writings that I always find inspirational. I have found the
search for truth on this website stimulates a similar feeling within me so I thought i'd be an appropriate choice.
So, as the saying seems to go, i have been a long time lurker on these boards._javascript:icon('
') It must have been a good two years that I have
visited this site daily and today I felt the urge, unlike any other time to put my name down and join in. I've definitely come close in the past but
something today just galvanized me in to action... maybe the news on Osama? Who knows?
Either way, i'd love to just get started so if I may i'd like to re-introduce some information to everyone.
Remember Benazir Bhutto? Well, she came to mind as soon as i heard and disbelieved the news on Osama today.
I dont know if im able to link stuff on my first post so i'll just direct you guys over to Wikipedia. If you run a search on her name and scroll down
to "Preparation for 2008 elections" the paragraph that follows explains how back in November 2007 she stated that Osama Bin Laden was murdered by
someone by the name of Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh.
Her interviewer apparently ignored her statement and consequently never asked any follow up questions. It goes on to mention how when the interview
was added to the BBC website, the portion containing the statement about Bin Laden had been edited out!
Only when people took to YouTube to start a campaign to uncover the truth by showing evidence of her remarks did BBC then replace its edited online
version with the original version from Al-Jazeera.
Long story short; this situation has been a little suspicious for a while and no doubt this sudden turn of events today will have similar
repercussions as the truth has a nasty habit of prevailing and this whole 'killed and buried at sea within 24 hours' will not hold water with people
concerned with the truth for very long. Mark my words.
Anyway, i look forward to many posts, many discussions and to continue to be amazed by what I read on here. I really hope to be a long-term member and
guys please help me reach my 20 replies so I can get posting too _javascript:icon('