posted on May, 2 2011 @ 04:03 PM
Take it from me. Nothing on TV is "real". Everything is scripted, even shows like the haunting have a story arc in every episode, a cast of
characters, etc. Look at the news, they get real stories, write the dialogue for the story, and they have to write it so they lead into the next
story well. For example they did it beautifully cutting from the carnage of the alabama tornadoes, to the royal wedding. The situations actually
happen but they compromise on what to tell you so the stories go together. It's not a bad thing most of the time but when shows like Ghost Hunters,
go to a real place and interview real people, and then stay in the haunted houses and cut to commercial everytime a noise puts a shocking look on
their faces, then when you come back it's nothing. It's a setup. I think most of these shows mix real events with fake events and call it a day.
I wouldn't use any of these types of shows as real case work. Just to untrustworthy.