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Has ATS been infiltrated?

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posted on May, 3 2011 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by TheLegend

I'm also a Mason, does that mean I'm trying to "infiltrate" this site too?

I guess since I am a mason also, I am a part of this infiltration as well.

Wake up people! It has been a long slumber for a large number of you out there. shake it off!

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by maestromason
Why not ask the Network Administrator who keeps a log of resolved ip's?

Why would the NSA, CIA, FBI come to ATS to hear fodder being chewed? when you KNOW after it is all processed through the "digital gut" that it comes out as steamy, BULL$#!T!

Is ATS representative of 90% or better of the general public's view? No.

ATS is just a general forum people that ANYONE can join.

ANYONE who is stupid enough to publicly announce their disdain for their government on the net is a loon, therefore plausible threat elements maybe on the forum.

To be honest with you, sites like these attract paranoia/schizophrenic entities, and government haters

As I said, if people from the government sector frequent this site then it's for recreational purposes (there are many good topics here--including non-conspiracies), not to try and spread propaganda here because, as you pointed out, this site is not representative of the majority of people and the opinions expressed here are already highly predictable (and influencing people here would serve no purpose).

I disagree that those expressing disdain for their gov. are "loons", but we all have our own opinion here.

@ the Network Admin's IP cache, If someone abused this site and got banned then they should stay banned unless amnesty be granted. This site is open to anyone unless they violate the code of conduct repeatedly or post illicit material and spam. I didn't think I'd have to specify that.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

One thing I have noticed and this seems like as good a place to note it....
the cohesive thought of the familiar members on the current events stands out nicely.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by schuyler

ATS likes to put on the mantle of "Deny Ignorance" like a corwn of superiority. But like the Emperor with no clothes, the truth is rather more he opposite. Too often the site promtes ignorance by allowing people to check logic at the door and spout abject opinions as facts. We even check the Laws of Physics at the door here, as if we are capable of rescinding them by legislative fiat, or at least group consensus. I believe there is quite a lot of disinformation being spread by this site, but it's not being inserted here by agents; it's being spread by members.

I don't think the Deny Ignorance motto is meant to be a crown of superiority but rather a reminder and in some ways encouragement. Just because we are greeted with the battle cry of Deny Ignorance here doesn't mean that ignorance will be denied in the way that we individually think ignorance should be denied. We usually create for ourselves great expectations and are disappointed when things do not go as we imagined them.

Just as when we accidentally turn on Fox News and are greeted with Fair and Balanced, we are presented with an opinion instead. Or when we go to Burger King and expect to get it our way because we are greeted with a sign that tells us so, we are sometimes let down by our own hopeful illusions of how our experience will play out because we took the message and created what it means to ourselves. I know I specifically said no pickles. I am just not having it my way after all.

Now when you believe the site is promoting ignorance by allowing members to check their logic at the door you are merely saying that you disagree with other members on some issues and you believe that they should think about things like you do because you believe you are right. So you are really disappointed and believe that misinformation is being spread by members because they do not think like you do. You seem to have further disappointment at the fact that some members collectively come to a consensus on some issues because you believe that they are being misinformed and you of course know better.

This is odd thinking for someone who just received a ringing endorsement from an authoritative figure on ATS itself. I know what is meant by Deny Ignorance here and I know that I cannot always have it my way. I know that everything is far from fair and balanced and nothing is at it seems. Enjoy.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 03:04 PM
slayer created this thread to throw off suspicion from him!!!!!!

hes government plant INFILTRAITOR!!!!

yeah i spelled it wrong but i am not known for my awesome typing skills here.

on a serious note: i have always thought pro government threads and comments always to be questionable at best.

its a conspiracy site and those who promote a pro government position give me reason to take pause.

ats is where beck gets his talking points and where obama gets his ideals on how to seal his real identity!!!

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 03:08 PM
OF COURSE!! it's been infiltrated.
It would be extremely irresponsible!! of them to not have begun this a long time ago.

No, they're not going to identify themselves.
Yes, they're going to do it as masterfully incognito as possible.
Yes, they're going to have a bunch of different names and 'personalities'.
Yes, they're doing it by constant muddying and constant mockery of factual information.
Yes, they're probably pretending to be average joes and not drawing attention to themselves.
Yes, they're monitoring every post and person.

I think I've noticed that one of the tactics is to ALWAYS being a first page detractor, often just a two-line post implying "that's rediculous" without any corroborating facts.

I think every thread should have a watchdog suggesting which posts belong to the muddiers.

edit on 3-5-2011 by Timelab because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-5-2011 by Timelab because: added 'of them'

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by neo96
slayer created this thread to throw off suspicion from him!!!!!!

hes government plant INFILTRAITOR!!!!

yeah i spelled it wrong but i am not known for my awesome typing skills here.

on a serious note: i have always thought pro government threads and comments always to be questionable at best.

its a conspiracy site and those who promote a pro government position give me reason to take pause.

ats is where beck gets his talking points and where obama gets his ideals on how to seal his real identity!!!

We all know that your bad typing skills are the real ruse to throw suspicion off of you!

I know your type. You know people will be all like "Well, he seems like an infiltrator but... wouldn't those guys type better?!"

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 03:50 PM
I agree Slayer. I certainly dont know this place like you do but I have noticed the trend on a lot of conspiracy sites during these events.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by pop_science
Yes ATS has been infiltrated.

By 4chan and "anonymous"

wait until school lets out for summer. i'm going to have to wear 2 Silver Mylar hats, and those things get hot in the sun!

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by PrimePorkchop
reply to post by SLAYER69

Infiltrated, yes. By who? My guess is by "idiots". It doesn't take a top secret agent spy of the government to come post moronic garbage about how OBL actually won the war on terror, or how Obama is a reptilian with no B.C.

Idiots come in all shapes & sizes from all backgrounds and salaries. And unfortunately, lots of them find their way here because its the ONLY place people pay attention to them.

What is moronic about that? In fact I agree with that poster. That Bin Ladin knew our leaders would spend us into oblivion trying to retaliate, that our leaders followed the same stupid path as the Soviets did, that Bin ladin played everybody, that our country spent itself into oblivion fighting these wars, that it is now spending itself into oblivion with even bigger entitlement spending, that the person who is perpetrating the biggest spending spree in American history with zero accountability is getting the credit for taking out OBL and could get re elected by people who do not understand the game.
I guess it all depends on who we think OBL won the war for. The Rothschilds certainly will reap the benefits financially.
Personally, I am not crying over the loss of OBL. Neither am I celebrating with POTUS, as I will never trust his actions. I do not think his actdions are Pro -American. He told us already he is a Citizen of the World. That is what the globalists are.
The Rothschilds arm every side of a conflict. I'm sure veterans of this site know what I am talking about.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by neo96
slayer created this thread to throw off suspicion from him!!!!!!

hes government plant INFILTRAITOR!!!!

yeah i spelled it wrong but i am not known for my awesome typing skills here.

on a serious note: i have always thought pro government threads and comments always to be questionable at best.

its a conspiracy site and those who promote a pro government position give me reason to take pause.

ats is where beck gets his talking points and where obama gets his ideals on how to seal his real identity!!!

Social engineering is the end result. I have been in other forums where admin tells people that he is employed by the govt to conduct social engineering at the site. Of course he could easily be bluffing, but it does make one wonder, as I also heard another guy say he was doing it for a school thesis. The concept of govt directed social engineering sure sticks in my head from that episode.

edit on 3-5-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 04:22 PM
Yeah i think it's filled with people who just post for the government.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Nobama
reply to post by mrmmo

^ This guy is totally a Disinfo Agent

I dont think this site has been "infiltrated" it's just the more mainstream the surface web gets the more noobs and kids stumble upon sites like this..

And you assume that just because a person only recently signed on that he/she has not been studying the NWO for decades? Watch who you call a noob.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by Mallik

Pretty soon, they'll realize they are the only ones left and they're just trying to infiltrate themselves. Hehehehe... "infiltrate themselves"... hehehehe...

Now I'm gonna have to make a shirt with a black helicopter that just says "Go infiltrate yourself!"

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

some are new members that have been long time lurkers like myself


I have noticed some fishy top treads that question this

I think you are correct but it should not become a big deal , that is just how they work

keep your head clear and your instincts sharp dude

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 04:53 PM
Ive been screaming about this since September 2009. At first it was a trickle. I suggested marking the disinfo agents foes to track them.

By mid 2010 the trickle of "disinfo agents, sock puppets" etc. became a deluge. When the mods didn't respond, I quit coming for 6 months. With no alternative I came back but I used the same methods of identifying them as I did when I worked on Meet the Press and Hardball.

Professional spin masters or propagandists have a few things in common:

1. They have an important name or what we call a "lower 3rd" in the television biz. I think Daniel Pipes used "Senior fellow at the center for middle east affairs." Which happened to be the basement in his mother's house. ATS puppets seem to like to use the word "truth" in their name.

2. Rather than debate the meritts of a hypothesis, they dismiss claims out of hand and make broad counter claims with no supporting evidence.

3. They attack the legitimacy of the OP's claim by calling the idea stupid, impossible or both.

4. They attack the OP personally trying to get the thread off track turning it into a pissing match.

To combat these tactics, just ignore them. Don't east time and don't be tricked into dismissing a thread cause a couple of computers told you it was stupid.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 04:57 PM
one sec, let me find a thread
ive only been here for a year, and have not made a single thread yet
but im starting to notice the patterns alot more also..
the above thread really got me after i posted on it about the "clawing at one another" thing

edit on 3-5-2011 by JayXBraun because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 06:16 PM
Maybe someone can tell me the difference between being infiltrated by paid shills of disinformation and paid shills of information?

Basically, are we sure the paid de-bunkers outnumber the paid bunkers on sites like this? I can tell you right now, there are people on here who think every single thing is a conspiracy. The only thing that is not a conspiracy is what they believe.

PS...this is a conspiracy website and a not a fact website. Although there are a lot of facts on here, the paid informationist refuse to believe it. Obama was born here....FACT! But the paid informationist refuse to believe it. Just like some think there are paid shills for the government on here some think there are paid shills for the Koch Brothers on here.

PS..seems like a sweet job to sit at the computer all day getting paid to disinform the public. I would sit and dream up all kinds of wild conspiracies then laugh at how many stars and flags I get.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 06:31 PM
Here's the litmus test on who is a paid shill and who is not. People who posted 40 or 50 times but have 3000 stars are paid shills of someone. If you look at their postings its pretty pedestrian stuff but they got dozens of stars.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by LosLobos

PS..seems like a sweet job to sit at the computer all day getting paid to disinform the public. I would sit and dream up all kinds of wild conspiracies then laugh at how many stars and flags I get.

Agreed, and I would like overlords, skeptical or otherwise to note that I am available for hire.

I can claim Obama's a damn old Mexican woman if you pay me right. I got kids to feed.

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