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Dear "agnostics": You're atheists, get over it.

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posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:47 AM
This is not a message of confrontation, merely a message of solidarity. Those who call themselves 'agnostic' seem to think it means something entirely different than the term 'atheist'. It's really a simple question of whether or not you believe in any deity. It's a binary function. If you don't believe in any deity, you're an atheist. If you believe in one or more deities you're either a theist or a deist (though that's more of a distinction on the type of deity).

Agnostics, just admit that you are agnostic atheists, just like the vast majority of other atheists out there. It'll help everyone out in the long run because you'll stop separating yourself from other atheists by pretending that they are somehow entirely different.

...well, they are different. Except for one thing. You so-called agnostics and we honest atheists don't believe in any deity. We share one thing in common, why don't we just admit it?

+16 more 
posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:54 AM
Because being "agnostic" means being wise enough to say "I don't know for certain."

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:56 AM
To put it simply for you the difference is that an atheist believes that there is no god, whilst an agnostic does not believe that there is a god. It is a very significant difference, think it over.
edit on 2-5-2011 by Arkady because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

We share one thing in common, why don't we just admit it?

Actually, it's two things in common.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

Uh, wrong. There are some of us who choose not believe any one religion, but also don't deny the possibility of some sort of god, whether that be in the pantheistic sense or not... I don't call myself Atheist because I find it rather ignorant to put your whole faith in science, the same science that can't get us past our own moon or to the depths of our own planets oceans. Atheists put faith in science like religious people put faith in story books.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

atheists believe that there is NO god. they think that they are correct about that, that it's what they believe and also what is the real Truth. agnostics believe that the real truth is unknown, or yet to be revealed, or unknowable, but one thing they CLEARLY do not believe is that they KNOW there is no God, as atheists do. an agnostic can believe in god, but deny that we can correctly characterize him/her/it, that we know its nature or can organize religions around ideas of what it does or does not want us to do. an atheist cannot believe in the existence of any god.

atheist = there is no god! I know it!
agnostic = there may or may not be a god! i'm not sure!

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

Dang, madnessinmysoul, I was just about to post a dear "atheists": your agnostic, get over it - post.

Actually, I really don't care what other people believe - whatever get's them through this world. However, I would make the argument - not arguing with you - that at least an agnostic is willing to say - I don't know, versus an atheist that says I do know. However, perhaps it is better stated:

Agnositc: I don't know, but I believe it to be something.
Atheist: I don't know, but I believe it to be nothing.

Sound about right?

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:02 AM
sorry man...

Being Atheist means believing that there is no God...

I just haven't seen enough proof one way or the other...

I just don't know... therefore I'm agnostic...


posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:03 AM
Agnostic simply means I refuse to follow any RELIGION created by man. It does not mean i do not believe in the existence of a higher power.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:06 AM

atheists believe that there is NO god.

No they don't, at least not necessarily. Atheism only describes the lack of belief in a god which is true of both those who say there definitely is not a god and those who simply don't believe in one but acknowledge the possibility.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

I just find it funny that a self proclaimed, darwin worshiping, atheist like yourself, who links the arguments for their cause in signatures.....

Has the word "soul" in their screen name.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:11 AM
Wait so because YOU say our belief is functionally equivelant to atheism WE are atheists?

First off agnosticism is NOT a belief in no god it's far from that as a matter of a fact from every reputable definition I've read.

Second... HOW DARE YOU tell us what WE believe!!! I see so much of this on ATS lately and I am SICK OF IT!!

Don't you DARE use the numbers of agnostics to falsely Swell the ranks of your pet cause!!!

I found your post INSANELY offensive and your general assertions not only in poor taste but lacking any sort of redeeming intellectual value! Drawing false analogs where there are none to make yourself feel superior is a petty tactic of armchair PSEUDOINTELLECTUALS.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by BlackStar99
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

Uh, wrong. There are some of us who choose not believe any one religion, but also don't deny the possibility of some sort of god, whether that be in the pantheistic sense or not... I don't call myself Atheist because I find it rather ignorant to put your whole faith in science, the same science that can't get us past our own moon or to the depths of our own planets oceans. Atheists put faith in science like religious people put faith in story books.

I recently watched a Rupert Sheldrake interview where he pinpointed the errors of modern science, such that it had been over-run by dogma, thus making is similar to religion. I would state that the reasons why we have not gone beyond the moon or to our ocean's depths is not because of the scientific method, which seems to be the best tool for the job, but rather the religion of science and its corruption by moneyed interests.

I do believe that there is an error in having faith in science as though it is a source, versus a method. Science or the scientific method is no different to understanding the universe than meditation is to understanding the workings of one's innerverse. To date, the scientific method has not been able to explain consciousness, although they would have you believe otherwise. Just like, to date, the big bang and evolution are just theories, even though they are taught as facts in school.

To each their own, right?

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:17 AM
Epic Fail!

Imagine the colors Black, Grey and White, please.

You are trying to get us to imagine only Black and White...

As if the only choice is between a MAN GOD and what science believes concerning NATURE.

Come the F on!

What we have come to know concerning our MAN GODS could simply be alien visitation and genetic manipulation and that makes up the bulk of modern religions.... MAN GODS, material gods, gods which are suppose to be SPIRITUAL yet somehow manifest in matter simultaneously which sounds alot like Us.

What we know about NATURE is a teeny tiny fraction of the infinite possibilities.

People like to believe that we are "advanced" while in reality we are like babes who just opened their eyes.

Nope sorry. I will continue to refer to myself as an Agnostic, regardless of who created this option/label as it is still preferable over committing to either a man god or mankinds hubris which, if one looks very closely is very VERY hard to distinguish apart.

Epic fail, you probably disinfo for the vatican er something....
Maybe you work with a "helper".
One of you makes atheists look stupid the other is the debate HAMMER who ultimatelty wins the debate and "Nails" home the intended religious propaganda/agenda....
Weak versus Strong Debate tactic also known as Good cop bad cop etc etc....

I could go on all day, I could lawyer the sides of this idiotic debate 'cause I am GOOD like Stewie yet to imagine that there is no middle ground between Totally Bat # Crazy and yer average Bat # Crazy......

Fail! No star No Flag for you!!!

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:20 AM
But I'm an agnostic...and I'm a theist...yes...I am an agnostic theist.

methinks you are confused.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:21 AM
When man reaches the mountaintop of science, he will look over to the other side and find faith was there all the time.
The God of science and mathmatics is the same GOD of all religions. Truth and natural law.
I don't pretend to know or understand that which is really real. I just know that I want to be open to consider the possibilities and to be willing to appreciate what I discover along the way.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

I find this more than a little disturbing OKS.... Once again I am forced to agree with a statement you made to the point where I feel i need to star your post!

Maybe the end times truly are upon us! Cats will lay with dogs, chickens AND eggs will come first, the wicked shall be smitten, and OKS and techie agree more than twice in the same day!


posted on May, 2 2011 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Hawking

You either believe in a god or you don't. If you're 'unsure' then that means you don't believe in a god which makes you an atheist

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 12:13 PM
There is a difference:

An atheist (I used to be one) has a spirit of certainty.
An agnostic has a spirit of doubt.

Agnostic: "What is this s__t?"
Atheist: "I don't believe this s__t?"

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 12:22 PM

edit on 2-5-2011 by Tamahu because: double post

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