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Response to David Harrison email to Australian PM - Muslim's in Australia, problem?

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posted on May, 2 2011 @ 09:00 AM

I am an Australian born man of Polish and Welsh background, I am 25 years old, I live in a rural area, i went to a Catholic College, i was baptised. I am not a member of any organisation, club, religion or movement. I have no ties, affiliations or connections with any Muslim, Religion, Group and definately not PETA.

I am a person who reads a lot, i observe everything in a total unbias view, often asking "What made that person act like that" instead of "That prick, we need to lock them up and kick their kind out". The Australian public is by most parts informed by micro-news, short articles, 30 second videos, opinions spoken by news reporters, they touch the surface of a greater problem and only serve to misinform the public. Their is truth behind these, but the truth is selective, amplified and fails to report all sides of the story.

David is an Australian war veteran, a member of the RSL and has travelled overseas to Muslim dominated countries and bases his letter on his personal experiences.

He goes on to say Muslims are spreading like wildfire, torching infrastructure to make way for Islam, replacing everything with the Islamic way of life as they go. Also that they are willing to kill women, children in order to get to their goal.

The truth as we know it (News, video, media evidence):
In the last 10 years, Australia has gradually been removing all forms of Religious imagery during Christmas and Easter as a result of Muslim-Australians being offended. This imagery is becoming out-lawed, only the consumerist elements remain in public view today as they do not directly relate to Chrisianity.

Now is it because Muslims are angry, that it offends Islam to see Jesus statues at Christmas time? Did Muslims directly force this part of our culture out of being, or is it because our politicians understand Muslims will be offended and instead of being reactive are being proactive to defend the rights of Muslim-Australians? As Australians, their beliefs hold just as much weight as a Christian-Australian if we are all equal. So if they do not, as this man suggests, they are not equal, that Christians can dominate, display religious imagery in public but Muslims can not.

From my personal experience in Canberra this last Christmas, i went out with family to see the Christmas lights in the local area, at one of the most impressive houses, there was Santa, Jesus, Angels and all manner of imagery visible, there was also roughly 300-400 people present, enjoying the fun. Of those people, i can say for certain that 95% of people present were Middle-Eastern, Asian, Indian or African. This much was obvious, it is easy to judge nationaility in such a large crowd and spending 1 hour there i walked past almost everyone. The interesting thing about this is, i spoted at least 30 women in half-burqas (they had face visible and the burqa was modest, representing an attempt to maintain their heritage only), along with their children, the father etc. They were walking around, smiling, enjoying the moment and gave a friendly "Happy Holidays" with a smile.

When i can observe such a diverse range of cultures, all enjoying Australian culture, it makes me wonder, is David really looking hard enough with his own eyes? These Australians, even though of non-white, non-christian backgrounds, do infact enjoy our culture, they werent forced there that night, they arrived on their own wishes, enjoyed the sights and were having fun.. They werent rebeling against our culture, they embraced it.

Halal? Whats the big deal:
Halal, is not the worst thing in the world, its not like you are eating the devil's food when you consume it. Halal in fact, is designed to respect the animal being slaughtered through a prayer/blessing, it is then killed in the same way to ensure the least suffering the animal endures. Halal meat is a ethical and respectful way of 'branding' foods, from a westernised point of view, this isnt so bad. The stigma surrounding Halal gives people this idea that Muslims (aka terrorist conquering anti-western believers) bless or mark food and for some reason it insults Western Society.

Jewish communities have Kosher stores and markets all over Sydney, you dont notice them because you arent looking at Jew's as the enemy, if you were, Kosher stores would be targeted. So why are Muslims told Halal is not compatible with Australia? Just look at PETA's website, you will find dozens if not hundreds of videos/images which are evidence that Australian slaughter-houses often cause animal suffering before they die, no one pays respect to the animal before taking its life. So when you buy a steak, can you imagine, if that meat came from an animal which was hauled into the slaughter, kicked and shoved into a vice, the slaughterer doing his job cuts the animals throat, waits for the suffering beast to stop moving, then drags its carcus aside to be skinned and devided.

The problem with the way we slaughter animals is we dont pay respect to the animal before taking its life and flesh, we kill and cut up these animals and view them as a product, not as a gift from an animal we thanked for the sacrafice. As we do not follow a universal process of respecting the animal and guidelines for ending their life, there is a risk the meat we eat came from an animal which was mistreated and suffered before it died, this is in-humane in the sense that as humans we have an obligation to these animals, if we must take their flesh for consumption, we must pay our respects and give thanks before we take its life.

What added value are muslims to Australia - Isnt this a question best answered by meeting Aussie Muslims? Learning who they are, what they do and how they contribute to our society. A blanket assumption that they do nothing except pac-man the # out of Centrelink benefits is rubbish.

They don't work just take our taxpayer dollars - Where is your evidence? I know many muslims who have excellent jobs, work hard and go home to their belief. One of these gentlemen, would often cook and bring in a feast during ramadan, he would invite everyone in the workplace to come and eat, sharing his culture with us, we enjoyed this and he was able to share a meal with his colleagues. I asked him personally what he thought about Christmas, western society etc. About Christmas, he said "As a Muslim i can not partake in Christian events, but i am not forced these events, i have a choice to avoid the displays and by doing so, respect Australian culture" he also said "Why would Muslims change Australia when they view this place like paradise, safe, free and peaceful"

Don't want to call Australia home - Again, has he spoken to every Muslim in Australia and come to this conclusion? Perhaps 5% of the total Muslim population may resent our culture, im sure the majority does not.

Don't accept our Christian culture - Australia isnt 100% Christian remember. The sensus figures which indicate Christian population can often reflect a massive portion of non-practising people, those born Christians but do not follow the church. The active Christian follower population would have to be something like 25% at most.

Don't want to speak English - Why dont you put your hand out and offer to teach them English? And when they refuse say "Please mate, me and you are equal and i want to teach you my language"

Don't want to abide by our laws - Police will lock anyone up who breaks the law. They also have a task-force for middle-eastern gangs, its effective enough. Those who dont follow laws are drugged-up, young dickheads who are pathedic, they arent muslim, they are just dickheads, no matter what their skin colour is. Would you believe there are also white-dickheads, asian-dickheads, dickheads of all colours and religions, but they dont represent their entire ethnicity, they are just anti-social wankers.

Don't want to integrate - LA 1960's, black Americans are rejected from the American culture for decades, pissed off they start gangs, add 50 years and you end up with Blood's and Crip's, all because the rest of society didnt want them to integrate. Whos at fault? Black people or the existing culture of people who rejected them, forcing them into anti-social behavour (Reference: Bloods and Crips: Born in America)

Don't want to go to our schools - Wrong, in some suburbs of Sydney public schools maintain 90%+ enrolments of middle-eastern kids/teens. Do they want to learn our curriculum? Who knows, run a bloody survey. I for one think half of the curriculum is rubbish and serves to purpose anyway.

Don't want to play sport - There is multiple Islamic-only football and soccer clubs accross Sydney, they are Islamic-only because the club practises the Religion at times during practise, no anglo-Aussie would play for this team anyway!

And many other don’ts - Oh yeah thats great, just conclude with, "Oh and theres plenty more assumptions where these came from"

Clean up Australia day - Not a single Muslim in sight:
Oh right, so Muslims are eco-terrorists now, they are fighting a war against our environment by sitting at home on their ass, rolling around in Centrelink payments. Firstly, what area was this? Probably a rural town or a white-Australian dominated area. Second, are these Muslims accepted and/or friends with the local population. Third, did anyone invite them personally? To a muslim in a majority white population, where a known-scepticism exists about their kind, why would they willfully attend when they feel uninivted? These campaigns are primarily driven by word of mouth and long standing local communities, of which Muslims are rejected from.

The actual problem in plain sight:
9/11 embeded this idea in Westerners, it has diluted over the years but residual ideas and apparent 'facts' are still thought to be truths. The entire Western world was shoved full of anti-Islamic ideas via the attack on America. Everyone was taught that the attacks were carried out by extremist, murderous, vicious people, who represent Islam. At that moment, Islam become the enemy of Western society. The masses have since, not attempted to befriend Muslims, have not made efforts to approach Muslims to discuss social issues, have made little or no attempt to research Islam, have made no effort to read deeper into the news to gain multiple perspectives.

A large portion of society, is stupid by defintion. Someone who watches the guided opinions of a news anchor, along with selective images/videos, then takes that news and embeds it into their core beliefs and understanding.. These people are followers, they take the news in its brief selective form and etch it into the stone wall in their brain that collects truth, understanding, belief and knowledge. They do not question their country-man who reports the 'truth', they take it and accept it.. Never questioning this false logic.

To truly transcend this stupidity, one must take the news as its reported, interpret the story, understand motivation from both sides of the incident, research the specifics of those sides, look deeper into the history, understand the human mind behind the events and then draw their own understanding of those events.

The most gratifying thing is when you research something, gain understanding from many views, understand the motives and people involved and then logically draw your own conclusion. When you do this and do it right, you can say for certain that the way news is reported, is wrong. Not only is it wrong, you understand how damaging such reports are to the population that absorbs it and does nothing to refute it.

The problem is not Islam, it is not Halal, it is not boat-people, it is the false understanding of these people and their culture by a misinformed public, which is resistant to understanding the truth, because the truth the news reports is easier because it requires no effort to adopt. If something you learn is gained with no effort, you havent gained knowledge, you lose your ability to think independently, you lose your ability to challenge and debate, you lose your ability to be a man who is made of self-gained opinions and knowledge.

The common society expression is that of sheep... Following what is in front of them.

A society built on followers is lazy, we need a major kick up the arse, we need to stop taking the easy news and start dedicating a portion of our time to researching news, learning about the world and getting to know the truth behind the opinions of our media industry.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 09:01 AM
A Vietnam Veteran (A Company, 7RAR, Vietnam) Dave Harrison sent this letter to the Australian Prime Minister... Send it on at will... TO ALL


David Harrison Address taken out.

Dear Prime Minister Gillard,

I would like to express my concerns about the current situation with muslim Asylum Seekers/ Refugees/ illegal immigrants.

I am a Vietnam veteran and fought for Australia. I went to war when my country asked me without question and I am proud to say I am Australian who loves my country. I am a member of the Frankston RSL club with the largest membership in Victoria and visit on a regular occasion to talk to my friends. All the people I talk to have the same view as I do on the muslim people coming into our country.

This email will be put on the notice board and everyone's attention will be brought to it as they enter the RSL. Your response will also be put on the notice board. The RSL has over 3,000 members.

I will also sent this to everyone that I have their email address and ask them to pass it on to all the other people they know. I guess this will get to approx 7 to 8,000 people. Maybe more.

Therefore I ask for real answers to my questions.

I have lived in the Philippines and Thailand and understand what the muslims are trying to do in the southern parts of those countries.

They are trying to get their own Islamic states and want to live under their own laws and rules. They are killing everyone that stands in their way. Men, women and children and even babies.

In Thailand they are killing all the teachers and burning down the schools to force the kids to attend Islamic schools so they can covert them to Islamic/muslim.

This is already happening in Australia where the Government and other authorities are changing the rules to suit the muslims.

Take Dandenong area for example, the kindergartens and pre schools now do not celebrate Christmas, Easter and other world Christian events because all muslims there would be offended. Therefore the Australian kids are being discriminated against in there own country. THIS IS AUSTRALIA not some other muslim country.

Another example is a school in Coburg were having a school BBQ and the few muslim women on the committee ordered only halal meat. Therefore the Australian kid had to miss out on the BBQ or eat muslim meat. Your Centre Link and other government departments are banning Christmas decorations and the worst disgrace is that these Government Departments are stoping their staff observing the minute silence on the 11 of November. How dare your department’s heads instruct their staff in this way. These are all to suit the muslims that hate our country and our way of life here.

This is discrimination against Australians and kids, which is a real disgrace.

Another stupid thing your Government has done is bringing the Sudanese to Australia. This is a Christian country however your Government has accepted the refugees from the northern Sudan, which are muslim, and not from the south which are Christian. How stupid. Now every Sudanese woman I see is pregnant to get the baby bonus. Again our taxes at work !!!

You and Kevin Rudd allow and welcome the Muslim boat people and allow them privileges the Australian people don't get. Boats are coming every day and there are another 10 to 15,000 muslim people waiting in Indonesia and 10,000 in Malaysia that will be coming here. The Sri Lanken muslims are on boats now as we speak coming direct here.

How many do we have to take before they start bombing my children and friends. You know and I know it won't be long before we get the same problems and bombings as other countries.


People smuggling around the world is a very serious offence, however your Government welcomes it.

My suggestion,

When the boats come here, have the captain and crew charged and jailed for people smuggling. A long jail sentence of 7 to 10 years as this will be a deterrent to other people smugglers.

Then fly the boat people back to their own country. We spend over $400 million to build the detention centre on Christmas Island and many millions in keeping them and giving them things that many Australian can only dream about. The muslims destroy the centre on a regular basis, which costs us taxpayers many millions of dollars to repair it. Then we repair it again and again.

Now your government is going to build another near Darwin at cost of over 90 million and 70 million to run it per year. Is this a joke on us taxpayers?

Or is this your Government just saying welcome to all muslims.

What added value are muslims to Australia.

They don't work just take our taxpayer dollars.

Don't want to call Australia home.

Don't accept our Christian culture.

Don't want to speak English.

Don't want to abide by our laws.

Don't want to integrate.

Don't want to go to our schools.

Don't want to play sport.

And many other don’ts.

I recently went on the Clean up Australia campaign in 2 locations with hundreds of other people attending. Guess what!!!! NOT ONE MUSLIM OR SUDANESE THERE TO HELP. All were in their public houses relaxing and watching TV at what they think are stupid Australians working.

All the TV footage on the shocking Queensland floods with all the people helping to trying to clean up. I did not see one muslim or Sudanese helping. NO

WHY, they only care about how much money and benefits they can get out of Australia.

Do you ever see muslims or Sudanese living in cardboard boxes or cars with their children? NO, they are all living in our public housing FREE but Australians if they can get one have to pay.


* How many muslims and Sudanese refugees live in Australia now?

* What percentage of the Australian population are each group now?

* How much of total taxpayers money spent on them for the 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 years? The total amounts.

* How much to you believe will be spent this year 2011 on refugees?

* How much tax payers money is in the current budget to support these people?

* If you need extra money for all the muslims boats coming, can you tell me which budgeted area the money will come from? Is it Hospitals, Education or reduction of Australians old age pension?

* What percentage of Australian welfare payment do these refugees represent of the welfare budget?

* Are you going to deport the muslim trouble makers and leaders at Christmas Island currently destroying public property?

* Why don't you allow all the Queensland and Victorian flood victims living in tents and other shared accommodation to live in motels like the muslims at the taxpayer’s expense?

* Why didn't you pay for the families to attend the funeral of Sapper Jamie Larcombe who was killed recently like you did for the muslim boat people and pay for the funeral as well?

* Is it true that these refugees get the following payments?

* Why do these muslim get a hardship allowance?

Some interesting Facts...

By the way the boat people are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS not asylum seekers or refugees.

Myself and most people at the RSL (WHO ALL VOTE) would like your response to the questions and what action you are taking to stop the muslim boat people coming here.


David Harrison. (Butch Harrison)

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 09:47 AM
Think of this for instance.. Even if Muslims had the belief that Islam is the only way and their intentions were to spread, take over parts of the country, slowly introduce islamic-states, deny us our culture and generally maintain an anti-Australian belief...

1) How will they integrate Islam into the courts, the police, the local council? They would have to be qualified, highly intelligent and educated in Australia. Even then, one Muslim on a mission to convert Australia into the land of Allah doesnt make any impact, you need mass public support, the Australian public in its sheepish ways will turn out in record numbers to vote against this.

2) Anything they do which violates Australia law will be met with swift resistance and prosecution. No person of any religion in this country is exempt from Australian law.

3) A true Chrtistian doesnt need to celebrate Chrtistmas through model displays of Jesus or other religious devices, but somewhere along the way the American culture has seeded itself amoung us and become a recurring event.
Just because it has been done for the past 50 years (Because Americans do it) doesnt mean Australia as a whole should adopt it and neither should Muslims.. Muslims, however, feel as though a country which is free, is in fact dominated by the Religion which opposes their Religion and has done so for hundreds of years. The public displays of Christian superiority can make their self worth as an Australian detereorate to less of that of a Christian Australian. Either way, Religious belief should be private and any attempt to expand or promote a Religion on public areas should be banned all together.

4) If they dont like it here why not go home? When people say this, they are talking about the hooligan's, extremists and wankers, who born middle-eastern, have grown into arse holes in society, anti-social, backwards, arrogant arse holes. I guess that bogan down the road who has several cars gathering rust on the lawn, beats his misses and swears in front of his children is any better because he is a white Australian? Lets tell him to go home then? Wait he is home..
So a Muslim born here, who is troubled and anti-social, if told to go home, is home. But for some reason, a drop-kick who is middle eastern is unacceptable and we expect that person to travel to a war zone where his parents came from? Why not send me back to Poland for being a dickhead? Because im white and non-religious, this never becomes an option.

I could go on for hours..

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by sharpy777

To the author of this letter David Harrison
First of all I would like to apologize to my friends and of Anglosaxon and Scotish decent whom this may offend The rest can go # themselves
this is averry offencive email and verry prejudice towards muslims. Not all muslims are dole bludgers, inbred, cheats and terrorists the same way not all european people are dole bludgers, theives and taking the jobs of anglo saxon born australians. In this letter you are insinuating that all imigrants are welfare cheats, bludgers, terrorists, dont want to integrate, dont want to abide by our laws, etc as stated in this letter. I can name at leaste 3 welfare cheats and theives who are Australian born, anglo saxon and scotish background but I dont hear you bitching about them. Donot under-estimate the value, culture and contribution that migrants make to a country and donot forget the humanitarian factors which are at stake here when dealing with refugees. Illegal imigrants do pose a threat to any country they enter and I agree that there needs to be restrictions on who is allowed and what volume but having read this letter I feel personally victimized being of non english speaking background (Greek Australian). Imigrants are easy targets for racists that like to spread hate.
This is not the only time racists in Australia have shown their ugly faces. Take the Cronula Riots for example. A simple protest against violence towards lifegauards escalated into a racist riot towards anyone of non anglo saxon background on the 4th of December 2005. SMS and emails were circulated stating “its a Leb and Wog bashing day” by groups of Anglo saxon and scotish decent. Instead of finding the persons responsible anyone of non anglo appearance were targeted. Persons were injured and property damaged and it even was stated that cronula was off limits for persons of non anglo appearance. They can stick that up their arse, its every australians beach no matter what your background. It was never actualy clear as to what was said between both parties of this national disgrace.
There is nothing wrong with a child learning another language other than english, it is healthy to know what their background is and their ancestry. What you fail to realise is that anglo saxons spoke english before they came here but no-one of non english background bitches about how Australians of anglo saxon or scotish decent dont learn languages other than english. The hypocrysi of this is that the english language is made up of many different languages including greek In a typical English dictionary of 80,000 words, which corresponds very roughly to the vocabulary of an educated English speaker, about 5% of the words are borrowed from Greek directly, and about 25% indirectly (if we count modern coinages from Greek roots as Greek).My parents migrated here through the appropriate avenues at the time and they worked hard to make a home here. They raised three children who also work and are tax payers and are making their life here, even though sometimes I wonder why looking at some of this prejudice towards us. Sometimes I feel I have no country. Whenever we argue the point we are told if we dont like it go home, while living here we are called wogs, when we go back to greece we are called skips. So where the hell is our country then and why the # does anyone think they have any #en right to say that we are not Australians and that this is not our home ?
So why after all these years my pearants who worked and paid taxes shouldn’t I as an Australian not be entitled to public housing, welfare or any government assistance if I am down on my luck ? I gave the best #en years of my life in service of my country and is this the #en thanks I get ? My pearants left their home in greece to come here and make a better life, they sacrificed everything and left their home to start a new life along side people who secretly dispize them. They never took holidays, never bought a new car and worked so hard they injured themselves only to find that as soon as they needed some help they were automatically acused of stealing welfare. My father has two slipped discs and my mother has carpel tunnel syndrome in both wrists from over work. When they claimed disability as they were no-longer able to work as they were in agonizing pain my fathers peranent disablment payment which he was entitled to was withheld and after a lengthy court battle was denied. Justice my arse… Prejudice is what it is, just another wog welfare cheat ay ?
When my house flooded in Goulburn I can’t count even one that came around and help me rebuild it from anglo saxon background. One was of scotish background and the other was of german background. Why ? because I was a dirty wog and didnt deserve it, as if I didnt work hard to buy it and swallow # every day for it. Typical prejudice. I expect nothing less from so many racists. So you expect me to help the same people who in my life made it extremely difficult and unpleasant you must be joking right
The same arguments expressed in this letter were also expressed towards imigrants of european background. We were called wogs, faced violence from others during school and outside, were discriminated against and excluded from many activities by pears and even to this day I am still not considered an Australian by most anglo saxons. #, the same friend I grew up with two doors down from my home invited my friend from Newzealand to his wedding but not me two doors up. He was of scotish backgound.
My contribution to Australia through hard work dosent require recognition as this is my home just like yours and will protect it to the death but dont expect me to folow the riddicuous propoganda governments put forward and see me invading another country in the endless pursuite of oil because right now thats what is happening. Men, women, children and entire famiies are being opressed and killed all in the name of this “So Called War On Terror” and strangely enough all the countries that are being attacked are rich in #ing oil deposits. Co-incidence, I think not ! One of the ugly faces of Capitalism, # everyone as long as I am allright jack…
A perfect example of this sort of propoganda was the way Osama was killed. An un-armed person and his wife were shot dead because the soldiers felt threatened. This operation was rehearsed for some time acording to officials. How does a soldier feel threatened by someone un-armed cowaring in a bunker and why wasnt this man brought to trial to face justice. Its all a smoke screen to hide the truth, the American government had too much to hide by putting him on trial and too many dirty secrets they dont want to public to know.
Want another one, # ya here you go, Sadam Husein, executed for crimes against humanity… He was executed by the same government that apointed him. #en Hypocrits, you put him there in the first place to do your bidding which he did, Why, because once again he was a scapegoat for a government gone mad. No public trial, no eividence published for the public to see just once again another smoke screen.
Not only are we being lied to about the reasons for the wars we are also being gouged at the petrol pump and the hypocrisy of the Australian of anglo saxon and scotish public over looking the humanitarian cost of what is being done makes me sick. The same public is now claiming that muslims are a problem and all imigrants are a problem. Who #ing made the problems in the first place do you think, the same #s ranting aboiut them in the first place. Just remember one thing, opression of a people can only bring a new generation of hatred and prevent any asimulation into the comunity. Just remember one thing, you ( Australians of anglo saxon and scottish backgrounds) are not the majority any more, we the Australians of non english speaking background are !
Not verry nice to feel like the minority is it….
The final stupidity about this letter I must express is as follows : You say muslims dont want to be here, then why are they coming, you say that the doors are open here for all refugees by placing people in camps, they are in prison and provided they meet the requirements they can enter but not otherwise and are sent back or indefinetely detained. There is a clear pattern of stipulation of heresay and hystrerical non-factual information. If you knew any muslims you would see that many of them work, contribute and integrate just fine in society including celebrate christmas, holidays, etc. At the end of the day they are still people and deserve the same chance as all humanity. I am glad that the primeminister has not replied to this hysterical racist rant as all it would do is incite racial violence.
All racists can go # themselves !

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by nickyp00
reply to post by sharpy777

To the author of this letter David Harrison
First of all I would like to apologize to my friends and of Anglosaxon and Scotish decent whom this may offend The rest can go # themselves

Thats the wrong attitude totally to take to begin a reply that you want people to take you seriously on......

Originally posted by nickyp00
this is averry offencive email and verry prejudice towards muslims. Not all muslims are dole bludgers, inbred, cheats and terrorists the same way not all european people are dole bludgers, theives and taking the jobs of anglo saxon born australians. In this letter you are insinuating that all imigrants are welfare cheats, bludgers, terrorists, dont want to integrate, dont want to abide by our laws, etc as stated in this letter. I can name at leaste 3 welfare cheats and theives who are Australian born, anglo saxon and scotish background but I dont hear you bitching about them.

Nicky, you have totally missed the point in Davids letter....he did not claim all immigrants are welfare cheats, bludgers, that do not want to integrate......

What David stated was directed towards the illegal immigrant/boat people that have been arriving "Illegally" with what seems to be the support of the current Labour Government.

Nothing was mentioned in Davids letter about the European immigrants that have integrated very well into Australian society over the past few decades. This letter was directed to the groups of people coming into our beautiful country that DO NOT want to integrate/assimilate/contribute to our way of life.Period.

Originally posted by nickyp00
Donot under-estimate the value, culture and contribution that migrants make to a country and donot forget the humanitarian factors which are at stake here when dealing with refugees.

These people are not refugees regardless what the Left leaning media potrays them as....FACT: almost all of these ILLEGAL BOAT PEOPLE have PAYED their way from their countries to get to Indonesia/Malaysia, then burn their ID's and jump on boats to get to Australia....ILLEGALLY!

If they were legitimate refugees, they would settle in the closest/nearest land to their own one and then apply for a Visa at the Australian Embassy in that new country and wait their turn to come in through the front door as I myself have and many many other immigrants to this Country.

Originally posted by nickyp00
Illegal imigrants do pose a threat to any country they enter and I agree that there needs to be restrictions on who is allowed and what volume but having read this letter I feel personally victimized being of non english speaking background (Greek Australian).

Why should you? I wasn't and am proud and support him with this letter. It wasnt directed at you or the Greek Australian community which is proven to have assimilated well into Australian Society. This letter from David was NOT a racial rant against immigrants in general/ was specifically targeted to those illegal coming here from backgrounds that have been proven to not be able to successfully assimilate into Australian society.

Crime and Welfare Data that is available to the general public with a bit of research backs this up.

Originally posted by nickyp00
Imigrants are easy targets for racists that like to spread hate.

I agree with you thou this is clearly not the case in this instance.

Originally posted by nickyp00
This is not the only time racists in Australia have shown their ugly faces. Take the Cronula Riots for example. A simple protest against violence towards lifegauards escalated into a racist riot towards anyone of non anglo saxon background on the 4th of December 2005. SMS and emails were circulated stating “its a Leb and Wog bashing day” by groups of Anglo saxon and scotish decent. Instead of finding the persons responsible anyone of non anglo appearance were targeted. Persons were injured and property damaged and it even was stated that cronula was off limits for persons of non anglo appearance. They can stick that up their arse, its every australians beach no matter what your background. It was never actualy clear as to what was said between both parties of this national disgrace. was clearly stated was was said between both parties but you Sir are refusing to mention what happened as it doesnt support your arguement. The hostility and tension was brewing for a longtime. Lebanese youths were taunting Australian females on the beaches for wearing bikini's whilst they fully clad women were locked indoors. The Australian Males were fed up with this abuse and took matters into their own hands. If the muslim problems continues the way it is at the moment that the government refuses to acknowledge then the Cronulla Riots will seem small in comparison to what will definitely erupt all over Australia.

Originally posted by nickyp00
There is nothing wrong with a child learning another language other than english, it is healthy to know what their background is and their ancestry. What you fail to realise is that anglo saxons spoke english before they came here but no-one of non english background bitches about how Australians of anglo saxon or scotish decent dont learn languages other than english. The hypocrysi of this is that the english language is made up of many different languages including greek In a typical English dictionary of 80,000 words, which corresponds very roughly to the vocabulary of an educated English speaker, about 5% of the words are borrowed from Greek directly, and about 25% indirectly (if we count modern coinages from Greek roots as Greek).My parents migrated here through the appropriate avenues at the time and they worked hard to make a home here. They raised three children who also work and are tax payers and are making their life here, even though sometimes I wonder why looking at some of this prejudice towards us. Sometimes I feel I have no country. Whenever we argue the point we are told if we dont like it go home, while living here we are called wogs, when we go back to greece we are called skips. So where the hell is our country then and why the # does anyone think they have any #en right to say that we are not Australians and that this is not our home ?

Once again, this letter from David was NOT directed at you or towards you so I dont understand why you are taking it up as a personal issue. Obviously it seems you have had some difficulty growing up with an ethnic background with issue you still seem to hold onto today. I too experienced those same issues growing up. The thing is...many older generation migrants held onto their ancestry a little too strictly....telling their kids they must marry the same nationality females, not mix with Australians, etc etc etc...its these predjudices that cause many problems still today. This difference I beleive I see between you and me is that I have learnt not to let what they beleived/thought affect my development as I grew up.

I am Australian 100% and if asked do not even mention my background...what for? it doesnt prove anything...I have assimilated here, grown up here, contributed to this country like your parents and yourself have, so for you to still be hung up on issues that dont allow you to call yourself Australian.......well, I cannot help you there...its something you must help yourself with. I dont look anglo saxon....but Im still proud Australian and will side with them over anything that threatens or insults this country.

Your elongated rant has not done any favors to your have gone on a tangent to what the OP was trying to put forward...totally.

Bottom line....this government is supporting the influx of ILLEGAL BOAT PEOPLE......NOT LEGAL MIGRANTS THAT CAME THE RIGHT WAY YEARS AGO....when you can see the difference between the two issues, then I welcome you to come back to discuss this further.

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