reply to post by Destiny Of Souls
I believe the OP of this thread, and I am going to tell you no 'one' is going to pop up and say they are 'Christ'. Not like that anyways...
To the OP last night I felt weird watching the whole thing too, especially seeing the clips of the people partying in the streets. I am Canadian, and
most of my friends sharing this same opinion, I couldn't believe what I was watching. I was thinking here are these people that once belonged to a
prideful nation, and have now reduced themselves - no not their Gov, because they are the ones choosing to be sheep - to a white trash society
breaking out in a nationwide celebration over the announcement of a 'death' of a person that hasn't even been seen in real life for 15 years. that
is just completely insane. the US gov spent over a trillion dollars last year on it's over sea's military budget while cutting every expenditure it
could back home on it's mainland. This war has by far greatly deteriorated the over all perception of what the average American's quality of life
"YAY USA, USA, USA' 'OSAMA IS DEAD' '# YOU OSAMA!!!!' and so forth.... All this and Mr. Obama hadn't even declared the war to have ended. It's
still going on, and the US Gov is still funding it's every cent, and the avg. US citizen is for some reason oblivious to this... for some reason? I
don't even get why people gathered into the streets last night to 'party'. the crowds chanting repetitive terms over and over after midnight on a
Sunday night/Monday morning looked more like herds of cattle that had rounded up after the farmer had coaxed them with a handful of hay he was shaking
back and forth in front of them. thinking 'mmmmmmmm food' the cattle gathers around, then the farmer leaves, takes the food with him leaving the
cows with nothing, but not being able to actually comprehend the food is gone and they aren't going to be fed, they continue excitedly mooing their
heads off in delight. well, thats what it looked like! lol. the people all gathered to celebrate for something over something they hadn't a clue off.
if anything i think people going into the streets last night mirroring some mass nationwide sacrificial celebration was actually the biggest mistake
they could have done, because now they just proved to the NWO/US Gov they will do exactly what they are told to do. Sadly not that many people it
seems have awakened across the US.
Anyhow I just wanted to point out a dream I had a few months back that I recently had again lats week. Comet Elenin was in my dream, but it wasn't a
comet. It wasn't a spaceship either though, a brown star, second sun, Nibiru, or other planet "x" either. It was God/Christ. This is strange
because I am not religious - as in the Holy Bible - person at all. I am spiritual, and have read about many religions, and ancient historical and
spiritual writings/texts from ancient times. I never stopped at the Bible like many people do, as there are many, many, many texts that are way older.
The Bible, while it holds references to previous texts, and historical events, it is just a blimp in Human history.
So yeah in my dream 'God' is the comet, and the reason why this 'big object' hasn't been seen by modern astrologist is because it is a new body
to our solar system. Like a beam of light, or knowledge, 'god' is on his way here to Earth to cleanse it. To renew life, and everything on else on
the planet. However to do so that means it all has to be destroyed. So 'God' like all the prophecies say I suppose is actually on his way here
right now to do so, but our reality/perception we are seeing him as being this comet named Elenin. The comet is going to hit the Earth, and destroy it
- or a lot of it anyways. This is according to my dream anyways....
I find this completely strange because after I woke up and thought about it, for some reason I had major Dejavu as if I have always known this; that
'God', this big powerful burst of knowledge and energy, and light would one day make it make it back to Earth, but he comes in the form of a
This might sound completely strange to everyone else which is why I haven't told anyone yet - online or in person - about this dream yet, but it
makes sense to me. I'm not going to pull a Heaven's Gate thing, but I am open to this idea, and if it comes out Elenin really is going to hit the
Earth I am okay with that. I almost feel as though this - if it is indeed true - has always been the plan. Ever since I was a little kid (28 now) I
always felt as if one day a comet would hit the Earth in my lifetime. It's strange...
Now I am not saying this is hardcore proof, or that 'OMG PREPARE', because my belief is 'if it happens it happens, it is meant to be'. Not to be
running around like a chicken with my head cut off - or a cow.... mooooo, moooo.... And I am not saying Elenin will for sure hit the Earth. But I did
say I always felt - like i just know - I will witness a comet hitting Earth in my lifetime. Who knows, it may be that one NASA whispered about that
has an extremely high chance of hitting Earth in, what was it 2027 or something? We shall see....