Dear ATS,
This isn't going to be just another reactionary thread about the alleged death of OBL (Osama Bin Laden), this is an examination of the wider context
of the alleged event.
First, please consider recent events -
1) Royal Wedding
2) Middle-Eastern Rebellion
3) U.S. Election Campaign
4) U.S. Extreme Tornado Disaster
5) Last Christian Government member killed in Pakistan
6) Potential closure of EU Borders
1) The Royal Wedding has been a MASSIVE flying elephant in terms of new distractions. It is interesting that the attack on OBL would have been
planned, coordinated and set up during a period of massive global distraction.
3) The middle-eastern rebellion has triggered the greatest wave of Islamic state weakening since the fall of the Ottoman Empire. The realm of
extremism within Islamic communities across the world was at risk of becoming one of the few ways that a modern Muslim would be able to vent
frustration and anger at the west. The poster child being OBL. The 'removal' of the 'idea' of OBL would then damage or even 'nullify' the
apparent 'success' of Islamic extremism, further exacerbating
3) The greatest victory in the "War On Terror" JUST HAPPENS to come at the beginning of an election campaign for the president of the United States?
Early enough on for him to continually repeat, "It's my success, not Bush's" yet also early on enough in the campaign for people to forget what
it actually reveals about the incumbent Presidents' office.
4) The Tornado disaster in the U.S. has been soaking up news coverage, and provides an excellent 'fear' lightning rod for the people.
5) Recently, the last Christian government member was asssassinated in Pakistan - this person also happened to be the last proper internal defence
against hard-line extremism taking hold of the Pakistan government. The U.S. in my view is preparing to pull out of Pakistan, and then Afghanistan.
This could not happen unless the mission to capture OBL was completed - successful or not.
6) In Europe it was revealed recently that near 'closure' of EU borders is imminent, with France and Germany leading the way to prevent mass
immigration from failing Arab states and central African states.
The Shock Doctrine -
A term coined by Naomi Klein in her book, this is the doctrine of using 'shock and awe' to manipulate the public into accepting information or
situations as fact or as necessary. We all know how much this doctrine was used to ingratiate the myth that was the official story relating to 9/11.
We all know how much this was used to engage the "War On Terror".
What we are seeing today is the 'disposal' of the myth of Osama Bin Laden. The death of a personality, most likely NOT the death of a real person.
The myth of OBL was used to justify the invasions of Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and for further Imperialism around the world. He was the
poster-child for violent and emphatic suppression of civil rights at home in the U.S. and in allied states such as the UK. He was the key figure in
the environment of fear created to stop us from speaking out against unspeakable acts perpetrated by our own Corporatocracies.
Let's consider the CURRENT scenario -
- OBL has been shot and killed by US Special Forces in Pakistan.
- His body has been buried at sea.
- Al-Qaeda (The Database) is expected to retaliate.
- Public Statements by U.S. Officials, including:
...The senior US official warned that the possibility of revenge attacks had now created "a heightened threat to the homeland and to US citizens
and facilities abroad".
But the official added that "the loss of Bin Laden puts the group on a path of decline that will be difficult to reverse"...
We are seeing the end of the "War On Terror". The killing off of the wetwork personality known as OBL is key. Remember, NO BODY VERIFICATION, NO
OSAMA BIN LADEN! Taking into account the current events listed at the top of this thread, it makes sense for the news of this event to be released
now. Never has there been a confluence of interests as suitable for the relevant powers as there is now (post 9/11).
Picture the scene.
The news networks are distracted by global events including the Royal Wedding, the Tornado disaster etc. A chain of civil unrest throughout the
middle-east caused by economic hitmen who are acting out the 'Shock Doctrine' is weakening the Islamic world. European rhetoric to the est of the
world is hardening and so are their borders. Pakistan is no longer an ally. The strategic situation the US finds itself in is untenable - they need
to immediately withdraw from Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. Not only that, but it's a vote winner to withdraw, and Obama needs votes! (And troops
for invading Libya and the defence of Israel in the up-coming Arabic invasion.)
Finally, with the 'end' of the "War on Terror", the U.S. government hopes people will say "Mission Accomplished" in bringing to justice the man
'responsible' for 9/11. What say you ATS? Have those responsible for 9/11 been brought to justice in the past few days? Or are we all still
drinking the kool-aid?
The Revenant.