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Something kinda weird that happens to me every night.?.

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posted on May, 2 2011 @ 12:27 AM
Every night for the past few years (every day and night actually) I look at the clock, and it is on 9:11 AM or PM.....Happens everyday! IDK is it a sign, or some kind of wierd coincidence or what? IDK.

Any thoughts?

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 12:29 AM
can't stop looking at the clock?

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 12:31 AM
I dont look at it that much. It doesnt really happen every morning, or as much as it does at night, it happens EVERY night. Just want to know why, or if it is a sign or what.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by LandonFromKY
I dont look at it that much. It doesnt really happen every morning, or as much as it does at night, it happens EVERY night. Just want to know why, or if it is a sign or what.

pretty sure that happens to everyone at some point.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by LandonFromKY
Every night for the past few years (every day and night actually) I look at the clock, and it is on 9:11 AM or PM.....Happens everyday! IDK is it a sign, or some kind of wierd coincidence or what? IDK.

Any thoughts?

Were you supposed to be in NYC on 9/11 or someone else close to you was supposed to be there?
Just a thought.
edit on 2-5-2011 by ldyserenity because: wtf is 0/11 hahaha

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 12:38 AM
No i dont think so, on 9/11 i was 6 or 7......But ever since then i told myself that i was gonna join the military because of that....and i still hope to. Maybe it is to remind me of that day or something idk, because i think about it everytime i see it.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 12:42 AM
Earlier I just happened to look at the clock by accident, so to speak and it was 9/11. With the events going on...that was creepy! Maybe we notice certain numbers more that are significant in one way or another. Though, when i just glance over, the numbers either come up the same each time of the day or have a meaning.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 12:46 AM
it happens with me also, its connected to 11:11

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 12:49 AM
It's one of the many applications of synchronicity. People have the same problems with recurring numbers like 11:11 or 12:12.

While there very well may be some sort of paranormal association you're having with 9:11, chances are that synchronicity is taking it's toll.

What probably would be happening in this case is that a very prominent number (9:11, and it's prominent because of the association it has with the WTC attacks) is being seen and recognised by your brain.

You probably look at the clock all day and don't remember what time it was, but because you've seen 9:11 so many times and it's such an important number you're remembering each time you see it.

The same thing happens to me with 11:11.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 12:51 AM
Thanks for the replies guys! Would like to hear everyones opinions!

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 01:28 AM
Very strange that I found your thread tonight, Me and my daughter went to In-n-Out Burger tonight, our receipt read the time as 7:11 and our bill came to $9.11, but there's more, my B-day is 9-11 and my daughter was 9lb 11oz when she was born.

Definitely Strange stuff


posted on May, 2 2011 @ 02:28 AM
Your clocks batteries are dead. Change them and the problem will go away.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 03:22 AM

I have had similar experiences .. as well as people i know ...

Straight out .. its in human nature to look for patterns ..

Each day ... our eyes likely take in terraquads of data each day ... The retina supposedly transmits 10Mbps (1.25MB/s) of signal representing visual data, to the brain .. EACH SECOND ... (probably even higher than this .. feel free to correct me anyone)

That is a lot of data .. and the brain finds a smart way of sifting through the data, and bringing to our conscious attention, what it feels is relevant .. or ... the conscious is somehow able to skim the data, and and pluck out what appears relevant (rather like when you open a page of a book, and within a second, from the thousands of words, one specific relevant word can jump out at you (In that same example, with an open book, your mind would likely instantly pluck out 9.11, if its amongst those thousands of words, without you even consciously reading any words, or even being aware you are looking for 9.11 ) ...
The point im making there .. is .. from the moment we open our eyes each morning .. our brain is bombarded with visual data to sift through .. various parts of the brain responsible for analysing, and processing different aspects of sight ..

It is not uncommon, for the brain, to find within all this data, recurrences of various representations of data which has similarities to other data we have received in that same day ...

I realise that doesnt directly relate to whats happening with you .. as it is specifically the clock you are seeing it happen with ..

So the clock reaches this time twice a day ... Although youre probably awake, and near by a time piece at that time twice a day .. to err on the side of caution .. lets say its just once a day ...

Then, for a whole 60 seconds, out of a possible 43200 seconds within a twelve hour period ... the clock will be at that time ... Thats 720 to 1 chance of the clock being at 9.11 when you looked at it once, within a twelve hour period ..

But obviously youre not sitting by the clock for 12 hours .. so ,lets cut it down to say .. 6 hours in the evening ..... thats 60 seconds, within a period of 21600 seconds ... 360 to 1

But obviously you are going to look at the clock more than once within this period ... most of the times you glance, youll have forgotten within moments you even glanced ... youll be unaware of the majority of random glances .. unless you see 9.11 ...

say you even glance at the once every 10 minutes .. 6 glances per hour .. 36 glances over our 6 hour period . brings odds to 10 to 1 ? ... All else being random and constant ... (my maths may be wrong .. but will hopefully suffice for this anyway)

But all else is not random ... for the reasons i mentioned initially .. as to how our minds sift through data .. but also ... because ..

Bodyclock ... for a long time .. would wake up at exactly 5,58 each morning ... (not 100% .. but realistically .. say 90% .. far too often to be co-incidence) ...
What is more coincidental .. is .. my alarm clock was always set to 5.59 each morning ... How i hated the sound of that horrid alarm clock ... but that wasnt much a problem .. because my precise body clock usually got me up 1 minute before the alarm .. just in time to switch it off before it started ... Even at weekends when i didnt have to be up early and my alarm wasnt set .. i would still wake up at 5.58 :
Its not something we have to be aware of, or understand, to be able to use it .. its pretty much automated ..

If you already have a 'thing' for that time / number .. more so since you now think you may be coincidentally looking at the clock at same time each night .. i imagine may only further make your body clock / mind aware that there is a significance to that time .. and further make you look at the clock when it 9.11 ... our precise biody clock could easily bring the odds down from 10:1 to 1:1 ish
Hope this helped ..

edit on 2/5/11 by WhatAreSpinkters because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:17 AM
thanks for the info guys! Any other comments?

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:32 PM
Happened again

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 04:38 PM
Oh yeah, I've had that happen. It happened a lot to me when I was in high school and even happens occasionally now. With what happened on 911 I always thought it was weird but other than that I would just chalk it up to as my mind being wired to check the clock every night at that time. Which would happen to be 9:11.
Kind of like a habit you get use to or something like that. I'm sorry, it's hard to explain. lol and I know there is a word for it but I can't remember it right now X/

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