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Obama's shot at Trump was justified

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posted on May, 1 2011 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Exuberant1
Are you over 18?

Then as an adult you should be able to refrain from being insulting towards your fellow members.

Donald Trump is a fellow member? Which poster is supposed to be Trump? I would be more than happy to address him directly if you can tell me which one was him.

Obama has never had to make payroll, he doesn't know what it means to run a business the way Trump Does.

Right and as far as I know he has never bankrupted a casino 3 times or had to relinquish ownership rights of more than 70% of his assets in order to stay afloat either. I am pretty sure Obama never tried to start a sissy fight between David Cassidy and Richard Hatch either.

Just look at how far he has run this country into the ground. In order to compare him favorably to Trump, you have to reduce Trump and all his amazing accomplishments to 'reality tv star'.

I guess I need some numbers. The country was in the ground in 2008. I made more money and paid less in taxes this year. You go cry in your corner, ok?

Anyhow, I'll expect you to refrain from being rude in your next posts. Any inability to do so goes to your credibility.

I am still confused as to how calling Trump a reality show star is insutlting to other posters on ATS but I'll expect you to explain that all in your next posts. You might find your expectations wanting.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by NadaCambia
BUT it's also my opinion that the role of President shouldn't involve stand-up level comedy. If I wanted to watch a couple of politicians argue their case with jokes and stupidity I'd watch Idiocracy.

That damn Obama ruins everything. Now he has trashed the WHC dinner by turning it into a cheap comedy routine at the expense of trump? That is just sick. Everyone liked it way better when the president was respectful and simply made jokes about why our troops are dying at the dinner.

Where are those silly WMDs? Har har har. Now that was when comedy was comedy and presidents were real men.
And how dare anyone stand on a stage and mock Trump that way. The whole thing is just sick.

Trump supporters should by stock in irony fast!

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Sinnthia

Originally posted by NadaCambia
BUT it's also my opinion that the role of President shouldn't involve stand-up level comedy. If I wanted to watch a couple of politicians argue their case with jokes and stupidity I'd watch Idiocracy.

That damn Obama ruins everything. Now he has trashed the WHC dinner by turning it into a cheap comedy routine at the expense of trump? That is just sick. Everyone liked it way better when the president was respectful and simply made jokes about why our troops are dying at the dinner.

Where are those silly WMDs? Har har har. Now that was when comedy was comedy and presidents were real men.
And how dare anyone stand on a stage and mock Trump that way. The whole thing is just sick.

Trump supporters should by stock in irony fast!

Are you slow? What part of far left Socialist don't you grasp? As far as I'm concerned Donald Trump is a criminal and the birther issue is a joke. But well done mate, you've proven my point. You're more concerned with petty political party tribalism than seeing reality for what it is.

You should uppercut yourself.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 06:16 PM
People are just pissed in general. It's much more than the bc. The first time he pissed me off was when he sent 30,000 + more troops to Afghanistan. Right there showed me he worked for the corporations and not America. Troops being deployed = Mass amounts of funds for corporations like Halliburton.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by NadaCambia
Are you slow?

Perhaps. Let's find out.

What part of far left Socialist don't you grasp?

Where and how you are applying it at the moment.
What part of yellow firetruck don't you understand?

As far as I'm concerned Donald Trump is a criminal and the birther issue is a joke. But well done mate, you've proven my point.

What point is that, exactly?

You're more concerned with petty political party tribalism than seeing reality for what it is.

I am? Thanks for letting me know what I personally prioritize based on that last post you seem to have faied to comprehend.

You should uppercut yourself.

Hey, don't get all intellectual on me. I am slow, remember.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 06:24 PM
Obama was ok but that Myers guy rubbed it in a little too much.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 07:22 PM
Of course Obama is justified, lets not forget the purpose of this event ... it's basically a political roast.. this is THE forum where people can pretty much say what they want about eachother, this is the way it's been for a long time.. don't forget Colbert's scathing roast of Bush .. which probably means he'll never be invited back, sure, but that's just how it goes

By the way .. if Trump wasn't expecting this then he's a bit naive ... he should have known full well he'd be a target, and a big one at that ( especially at this event )
edit on 1-5-2011 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by negativenihil

How many times must it be said: There is NO liberal media!

It is a lie that has been around forever.

Most if not all mainstream media outlets are owned by conservatives.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by NadaCambia

Dear "mate":

You must be some kind of a joke poster because I'm not buying your claims of being a far-left socialist.

It is true that Obama is a failure AS a socialist. Yet, there is a decent chunk of the American population that still THINKS he is a socialist.

You can say that I champion him all you want but I will not be voting at all in 2012.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by Mike.Ockizard

Gotta agree. Meyers should stick to SNL, even though SNL hasn't been funny since Tina Fey parodied Sarah Palin.

I think the roast of Trump was subpar as well. Comedy Central isn't the Friars Club by a long shot.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by MrWendal

Nice try, troll.

Don't you have a birther thread with your name on it somewhere?

I was adding onto my original post, not changing anything.

The real troll just happens to be you. I say that because anytime someone disagrees with you, you call them names. I would love to see you deny it, but unless you go back and change your postings here along with other threads, you will be unable to hide it.

I have to also ask, why do you continue to call me a "Birther" when I have stated many times that I am not a Birther? Personally I think it is put up or shut up time, so please, show me any statement I have made, at any time at all, where I claim to be a birther.

Fact is, you can't do it. Fact is, you attack anyone who does not fall over themselves to agree with everything you say. Fact is, your arguments are flimsy at best.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by MrWendal

I'm covering my eyes and ears here because Mr.Cranky just won't quit with his accusations.

Blah blah blah. I'm not hearing it.

YOU started it with your petty accusations. I already told you, I was adding on to my post. I do that all the time because my posts aren't always as well thought-out as I'd like. I thought of this post while I was working.

So either drop it or I'll continue to report your posts. Got it?

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by negativenihil

How many times must it be said: There is NO liberal media!

It is a lie that has been around forever.

Most if not all mainstream media outlets are owned by conservatives.

that post is so priceless i wanted to keep it around for posperity.

there is no liberal media!!!!

on topic sword as your own words have described "birthers as mentally ill" whats with a thread then

if they are mentally ill as you have said theres no way that they will over come to agree with you.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 08:48 PM
Post in a civil manner...

And on topic or not at all...

Further bickering, name calling and diversions will result in some less than palatable consequences.

The don't call me the poo flinger for nothing...

Thanks, and play nice.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 08:52 PM
I think what he said was hilarious. We all need some comedic relief given all the crazy world events.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 08:53 PM


posted on May, 1 2011 @ 09:06 PM


posted on May, 1 2011 @ 09:49 PM
Star and flag for you sir. I can't believe that some people are actually thinking that Trump is somehow doing this out of his own sense of "patriotism". This is a guy who 11 years ago was in favor of a permanent 14.25% tax on everyone making over 250k to pay for universal health care in the US. He was pro choice once, now he's pro-life. Two years ago he called Obama a "great guy" and thought he would be great for the country. And even if you don't buy all of that, he's also pulled this "I'm going to run for President" thing twice, once in the early 90's and then I believe around the year 2000.

He's doing this for attention and only attention. Could you image having a President like Trump who has said that we need to go into Libya and steal all their oil? Or how he has recently gone on national television calling the Chinese "mother#ers" for their economic actions?

He has written over four letters to journalists that have just dared to criticizes this latest publicity stunt. What would be the impact that if he was elected President and then just started freezing out or publicly cursing out journalists who put out pieces that aren't kind to his ego?

He's now riding on the back of the "Tea Party" as a fiscal conservative when he's had to file bankruptcy three times because he apparently is NOT the "master of the deal" as he claims. He has no foreign policy experience.

But, honestly, think what you want. But he's only doing this for attention. There's no coincidence that this started when Celebrity Apprentice started falling in ratings. All he wants is the publicity. I am PRAYING he runs for the simple fact that his debate with Obama would be an insane embarrassment on national television. For God sakes, he said that the reason why he's better than Mitt Romney is because his net worth is higher. Are you really thinking that he has your best interests in mind? He's come out and said that someone's net worth makes them more valuable than another person.

And then when Obama did release his long form birth certificate, he tries to take credit for it, but the only credit that's happening is him looking like a damn fool for even stretching this out. Now he doesn't even have the "Birther" issue to run on. Count on him making an announcement in June that he's not running. Donald only thinks about two things: himself and his publicity. The fact that most of the posters here seem not to realize that is highly disturbing.

There are plenty of reasonable Republican candidates that while I would never vote for, would not embarrass this country like Trump. Look into Jon Huntsman. Mitt Romney. Tim Pawlenty. While I don't agree with the solutions they propose to get us out of this mess, at least they are going to TRY to do it and actually do care about the American people. They don't get up on national television and announce that we should be stealing all of Iraq's oil, or sending personal insult letters to any reporter that says one bad thing about themselves. Come on folks--get real. Trump is a publicity hound who knows that his time is coming to an end and this is his last push to stay relevant. If he runs and gets the GOP nomination, Obama will destroy him, perhaps a landslide victory that would push the Reagan records of the 80's. Please, if you're a Republican, vote for a serious candidate. It's time to stop the sideshow clown that is Donald Trump. Do it for this country.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by zcflint05
This is a guy who 11 years ago was in favor of a permanent 14.25% tax on everyone making over 250k to pay for universal health care in the US.

Hey, ok I stop there. Now I like this guy. If you say you don't have enough to live happy with 250k a year, you are a moron. That's what I make in 7-8 years and I'm happy and I PAY 35%+ TAXES.

So those that would complain about being taxed while making 8 times the amount of others should almost be shot for christ sakes lol

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 10:46 PM
Somehow I think Obama just might have suffered enough for a while. I mean, the guy wanted to change things and I'm sure he did really want to be a good president.

Then he found out all he could do, is be in front of the parade while the back is pushing him in the direction he probably doesn't want. In his place, I would be pissed.

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