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"I saw a little man run by..."

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posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 10:32 AM
Be sure to check your collection of it could be a foul Underpants Gnome!!!

Their Master Plan:

PHASE I - Collect underpants!
PHASE II - ???
PHASE III - Profit!

(South Park reference, if you aren't getting it yet)...

Anyhoo, the key may be here...

44 years ago when I was about 5

Ask yourself how much is real, and how much is embellishment over the years... Not saying it isn't know in your heart whether it is or not...just asking that you re-examine it, to be sure, for yourself...

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 10:37 AM
When I was stationed in Okinawa we called them Budweiser Elves.

Hint Hint Hint

Imagination is a wonderful thing.

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by Wassabi
When I was young, for a very long time (From 4 to probably 7 or 8) I had nightmares most every night. I would be asleep and two little men (about a foot high I would guess) would come into the room and discuss wether I was asleep or not. They would then tickle my feet to see if I would laugh. I would have to lay there and pretend I wasnt awake and not laugh until they stopped and went away.
[edit on 4-8-2004 by Wassabi]

Oh mannn now it feels like its all coming back to me becuase not only did I see them on the wall they removed them selves from the wall and started tickling my feet as well...This is too crazy. I hope it was a dream.

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 01:13 AM

Ask yourself how much is real, and how much is embellishment over the years... Not saying it isn't know in your heart whether it is or not...just asking that you re-examine it, to be sure, for yourself...

I'm the original poster on this thread.

Yes, I'm sure I haven't embellished anything. I've even avoided trying to picture everything in my mind, because I don't want my imagination to add details.

The details I do have hare not clear, but I do remember enough to know that I saw a very small man run by me. I never saw anthing like that before or since. And I wasn't tring to imagine anything at the time. It came out of nowhere completely by surprise.

I've enjoyed reading the other accounts.

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 01:41 AM
And thx for sharing that with us friend, it was interesting. what that "man" was it is another story, and it is better to alow each of us with our proper ideas about him
, but i have enjoyed to red that.


posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by A Lone Spartan
Hey pisky, are there any sightings of pixys in Texas?

I don't know of any sightings in Texas but given that over the years many Cornishmen have emigrated to the US, you can take it as given that the occasional pixy accompanied them. Hence it is quite possible that there are pixies in Texas.

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 05:46 AM
Did he look anything like this?

The image isnt that clear but I think he may fit the general description. If it was blue it could have been a smurf. Collect three of them and I think you can use their hides to make gold.

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 05:53 AM
This is very interesting!

I saw a "little person" when I was about 9 years old. I was at my aunt's house. I walked into the living room which had two sets of double windows on one wall. There were drapes that were open and then sheers. Standing behind one of the sheers was what I took at the time to be a kid...because it was around 3 to 3-1/2 foot tall. It was just standing there against the window and behind the sheer and standing perfectly still. There were no other kids supposed to be there so it scared the ba-jeebers out of me and I ran out of the room.

It is very interesting to find that so many other people had the same type encounters. I believe that children see the spirit world around us...and then as we become "knowledgable" we close off the greatest knowledge we were gifted with...

posted on Aug, 6 2004 @ 12:58 PM
You saw a leprochuan laddie. Make a wish!

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 04:49 PM
I always used to see small shadow figures run by at the corner of my eye when I was around 9-13 years old.
Or when I was sitting in my room doing things, I would look across to the other room because something ran by the doorway.
Everytime I would see one it would run behind a bed or the couch or something.
Then when I checked back there, nothing was there.
Never really made a big deal out of it though.
Sometimes when I'm here in my room in the middle of the night, my bed makes sounds like when someone sits on it.
You know how when a bed is so old that when you sit on it it makes a loud creaky sound.
So maybe it's a shadow person sitting on my bed.
Or a ghost...

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 05:31 AM
WOW, im speachless, very impressing encounters...
Question; all these encounters happen in USA? I would like to know if any of you live in Europe...

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 12:17 PM
Well, I'm new here and just started reading this forum, but this thread stuck out to me. When I was a kid my parents and I took a trip for the weekend. We were staying in the hotel and I clearly remember being freaked out cause I kept seeing things that were out of the ordinary, I guess you could call it something like shadow figures.

Anyway, that night when I was laying down going to sleep, I felt something tickling my toes and feet. I was scared to death and barely peeped my eyes open to look, my parents were both asleep on their bed and there was some figure there at the foot of my bed. It was small and dark, could have been shadowlike, I'm not sure. It scared me to death and I just laid there pretending I was sleeping. I think it was trying to tell whether I was awake or asleep, and I sure as hell pretended I was asleep. I did not want to encounter whatever that was.

Also, I agree that it's remarkable how all of these encounters happen during childhood. It could be one of two things...First is that children actually do see the spirit world, and this ability slowly fades away as they get older, it's a possibility. The other is that kid's have huge imaginations, it could just be something blown out of proportion or a wild fancy/imagination. But then again, adults are the one's who actually say that kid's have wild maybe they aren't imaginations at all, it's just the adults can't actually see them. Food for thought.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 03:45 PM
May be they are 4th dimensional beings who can appear whenever they wish, which is why they are so hard to see.

So why do kids see them so much? I dont know. One thing is obvious. From different eyewitness accounts they like to tickle kid's toes but not adults. Maybe they have a thing for little kids, because not many adults have seen them.

So the question now is:

have any adults seen them?

Has any one ever tried hunting for one of them????Dont want to be too rash but I was just curious.

Perhaps they have some sort of magic that can keep them elusive and invisible. When I say magic, I mean it in terms of science. There is probably some logical explanation that can account for their invisibility. So if there not from the 4th dimension, they might have some invisibility factor. As far as we know they could be in all our houses!!!!!!!!!which is something I dont need.

posted on Aug, 12 2004 @ 03:32 PM
I think this threaad is AWEOME!!! I am new to this forum and I love reading other peoples encounters. I have NEVER seen anythiong weird or unusual. But after reading these posts I want to go out and catch one!! LOL.


posted on Aug, 12 2004 @ 05:11 PM
My 'sighting' is similar in that I was around 7 years old, but the figure I saw was more full sized, or so I thought because it was a half block or so away but there was nothing near it to gauge it's size by. It was a very dark, maybe black figure--out in broad daylight.
There was 3 or 4 of us, playing 'house' on the school yard while waiting on the school bus. We were playing in a ditch about 3 ft deep--at the edge of the drive into the yard, when we saw the figure, we instantly crouched down and hid. I can still feel the fear I experienced at that moment! We all hid, frozen, breathless, til the figure continued out of our sight. The odd thing was, we never discussed it then or later, but we all must have seen it, we all ducked as one, holding our breath, watching it til it was gone.
I had forgotten the incident til many years later, when I read Stephen King's "IT"--. When reading King's discription of "pennywise", his clown with the balloons,- it triggered my memories of the 'thing' I had seen. ( It had been holding a bright blue orb, or as I had thought as a kid, a balloon.)
The memory was so strong that I lost my breath and my heart raced, as it had that day on the school ground.! I had not thought of it in years, maybe not since that day! As I later related this story at a friend's house , his father spoke up and told of seeing a bright orb floating from beneath a bridge in that same area--just further down the same road where I had seen the figure.
I have lost all contact with those other children that were on the playground that day, so I have no way to ask them if they remember the incident. I recall the figure as black, head to foot, with no facial features. As a child, I thought it was a 'witch', but I remember thinking it was at the wrong time of the year for anyone to be dressed for Halloween, far too hot. (We were playing outside in short sleeves.)
In years since that incident , I have found out that the house at that intersection was owned by a medium, whether that would have any thing to do with what I saw, I couldn't say.

posted on Aug, 12 2004 @ 10:48 PM
anyone got any proof of little people? pictures?

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by DanTodd
anyone got any proof of little people? pictures?

Look in a mirror, take a picture...and there's your PROOF.

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by GuerrillaFuunkstaahh
I always used to see small shadow figures run by at the corner of my eye when I was around 9-13 years old.
Or when I was sitting in my room doing things, I would look across to the other room because something ran by the doorway.
Everytime I would see one it would run behind a bed or the couch or something.
Then when I checked back there, nothing was there.
Never really made a big deal out of it though.
Sometimes when I'm here in my room in the middle of the night, my bed makes sounds like when someone sits on it.
You know how when a bed is so old that when you sit on it it makes a loud creaky sound.
So maybe it's a shadow person sitting on my bed.
Or a ghost...

Oh, I've seen them before, I thought it was my siter, bu it turned out she wasn't home, it may have been a year or two ago, I'm 13 now.

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 01:41 PM
ahh yes, i remember when i was 6 or 7 and i had the flu. everynight for a week i would wake up in the middle of the night and see tiny people (about an inch tall) walking all over my body, i would run into my parents bedroom and they were still there. they were there even in light. perhalps the fever was making me hallucinate.
[edit note] they were there almost everytime i had a fever, untill i was about 11. (perhalps they were healing me?? :lol

[edit on 1-9-2004 by kurt_cobain]

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 01:57 PM
I caught something on my camera a few years back, in the UK.

It appears to be a small man or elf sitting in the tree,
its very clear and sends shivers down my spine every time I look at it,

I went back the next day to see if it were something maybe spray painted on but it was not there.

I didn't see it at the time (it really stands out)
and seems like it only appeared on the photo,

I will dig it out now and post it in a few minutes.

It stands out that much that it lookes really fake
IF I saw it on the net I would say it was a really bad fake,
because its got like a black Outline around it

At first I thaught it could be spraypaint
but I ruled that out buy returning the next day

[edit on 1-9-2004 by TrentReznor]

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