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Fukushima - The US populance has moved on/doesn't care

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posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 10:28 PM
people have things to do, and lives to live. we can't just sit there with our thumbs up our asses gawking at a disaster no one wants to touch in the first place. why should we care when they are too damn stubborn to even move away from the fallout zone.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by Rekrul
people have things to do, and lives to live. we can't just sit there with our thumbs up our asses gawking at a disaster no one wants to touch in the first place. why should we care when they are too damn stubborn to even move away from the fallout zone.

Well, Earth is the fallout zone so being we don't have spaceships to take us to a new planet, which we would most likely destroy in time, there is no moving away... The irony of your post is the "no one wants to touch in the first place" part. That is the failure of mankind today... Instead they would rather be out polluting the world and choking down that 4000 calorie burger from a fast food joint while trying to figure out why they can't seem to reduce their credit card(s) bills as they put 35gallons of gas into their $50K SUV with $5K spinners while worrying who gets picked for the NFL draft. It is sad that people are so wrapped up in their lifes they neglect the very reason they have the ability to live.

edit on 30-4-2011 by jaydeePNW because: spelling

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by Finalized

No one is thinking of Fukushima because they knew the Fukasheepa only are focused on what is shown to them on their Matrix box (media). They began turning off radiation detectors across U.S. and Canada for a reason. They stopped covering & updating conditions at the Fukushima plant so people would forget. Out of sight out of mind and they covered it long enough to continue to tell people there was no "immediate" health concern. As in enough time for them to blame your sickness on something else. So they put on all kinds of different things to distract people's attention and bombard them with constant updates of monotinous situations that seem to be so important since it is the top story every moment of every day. They make people believe in what they want them to by covering less important things 24/7 as a "Top Story" & throw in a few side notes every once in a while like...Oh BTW nothing has changed at Fukushima sooo...yep guess it's stabalized nothing to worry about there...ok more pics of the royal wedding...yaaayyy And people are like Fukashima oh yeah...oh ok well things are ok there...oh look it's a prince and princess getting married yay! lol

But you can't blame these poor people too much. As we know it is so frustrating and discouraging when you have to dig and dig to try to get even a fraction of the real truth, and these poor people don't know how to get it. When everything is covered up and they actually shut down our radiation detectors in most of the country, what are people suppose to do? They don't have Geiger detectors they can just whip out real quick and know the truth. They are expensive and a lot of people have no clue about them. I think deep down everyone is aware of it on some level or another even if they don't talk about it or tell themselves there is no impact to us. People are scared and know we are not being told the truth.

This was of course the plan from the start and they know at first people would freak out when it was admitted that the radiaton monitors would be turned off but they know people would generally forget because radiation is the perfect killer. It's odorless, you can see it or taste it. Everything feels & looks normal & there is no info anywhere about radiation to the average person at all. It's really sad & I feel sorry for the people that don't know they can rebel against the government and what they tell us. They have been doing what they have been told since they were born & told listening to what their government tells them to is the right thing to do & even if they know in their gut something isn't right, they almost feel guilty for even having such blasphemes thoughts.

I also think some people are aware of the seriousness of the radiation pouring from Fukushima plus the major natural disaster going on world wide and in the U.S. but don't know what to do besides keep going the same as always & enjoy it while it lasts. We just have to remind people, family & friends that the health risk has not only gone away but is more serious every day since we are being exposed to it over an extended period of time and radiation is cumulative.

Also what I hear from most people is the famous garbage the media fed to everyone and that is..."We are exposed to radiation from the sun, rocks and most things around us every day so radiation is not as dangerous as you think."

Remind them that natural radiation from the sun and the earth and materials from the earth, is NOT the same a NUCLEAR FALLOUT! Totally different and very dangerous. Radiation fallout is ingested or absorbed through skin from rain, taking a shower brushing your teeth, washing your face or drinking the water, milk, food or...breathing. Once ingested it continues to cumulate and radiate you and we are being exposed to elevated levels on a daily bases on top of the unnatural radiaton we have from all the electronics we have now and on top of the natural radiation we get from the sun and earth. Not to mention the people that fly often especially the flight crew & medical xray exposures.

People just need to try & be careful when they can because the sad thing is it is difficult to avoid it even if you know the truth. They won't ban anything so we have no choice but to drink it or eat it and where I live it storms and rains almost every day now so avoiding the massive amounts of rain is impossible. But I will continue to keep Japan & Fukushima in people's minds whenever I can & if we all do that it will make a difference. We can be the voice of truth so keep researching & finding out everything you can. Keep the people of Japan & the world in our thoughts and prayers.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by Finalized

Most people I've talked to about this really didn't care even after it just happened. Although the most shocking reaction I recieved was from someone I know who not only works with issues directly related to environmental damage. I asked what he thought of the environmental impacts of the situation only not even about health concerns and the response I got was basically that there was lots of above ground nuke testing in the 50's and the environment and everyone survived so we should just not worry about it. It was fairly disheartening because he was one of the few people I actually expected to be concerned. He had even told us about emails he had recieved from the health minister banning sales of potassium iodide at the time (he works for a government ministry).

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:31 PM
This guy Dutch has been reporting on the weather and plumes coming from Japan since this disaster started. Now with donations via his subscribers he has acquired a geiger counter and has been testing air, water and milk. Dutch plans on traveling all over the US to do more tests everywhere.He is learning as he goes, but I for one applaud him when the information about these rad numbers are being kept from us.Dutch is really trying to help us know some truth. Here is his channel. He updates daily with new numbers.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 12:07 AM
i honestly dont believe people do not care.
i know that we are in fact inundated with so much BS, the important things are never held in the open for long. i mean, you've got alabama being ripped to shreds, our gulf basically destroyed, BRICS abandoning the US dollar for their own currencies(which is fine to me), a spend crazy out of touch government, a tanking job market, murderous gas prices, porous borders, 3 wars, mistreated veterans and old people, and what do you see on the news?

coverage of a "royal wedding" and OMG!! paris hiltons got a back to dancing with the tards....

positive music gets less play/exposure than crap....and sensational empty media coverage trumps the things that affect and concern us more.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by Finalized

Information overload?

The whole Libya situation is a wonderful distraction from Fukushima and other natural disasters.

No one's forgotten it though.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by Pitlover

He's already been mentioned on here several times. Do a search.

Again, don't get in a panic people. Disasters like Fukushima are hard to ignore and those who do ignore them may end up paying for it down the road.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by Finalized
reply to post by Hemisphere

I did and do follow those other disasters. I have family in northern Alabama and near Ringgold, GA. One of my good friends has family in Louisiana and I try and let him know that the BP problem hasn't really gone away, it's just out of sight.

Your right though, I'm missing one piece in my discussions, and that is what can they do to protect their loved ones. Perhaps we can crowd source this here at ATS and get information compiled in an easy to understand format that can be disseminated to people.

You are very aware and I know very well how difficult it is to live among those that are not. Some are also in denial, can we blame them? I would bet everyone on ATS experiences this to some degree daily. Keep in mind that we are all vulnerable all the time and that is a big reason why people move on and live their lives when confronted with these seemingly insurmountable problems. In the end, nobody gets out alive.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by Rekrul
people have things to do, and lives to live. we can't just sit there with our thumbs up our asses gawking at a disaster no one wants to touch in the first place. why should we care when they are too damn stubborn to even move away from the fallout zone.

There's a lot of truth in what you've said. However picking up and moving your life due to a "perceived" threat is something I for one would rather not contemplate. It's very difficult to weigh the trade-offs or better said the perceived trade-offs.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 02:00 AM
I think that it iz also sad tha us as Americans has formed the mentality of not caring about things after it stops being BIG news.... In all honesty, I really do feel bad for everyone over in Japan, but I am also a parent raing 2 kids by myself, and if I spent alot of time researching everything that happens around tha world.... And I also think that us americans could stop being greedy and try to think of helping other people once in a while, then we wouldn't have a reason to be here complaining about tha fact that it iz not getting as much attention as it was getting tha day it happened, and a little while after tha fact.....

I'm gonna read a little more into things going on over there, and if I happen to come across something that anyone else might not have heard or seen... I will keep all posted.....

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by Ghost375

Oh yeah, that I totally agree with. To my dismay, I moved away from indian point in NY, to canada, come to find out, there is a nuclear plant being built here too. WTF, I just can't win.... It was already well underway being built when I got here, in maritime area canada. Not much that can be done about it now I don't think. I do agree that spreading awareness about the so-called "clean" nuclear energy, and rallying against more being built is a good thing. But I mean worrying about ones that have already crashed like fukishima and chernoble is too little too late.

Strange really, we don't have any nuclear facilities in New Zealand yet we will eventually be impacted by the fall out from others around the world.

It makes you see that it's no good just one or two countries refusing to have them - the whole world needs to put a stop to them for us all to feel safe. But I'm afraid that isn't going to happen till we see a lot more deaths and radiation sickness. Big Pharma will be clapping their hands at the money that's going to role in for Cancer treatment.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by FEDec

You're so wrong, I don't even know where to begin...

I'm talking about people I've known all my life - friends, family, neighbours - people I talk to every day, people I sit around with shooting the breeze over a cold beer and mowing each other's lawns.

You're assumption of "strangers on the street" is way off base.

Irrelevant, but I'm going to mention it anyway: I live in a small town with a population of 1200... we don't have "strangers" here.

The fact of the matter is since they don't read it in the newspaper or see it on tv anymore, it's not something that piques their interest now... The hockey playoffs are more important.

I don't know why you quoted me saying "strangers on the street" because I didn't say stranger or strangers. Whether it was a stranger or a life long friend or my mum if you started preaching on about anything I would shut you down.

The issue here is not that people aren't looking at what is going on but that people aren't taking your word for it. You call these people robots for not listening to you in an effort to feel superior. Your efforts in the first place are a self centered venture.

Wow... hakuna matada much ?

So now not only are you professing that I'm stopping people on the streets, but I'm also preaching, feigning superior intelligence, possess a self-centered agenda, and am completely clueless how to converse with others ? And to top it all off, apparently each of these individuals are fully aware of everything that's going on across the Pacific and just simply choose not to discuss the matter with the likes of sanctimonious persons such as myself...

See anything else in that crystal ball of yours ?

Or do you just simply prefer to pull various accusation, speculation, and assumption out of one of the many prized openings from your derriere ?

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 03:09 AM
I'm posting this link -

first of all I'm hoping there are some weather buffs here as I don't have a clue about these things but this guy is going scatty about this - he says he's always been into weather and he's a real buff but hasn't seen this in his life.

I became alerted because the few maps I've seen of the radiation plumes - the areas highlighted have been in blue.

It's a Government site by the looks of it - hope someone can understand it and make a post if it's anything to be concerned about. His panic was posted on 30th April

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 03:12 AM
This is the site where the guys comments are - I wouldn't dare repeat what his shocked words are.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by Seekeye2

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by Ghost375

Oh yeah, that I totally agree with. To my dismay, I moved away from indian point in NY, to canada, come to find out, there is a nuclear plant being built here too. WTF, I just can't win.... It was already well underway being built when I got here, in maritime area canada. Not much that can be done about it now I don't think. I do agree that spreading awareness about the so-called "clean" nuclear energy, and rallying against more being built is a good thing. But I mean worrying about ones that have already crashed like fukishima and chernoble is too little too late.

Strange really, we don't have any nuclear facilities in New Zealand yet we will eventually be impacted by the fall out from others around the world.

It makes you see that it's no good just one or two countries refusing to have them - the whole world needs to put a stop to them for us all to feel safe. But I'm afraid that isn't going to happen till we see a lot more deaths and radiation sickness. Big Pharma will be clapping their hands at the money that's going to role in for Cancer treatment.

Sorry you even to worry our northern hemisphere follies, Seekeye2. Reminds me of that 50's (supposedly "sci-fi") movie "On the Beach." The northerners destroy themselves except for one submarine that escapes to Australia. Later the sailors come back north to witness the total devastation, desperately looking for any sign of life. Finding none, they know that in the end there is nowhere to run, except to delay the inevitable.

Meanwhile I wish I could afford to grab my cat and run down there, away from all these crazies! Maybe if I could sell my home quickly...

edit on 1-5-2011 by Videot because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-5-2011 by Videot because: Wording

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by Finalized

I am from the USA and I care. I am positive I am not alone. I care about the people of Japan, as well as the rest of the world. I do not wish death or destruction upon any nation. I have no control over Fukishima events, or what is reported by both the Japanese media and MSM. Not much is being said at this time.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 03:56 AM
You know what the biggest laugh is about all this radiation, plutonium, iodide and Heaven knows what else floating around is that THEY DARE TO CHARGE US FOR OUR CARBON FOOT PRINT AND STOP PEOPLE SMOKING IN THE STREET.

We wont mention all the bombs going off all around the planet.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by FEDec

You aren't doing it out of concern though and that last line proves it. You're doing it for the "told ya so" factor you're doing it so you can label everyone around you as "switched off" or sheeple or what have you. You're doing this to feel intelligent.

And by following that same logic, you are on this thread doing the same thing. You're pointing out that we have such an inferiority complex, that we have to talk to people about something we think we know about to make ourselves feel intelligent. You've done the same thing to myself and CranialSponge and your doing it to "feel intelligent".

What you've done in this thread is to subtly introduce a meme that no one should talk to anyone they know about what's going on in Japan because if you do then a.) you have alternative agenda (e.g. wanting to "feel intelligent" or being self-centered) and b.) no one is going to listen to you anyway because they are inundated with information and we shouldn't even try.

I'd also like to point out that, by your own admission, you finally joined ATS after lurking off and on for years to primarily follow the Fukushima disaster. Why are you following Fukushima if not to educate yourself and warn those you care about? Or, are you just gaining knowledge to make yourself "feel intelligent"? Why join at all as you can lurk and still become informed?

You don't know me, you don't know who I've spoken to, and you don't know our past conversations, yet you attack me and subscribe alternative motives to my conversations based on the sentence "they're switched off", yet not seeing that I'm frustrated that my friends aren't taking this more seriously?

I've already admitted that I haven't gone all the way and told people what they should DO with the information that I'm trying to impart to them. The problem is, I don't know yet. Next time, I'll post something like this in the rant section, would that be better for you?
edit on 5/1/2011 by Finalized because: Because I like pie

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by Seekeye2
You know what the biggest laugh is about all this radiation, plutonium, iodide and Heaven knows what else floating around is that THEY DARE TO CHARGE US FOR OUR CARBON FOOT PRINT AND STOP PEOPLE SMOKING IN THE STREET.

We wont mention all the bombs going off all around the planet.

I had not even thought of that, that is an excellent, excellent point.

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