posted on Jul, 29 2004 @ 08:43 PM
I choose Bush....
1. I could care less where Bush was during Vietnam. That war was over 30 years ago. My father is a Vietnam veteran, but did not go to Vietnam. A
Vietnam Veteran does not have to go to Vietnam to be a Veteran. Does that mean he was less of a Veteran than Kerry?
2. Bush is a "real" guy. He doesn't "flip flop" or say that he voted for the war then voted against it. He has not spelled out what exactly he
will do on the "War on Terrorism." He says he will unite America...but how will he do that. Bring in the UN? Well the UN, we've found, was
getting kick backs on the "Oil for Food" program in Iraq. Just from the initial investigations, we've found that France and Germany were getting
"kick backs" by voting against the war in Iraq. Russia seems to be in on it too. All three of these countries were getting intelligence that Iraq
was going to attack the US...but turned their heads. It didn't matter to them. I do not feel safe with Kerry...and to me that is the most important
thing in this time of terror.
3. I could care less what the latest sport our President is into (hockey, skiing, boating). And...I could care less if Kerry looks like a "sperm"
from Woody Allens movie.
4. I want a President that says what he means and means what he says. "I'm for gay marriage...well, I'm not for marriage, but I think that gay's
should have a legal contract with one another."
5. I want a first lady that isn't an activist. And...doesn't hide her tax returns and records. I also don't appreciate her comment to a reporter
to "shove it." It also seems that the "ketchup queen" will not be a real "First Lady." To seems that she will not even reside in the
White House if Kerry is elected. She will resume her life, what ever it is, and ignore the fact that her husband is the President of the United
States. The wife of a president assumes certain duties...she does not seem like the kind of person that wants to do this or have any part of it. In
fact. Mrs. Edwards seems more like the person that wants to assume the "First Lady" role.
6. If we have a candidate that is forced (in Illinois) to reveal his sealed divorce records and forced to remove himself from his canidacy...then
Kerry should reveal his divorce records. He refused to do this, when asked. What does he have to hide?
7. Last...Kerry has not sponsored any bill. Further, he has not been around to vote for any important bill in the past two years. Look at his
voting record and realise that. He's been a senator for over 20 years. Look at what the Democrat National Convention is focusing on...his Vietnam
Veteran status. This ended 30 years ago! Look at what his voting record is and decide for yourself.
We need to live in the here and now. IMO, Kerry lives in the past.