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Ban the over 50's from Voting

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posted on May, 1 2011 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by 46ACE

Well I've got a firm grasp of technology.Having traveled overseas and throughout conus a bit; worked full time in various fields and having served(retired) in the military through the end of the cold war;I think I have a better idea of how the world works than any over-educated under-experienced video game playing college punk voting for "socialist redistribution".

Think you're "tough" youngster?
try a"TRUS prostate biopsy" ( i.e. 12-15 needle "cores" taken "transrectally-")

5-0 is no goddamn picnic....but it comes with the wisdom of experience that can't be bought.

Originally posted by angus1745

.The over 50's should stick to gardening, and while we are at it we should make them sit an annual driving test, that could save thousands of lives. Why we let these out of touch grumpy old farts decide who runs the country is beyond me.

I'll bet you not one of the rabid idiots who brayed for years that Obama was really African was under 35. I'm guessing nobody under 35 thinks Sarah Palin is 'amazing' either.

We love you, old ones. Just leave the driving and voting to us eh?

It also further ingraines horrible and misinformed philosophy. I'm sick of older people claiming they are more wise from "experience" when their "experience" was a misinformed one.

over-educated under-experienced video game playing college punk

This alone shows your bias and proves your "experience" isn't worth a god damn. If by the time you reach 50 you don't understand that "stupid" has no age limit (the inverse is also true, "smart" has no age limit either) than you truely are a lost cause.

For one, what is "Over-Educated" -- because, where I'm from, there certainly isn't such a thing. You can never have too much knowledge, you can only have too little. Secondly, 99% of all cumulative learning is by 3rd party experience. I.E. You knew a person that got robbed, and hence -- you now know how to better prepare yourself for being robbed.....

Everything we learn is based on cumulative 3rd party knowledge. Physics was largely laid by Newton and Einstein, so much so, we still use their theories as the basis to everything -- yet, by your argument, we CAN'T learn from that, since we aren't Newton or Einstein.

What kind of stupid are you?

I'd say the kind that makes the younger generation stoop to your level and try to ban you from voting.

(I think it goes without saying that would be a horrible, horrible, mistake... as I just got done explaining that it has nothing to do with age, as much as it has to do with understanding.)

edit on 1-5-2011 by Laokin because: (no reason given)

edit on Sun May 1 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: Mod Note: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by intrepid

I know my history. The Boomers had some parades in the streets, and a lot of fun benefit concerts. But the Greatest are the ones that actually created the laws. The Greatest did the actual WORK.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 03:20 AM

Originally posted by angus1745

I think anyone over 50 just needs to step back and let the people who have a firm grasp of technology and how the world works do the thinking and voting. The over 50's should stick to gardening, and while we are at it we should make them sit an annual driving test, that could save thousands of lives. Why we let these out of touch grumpy old farts decide who runs the country is beyond me.

I can't stop laughing at this profoundly ignorant post. I grew up years ago and the last time I voted was 1992. You claim to have a "firm grasp of technology" and yet you still have faith in the voting system? That's the biggest contradiction yet. The voting system is rigged and a fraud precisely because people like you have unending, foolish confidence in a system that has been proven to be a scam. You question nothing and accept the crap dished out to you by whoever is in control.The technology you think you understand is the tool by which your precious voting system has been corrupted. In this case, it's those who set up and run the vote. FYI, neither you, or I, or ANY citizen decides who runs this country. If you still believe you have any control over who gets elected, then you have a firm grasp of fantasy and nothing more.
edit on 1-5-2011 by Visiting ESB because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 04:12 AM
I can't believe how some American's think these day's. My son has a better grasp of the current political state of this country than this clown. I wonder If ATS would have even allowed this clown to post this thread if he had said Blacks or Latino's? Well It's the same damn thing. These things the older generation cling to. Like love for their country, a work ethic, Not expecting the government to pay them just for living, American values, love for our rights and freedoms. Those are all the things that because people like you lack them. Your are destroying our country. That the people you want to ban helped build.

I'm 38. I started working at 15. Have you EVER EVEN HAD A JOB? Your understanding technology.. lol I'm sorry do you think playing X Box live and downloading music all day counts or is even useful for that matter?

Most current legal immigrants are more American than sadly you will ever be. What is happening to our country clown is YOU and your drug addicted friends. Get out of my country and take your diluted mother
mommy Nancey Polosis with you.

One thing they should make law is for all people to have to serve their country for a min 2 years. Then maybe they will get a clue that being an American isn't about the individual. All these people that haven't lifted a finger for the most case to help better our country. And this country certainly isn't evolving. It's going backwards not forwards.

Your a complete EPIC Failure OP wasted oxygen. Now run along and play some where else.

edit on 5/1/2011 by JerryB08 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 05:40 AM
First of all if it wasnt for the over 50 group then the media would be running things much more then they are now. who would be there to vote for are countrys values which disapear daily .heres an idea lets just not vote and let MTV and COMEDY CENTRAL run the country . oh wait they pretty much do . Donald Trump is awsome atleast he has the balls to say what needs to be said . this whole birth certificate issue should have never been an issue if Broke Obumma didnt spend millions of dollars to keep it hidden from the american people this long. hes scared of somthing coming to the surface resulting in the birth certificate being public . he shouldnt even be in office if he didnt show proof of where he was born . WTF . thank god for the over 50s and there vote . atleast they know u have to have a birth certifcate to run for president . all trump wanted to see was what everyone should have seen in the first place . and didnt Obumma promise a transparent adminastation hes been in office for over 3 years and were just now getting the proof of his birth certificate . what a joke OH AND BY THE WAY IM 32
edit on 1-5-2011 by volks1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by angus1745

I recently read an article about how CNN distorts poll results to suit certain political agendas. Using this method they can mislead viewers and make backward political standpoints look popular and legitamate. They do this by excluding any results by people under 35. As seen in this example here :

Last night on the Daily Show with John Stewart which is one of my favourite shows, they were making fun of the fact Trump and all the birth brigade all look like the fools they are about now due to the long form cert. being released. A very good point was made: who votes more than any other group? Old people, specifically SCARED old people. The political system has now boiled down to who can scare the most old people to their side. This is so true !

I think anyone over 50 just needs to step back and let the people who have a firm grasp of technology and how the world works do the thinking and voting. The over 50's should stick to gardening, and while we are at it we should make them sit an annual driving test, that could save thousands of lives. Why we let these out of touch grumpy old farts decide who runs the country is beyond me.

I'll bet you not one of the rabid idiots who brayed for years that Obama was really African was under 35. I'm guessing nobody under 35 thinks Sarah Palin is 'amazing' either.

We love you, old ones. Just leave the driving and voting to us eh?

Sorry if this has already been addressed. Are you serious or some SEIU staffer???
edit on 1-5-2011 by Hillbilly123069 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by Hillbilly123069

The technology part does crack me up.

My hubby and I had a computer service shop. We had customers in their 90s.

One customer in her 70s loved Warcraft.

Stereotyping is so passé.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Laokin

but, aren't you showing the same bias??? assuming that everyone one over 50 is slow, blind, and incapable of logical reasoning??
I do believe the younger generation does have a higher percentage of illigitimate babies than my generation does....
does that one show a superiority in logical reasoning???
and well, fine, you kids are all into technology, but, well, if one of those nice big solar flares come along, are you gonna be tracking down grandpa to help you balance your checkbook because you can't add or subtract, without your trusty calculator???
you are showing the same kind of bias, there's just as many people in your generation screwed up and lost as there were in mine, maybe more!!!

really, I find it rather cute, oh look hon, those kids that we used to scream at to move so we could get down the streets are telling us that we should just move aside, that they are more capable of running the show.....
ya, look, there's timmy know......"Hey Tim, get the heck out of the middle of the road, somone's gonna run ya down!!!"......I'd be happy to step aside, but I'm afraid that they'd steer the country into the path of a convoy of semis!!!

edit on 1-5-2011 by dawnstar because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-5-2011 by dawnstar because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 10:46 AM


posted on May, 1 2011 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by angus1745

I'm pretty sure that my president is in office because of voters that are 50 plus years old. I've shouldered a weapon for you (an old-timers term for honorable armed service). I've paid my taxes for 45 years for you (an old-timers term for not cheating). I've defended your generation to the senior generation (an old-timer term for telling my generation that you are capable of running this country) . I've never had a traffic ticket or accident. I've been married for 42 years to my high school sweetheart (an old-timers term meaning that it's better that your generations 4 marriages). I've never been a drain monetarily on my country.

Oops, sorry about talking so much about myself but then you were blowing your own horn (an old-timers term about bragging about yourself).

Peace (because of our generation)........yak055h

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 11:23 AM
personally, I think this guy needs to go find some homeless nam vets to chat with awhile...
ask them how "easy" their lives have been!!!

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by laiguana
Speaking as someone in their late twenties, I've noticed something in particular...within American politics. I've noticed that people in their 50s-60s tend to shun someone like Ron Paul, but at the same time they can openly say that Sarah Palin would make the best President out of all candidates.

This is a big WTF for me...

Why wouldn't you think younger generations have a less than admirable view when this is a common aspect among you.......elderly folks =)

The big WTF is that Ron Paul himself (I've no time for him, but that's my business) couldn't vote for himself based on the OP. Do you not think that's a little strange? I think Palin is actually more popular amongst youthful voters due to her gender and 'yummy mummy' status in some of the media. In your late twenties? My friend, to teens you are now officially old, do you not understand that?

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by angus1745

The more I think about it you may be correct. Your gens voting process:

"I'm, like, going to vote for him because he's all; peace is good, like, he's so ....... and he's all........."

God forbid we ask your gen about a plank in a candidates platform.


posted on May, 1 2011 @ 12:00 PM
COME ON PEOPLE, EVERYBODY IS EITHER 50 OVER 50 OR WILL BE 50 (if you live long enough)




YOUNG PEOPLE: Are you going to waste your lives and your mentality on hateful attitudes, and eventually become unhappy, miserable old people? Besides, you'll screw up the world also, just like every previous generation; its part of the cycle of existence and the human condition.

OLD PEOPLE: If you don't realize it, time is running out, and there's no time for any negative feelings. You're not going to convince anybody anyway about anything if their mindset is so stilted as some of the views on this thread.


edit on 1-5-2011 by GWYNPLAINE because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-5-2011 by elevatedone because: removed off topic commentary, if you have a complaint file it officially for staff to review.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by yak055h

God forbid we ask your gen about a plank in a candidates platform.


It's tough to ask that question when approximately 33% of the population (young AND old) has no cognizance of even the 3 branches of Government, never mind what would be apropos to running them.
edit on 1-5-2011 by alphabetaone because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Teeky

Hi Teeky,

I don't run to google everytime I have a question.

I certainly believe that!

I read

That's a good start!

I ask the older generations for answers also.

I don't believe that at all! If it's true, you're a freaking hypocrite!

My thing with people over 50 is that you all are afraid to let go of old thinking and ways of existing.

Are you really so stupid as to think that all people over the age of 50 think alike. Are you even aware of what's going on in Washington DC? Most of our politicians are over 50, and they don't think alike at all.

The older generations lack faith and believe everything the government tells them.

I have faith that many in the "under 50 group" are far wiser than you seem to be. This thread has proven that.

What do you have faith in?

You sure as hell don't know the "over 50 group" very well if you think we believe everything the government tells us.

Do you really believe that?

Totally selfish the boomers are!

How do you think your accusations, and preconceived notions, make you appear?

If you weren't my elder I'd curse you out

I'm not stupid enough to "buy into" your false attempt at respect. All you show by that statement is a total lack of respect for yourself. If you want to curse me out... have at it.

I'm glad you aren't my grandpa because I would be annoyed at your lame dinosuar views.

You don't even have a clue as to what my "lame dinosaur views" are.
How well informed do you think that statement makes you sound?

I'd be willing to bet my bottom dollar that if you REALLY knew me, you'd actually get a kick out me.

Thanks for making my day!


posted on May, 1 2011 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by freedomataprice... EVERYTHING is better with age.

Welllllllll I wouldn't go that far. My right hip would disagree with you.
I do get your point though. You can't put any price on experience. Like nenothtu said "we were smart enough to survive the lunacy of youth."
edit on 1-5-2011 by intrepid because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by JohnnyTHSeed

I know my history.

"Your history" seems to be at odds with US History. I reckon we could call that "alternative history", but it still wouldn't change the fact that "your history" is inaccurate as hell.

I came REAL close to posting a link for you, but decided that you need the practice. Do your own damn research!

See ya,

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by notsofunnyguy
Wow everyone is really stirred up over this.

Sorry to be the one to break this to all of you, but NO ONE'S VOTES COUNT ANYMORE.

The whole process is a sham, and the ballots are only so much toilet paper.

If you want your country, you're going to have to direct all this pent up anger and DO something besides gripe.

Ballots or bullets, people, ballots or bullets.

edit on 29-4-2011 by notsofunnyguy because: (no reason given)

So.... you think the bullet is mightier than the ballot? I'm guessing you are under 50? Can't say why, oh yeah, I can, it's because that is the kind of BS that most of us would have come out with in our teens/twenties before we realised that would make us the kind of dictatorship we stand against - you really do underscore the point. If you are in the older league, then it seems life must have passed you by, my apologies.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by alphabetaone

This is exactly why this thread should have been stopped before it had a chance to get started.

Oh, come on..., don't be such a damn "stick in the mud"!

I'm not certain about the "youngsters", but it sure looks like us "old farts" are having a pretty good time with this. I know I am!

See ya,

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