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How would you explain religion to an alien?

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posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by TheLegend
reply to post by auraelium

That was spirituality, not a religion.

I also don't recall Victor claiming they were "in search of God". According to him they don't fear death at all or try avoiding it because they "maybe know what comes after death with more confidence than we do".

Looking at spirituality through a purely cognitive and physiological standpoint makes logical sense. Numerous experiments were done showing spiritual people (e.g.veteran meditators) have lower stress levels, age slower, and possess superior brainwaves (some Tibetan Monks were proven to produce gamma waves from their brain--very incredible). There's also a huge boost to the bliss/happy centers of the brain if you train with meditation long enough.

There's no doubt that if everyone was as spiritual as a Tibetan Monk (including the epiphenomena of being totally selfless, kind, understanding, non-materialistic etc.) that the world would be far better off. I can understand how ETs would want to help us understand that.
edit on 30-4-2011 by TheLegend because: (no reason given)

Read the full transcript they do talk about a creator God, But they admit that they are no closer to finding out what or who this God is than we are.That it why they say they have taken it upon themselves to study all living things in order to bring themselves closer to the truth. Also how can you Look at spirituality through a purely cognitive and physiological standpoint,the essence of spirituality is that the spirit or soul survives the body after death.

edit on 30-4-2011 by auraelium because: Afterthought

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by auraelium

Read transcripts? Are we referring to the same interview? I watched a documentary on Victor's Alien Interview (the one I'm referring to). Victor did not mention anything about God but did mention a lot on spiritual concepts which the supposed aliens tried to convey.

You believe an interstellar, worm hole using species 100,000+ years more advanced then we are hasn't already either ruled out or explained "God" so is doing so by studying animals...?

Originally posted by auraelium
Also how can you Look at spirituality through a purely cognitive and physiological standpoint,the essence of spirituality is that the spirit or soul survives the body after death.

edit on 30-4-2011 by auraelium because: Afterthought

You don't know what spirituality is then or are just looking at the root word "spirit" and inferring off that...(which is common).

Spirituality can refer to an ultimate or an alleged immaterial reality;[1] an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of their being; or the “deepest values and meanings by which people live.”[2] Spiritual practices, including meditation, prayer and contemplation, are intended to develop an individual's inner life; such practices are alleged to lead to an experience of connectedness with a larger reality, yielding a more comprehensive self; with other individuals or the human community; with nature or the cosmos; or with the divine realm.

edit on 30-4-2011 by TheLegend because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:24 AM
i would tell them its an excuse used to control,disciminate,kill,conquer and contradict darn less than one line. that pretty much sums it up for me.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by TheLegend
reply to post by auraelium

Read transcripts? Are we referring to the same interview? I watched a documentary on Victor's Alien Interview (the one I'm referring to). Victor did not mention anything about God but did mention a lot on spiritual concepts which the supposed aliens tried to convey.

You believe an interstellar, worm hole using species 100,000+ years more advanced then we are hasn't already either ruled out or explained "God" so is doing so by studying animals...?

The greys dont use intersteller worm holes, They only live 50 light years away, this distance can be easily traveled in a short time by gravity distortion and the resulting distortion in space and time, their technology has beeen estimated to be only 3000 years more advanced than ours. So your dealing with a creature thats probably not too far removed from us.
edit on 30-4-2011 by auraelium because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:27 AM
It is very simple to explain to any being of their one and only god. Just as there are footprints left on the sand indicating that a man was here, and dung left on the grass indicating that an animal was here, this great and wondeful creation of the earth and the massive universe which none of us (creation) can reach the end of it, indicates that something great created all of this. Its simple my dear friends, I want everyone to learn about this truth, the truth that there is no god but the one god, and that Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, Abraham... all the way to Adam the first man to be created by god, were all messengers of god who all came to preach this very message. May Peace be with you

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by TheLegend
reply to post by catwhoknowsplusone

Like I said before, abiogenesis proves DNA can form from inanimate matter and the universe wasn't "created" because the universe has always existed because the 'big bang' theory is an insurmountable paradox while to claim a magical super being created it all is even more outlandish.

But I will mention I am working off the logic and science of the present time. So I don't claim to be 100% certain as that's just impossible.

E.g. Maybe in the future when the multiverse is more charted there will be a dimension where pure consciousness energy exists and said consciousness exerts itself via creating DNA from inanimate matter (conscious thought is already proven to emit a frequency). But regardless I am 99.9% certain that if God exists then it's not anthropomorphic. It would be an energy entity and something which permeates the entire universe. We very well could be just extensions of it but are such a small portion of it that we cannot comprehend it. A single atom in your body doesn't 'know' it's a part of your body.

And yes

Originally posted by TheLegend
reply to post by auraelium

Looking at spirituality through a purely cognitive and physiological standpoint makes logical sense. Numerous experiments were done showing spiritual people (e.g.veteran meditators) have lower stress levels, age slower, and possess superior brainwaves (some Tibetan Monks were proven to produce gamma waves from their brain--very incredible). There's also a huge boost to the bliss/happy centers of the brain if you train with meditation long enough.

There's no doubt that if everyone was as spiritual as a Tibetan Monk (including the epiphenomena of being totally selfless, kind, understanding, non-materialistic etc.) that the world would be far better off. I can understand how ETs would want to help us understand that.

Some of the best posts I've read in these forums for a while. You flawlessly mix science with spirituality and it's refreshing after reading all the damn idiots and delusional people that post here. You sound like a Mason (I am a 33rd degree myself).

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by moogins
reply to post by SaturnFX

That is easy, just say David Icke is our leader and he can explain it to them, probably better than any one of us.

edit on 29-4-2011 by moogins because: (no reason given)

I am not sure if that would be better or wors than the bible. Simply because if I go to all the trouble of getting to your planet and you hand me any book over 1000 pages, I might just move on to the next planet and see if anyone there wants to hang out, interact, do something fun.

It is a great question. I had some Mormons that I got to question once as if I had never known of religion before but it ended quickly with them conceding they were just young missionaries and not really ready to explain everything. It would certainly be an interesting conversation to watch if it were perhaps their most thoughtful alien and our most educated and intelligent believer.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by arbiture

Originally posted by Hitoshura
I'd say :

"Sorry if this is confusing, it's just the belief systems that the beings in this sphere use."

Your point is very valid, and you may be right but if you may please provide greater "targeting" may help all. I need more, start with your idea of what is a definition of "a belief sphere" I am not in anyway making less of, or mocking what you have said. Please give me more, by your leave. You are close to ideas I came up with that equivicate aspects of "actions" in the world of 4d "physics" or our so called world Einstein defined.

Sorry, had been out drinking before I posted and said sphere when I should've just said planet. Wasn't trying to suggest anything complicated.
edit on 30-4-2011 by Hitoshura because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by auraelium

Only 3,000 years more advanced? That's hilarious. There's cave paintings going back to 29,000 BC with flying disks and grey looking beings.

There's much more evidence I can give (e.g. UFO phenomena is 50,000 yrs old PS sorry for the audio) but you seem like the kind of person that's trying to convince himself (cuz surly not anyone else) that beings superior to you are "searching for God" to affirm to yourself that "God" must exist when you have no evidence that said ETs are in fact "searching for God" or that a "God" even exists in the first place. It's like double delusional points for you.

But regardless of anything, given how old their species is, they are not questioning if "God" exists anymore. They know the answer, whatever that is.
edit on 30-4-2011 by MasonicFantom because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:45 AM
Its can we say... if you give much to Jesus, Jesus will give you more back, now please live your money on the way out of church. if the fckin allien doesnt get it ill rape him too.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by MasonicFantom
reply to post by auraelium

Only 3,000 years more advanced? That's hilarious. There's cave paintings going back to 29,000 BC with flying disks and grey looking beings.

There's much more evidence I can give (e.g. UFO phenomena is 50,000 yrs old PS sorry for the audio) but you seem like the kind of person that's trying to convince himself (cuz surly not anyone else) that beings superior to you are "searching for God" to affirm to yourself that "God" must exist when you have no evidence that said ETs are in fact "searching for God" or that a "God" even exists in the first place. It's like double delusional points for you.

But regardless of anything, given how old their species is, they are not questioning if "God" exists anymore. They know the answer, whatever that is.
edit on 30-4-2011 by MasonicFantom because: (no reason given)

How do you know they are not searching for God?

How do you know that "given how old their species is, they are not questioning if "God" exists anymore?

How old is there spcies?

How do you know that the creatures in prehistory are the same species? because they look similar on a 50k year old cave painting?

Depending on what you read theres anything between 3 and 22 species of greys?

Which ones are you referring too?

How do you know they know the answer, whatever that is?

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 12:22 PM
"Hello mr. Alien.


just like that.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 12:23 PM
Easy, The Alien's created religion.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 12:27 PM
If aliens are zipping around on spaceships with warp drives, its not that they don't understand "god", they will obviously be very experienced with Quantum physics and to me, that explains "god," they just won't understand religion... and even then, they probably would understand it, and realize we are lesser beings.
The bigger fear I have is the person trying to explain "god" doesn't now what god is... we humans have a tendancy to put a human attribute on things, including god. Let me assure you, god is not a thinking, judging, being, he ('he' used in the most broadest of terms) simply is.

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

i'd say "alright you finding earth?...not the friendliest place is it...btw you should probly know that thousands of years ago some silly story was made up to try and give reason for us being here...lots of people believe this story today but im sure your aware as your so technologically advanced that its all just bullsh* ignore them."

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Odessy

How does quantum physics infer that there is no Creator? In fact some might argue that quantum physics reinforces some of the aspects of spirituality.Given as we now know that there is parallel dimensions.
How do you know that the creatures that zip around at warp speed are the top of the apex?
Are there creatures above them in the hierarchy? is there creatures above them? and so on?
How do we know that the creature at the very tip top is not God?

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 12:46 PM
New age folks need to stay away from quantum mechanics, it does nobody any good, nothing worse than a new ager using quantum mechanics(badly i might add) to try and somehow validate their kooky ideas about spirituality, consciousness, vibrating to higher frequencies etc etc ...i think that's what the aliens would say to your comment.

edit on 30-4-2011 by Solomons because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Solomons

I have no problem with quantum mechanics, Ive been a shaman for 25 years and noting in ive read in the field of quantum mechanics contadicts the shamanic belief system. We now know from string theory or loop theory i should say that there are an infinate number of parallel dimensions which co-exist in tandem with our own.
But Shamans and mystics have been telling you that for millenia.But when i scientist tells you...oh well then it must be true..!! and that the soul can traverse these dimensions.Thre was a time when scientists were shamans, which allowed ancient civilizations like the Maya to make scientific conclusions about things that we are only now verifying.But they could do it without the use of mordern computers and technology. That tells you something.
edit on 30-4-2011 by auraelium because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-4-2011 by auraelium because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 01:00 PM
I would remain tight lipped about it. Not only worried for myself being done in by some kind of disintegration weapon but y'all as well.

I know nothing that's why they sent me away have pity on me.. If they had no concept of it they being logically minded either put us out of our misery or laugh really hard

posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 01:05 PM
How I would explain religion to you when your question is alien.

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