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How would you explain religion to an alien?

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posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Punisher75

Originally posted by redwine425
I'd tell them a bunch of people on this planet have a mental illness. One where they talk to an imaginary person from childhood to death.

I'd then tell them a lot of people think that they(Aliens) are actually "demons" and in cahoots with "satan". Then i'd be like "satan" is an imaginary person these "ill" people blame bad things on.

You know not all religion is not based on Christianity right? There must be a "I don't like Christianity thread" someplace around here right?

Hmm, your right. I am biased living in america though with all the Christians.

But I do believe the thread asked how I would explain religion to an alien... That is how I would explain it, even though "technically" it wouldn't be 100% accurate. I do believe 90% or more religions involve you speaking or believing in a "god"

Some religions such as Buddhism I would classify more as spirituality. Btw how are you gonna be upset at me for answering the topic at hand honestly?

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Evaux
Ah, nothing I like more than a good "lolol People with beliefs are stupid. lol" thread.
We don't get nearly enough of them on ATS.
Even in threads that have absolutely nothing to do with religion, every fifth post is "Lol thers no gawd!" - so this thread should make for an interesting read.

Keep religiously practicing that sarcastic atheism, kids!

Interesting post, I do believe the topic was concerning religion and what you would say... I don't believe it said what would you say in a politically correct way

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 02:53 PM
They would explain it to you.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

I would ask where they came from? If they said some type of creator I would ask how they respect it?
If they had respect I would explain this respect is what EA has for its creator. this is EA religion.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by redwine425

Originally posted by Punisher75

Originally posted by redwine425
I'd tell them a bunch of people on this planet have a mental illness. One where they talk to an imaginary person from childhood to death.

I'd then tell them a lot of people think that they(Aliens) are actually "demons" and in cahoots with "satan". Then i'd be like "satan" is an imaginary person these "ill" people blame bad things on.

You know not all religion is not based on Christianity right? There must be a "I don't like Christianity thread" someplace around here right?

Well I would imagine that as a christian being called insane out of hand is a good place to start. Inaccurate in your response to the supposed aliens in the hypothetical based on your dislike/prejudice for one religion over others (in the form of a munch more bengin
spirituality") takes a close second.

Hmm, your right. I am biased living in america though with all the Christians.

But I do believe the thread asked how I would explain religion to an alien... That is how I would explain it, even though "technically" it wouldn't be 100% accurate. I do believe 90% or more religions involve you speaking or believing in a "god"

Some religions such as Buddhism I would classify more as spirituality. Btw how are you gonna be upset at me for answering the topic at hand honestly?

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 02:55 PM
Um *cough* Dear Alien..............

well it's like this. A bunch of groups in the world all think that they are the true believers and worship
some sky Fairy's. Each group think they have the ear of their Sky fairy. The also think that all the other
groups . apart from theirs of course are worshipping the wrong sky fairy. The truly believe the others are worshipping Evil Sky Demons, and that they will burn for ever in a fiery pit. while all the groups believe that they will be saved to an eternal afterlife. At this point a look of disbelief comes across the face of the Alien.. Slowly he see's that ALL the groups think the other is Worshipping Sky Demons and ALL the groups think they are the ones that will be saved.

Now we need to explain to the Alien that over thousands of years ,these groups have killed MILLIONS of the other groups in the name of their Sky fairy, and further more they have killed Millions of their own for sins against said Sky fairies. The look of disbelief on our Alien friends face turns to one of abject horror,quickly backs of, retreating to his space craft and leaves earth for ever.

Smart Alien
edit on 29-4-2011 by rigel4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by rigel4

You realize though that the explanation you had given them is laced with other mythological beliefs that would be equally as alien to them...demons, fairys, trying to explain religion by using other religious citations in order to clarify...

its the concept itself,...again, think purely scientific and logical understandings...a demon, god, angels, etc..all would be completely foreign, although I appreciate your feedback, I wouldn't think that particular line of explanation would help them understand any better.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by Punisher75

This is an interesting question. I don't see a need to assume that aliens would believe in a creator. Out of all the species on this planet, we're the only ones who have found a need for the concept so far, so why would we assume that aliens would be like us? Possibly for the same reason we assume a creator would be like us. We always seem to pick creators that are just like we are, only better somehow. Seriously, talk about ego-centrism! We have no concept of what an alien race, or a creator for that matter, would be like, yet we feel a need to somehow try to define these things with the limited knowledge we have.

In the short timeframe we've had of exploring the world around us, we've already formed relatively decent theories on how life could evolve through inorganic molecules, slowly leading to the formation of some kind of proto-cell, so why wouldn't it be logical to assume that an alien race, that might have had a million years to explore reality, wouldn't have discovered how life originates.

So, going on this assumption that they understand how life works, and don't have a creator concept in their minds already, I guess I'd start with the concepts of Fear and Egocentrism.It is incredibly difficult for us to to step outside of ourselves and really see reality. We live with ourselves every second, so we can't fathom that we aren't really special and awesome (the idea that we've been 'created' so we must be important). And we fear not being super-duper important. What happens when we die? Well, really not much... people die every second and nothing really changes. But when we think about ourselves dying, it gets terrifying.... if we have no inherent specialness that makes us great, then it really doesn't matter if we kick the bucket and disappear, and if we disappear, then we are nothing.

So, we say we've been created by this thing, (that magically just happens to be like us), and so we are special and when we die our specialness saves us from disappearing into oblivion, and we live on somehow with our creator....

So, I'd explain my theory and then I'd ask the aliens if they wanna be special too.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by AlphaBetaGammaX

I don't know if my Dog is a believer in a religion or not I will have to ask him.
Which makes me wonder if anyone has asked one of those sign language gorillas what they think? LOL
edit on 29-4-2011 by Punisher75 because: redundency.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

I would say,

"Religion is the attempt by the few scientific and rational individuals among humanity to encourage people to behave in ways that are good for them as a society by dumbing it way down and telling them an invisible parent figure is "punishing" them when they disobey these science based prescriptions. So for example, here on Earth the wise might have figured out through long observation that eating pork cooked poorly led to disease. But the mass of humans are not really very bright, and because they are irrational on the whole, explaining the details to them is pointless. So instead, we just say that "God" (the invisible parent figure) will punish you for eating pork. And lo and behold, over time, the people will see those who ate pork, "punished" and they will begin to obey the rule.

Likewise, we would tell them that God will be pleased with them if they do not sleep with each others wives, and murder one another, and not steal from one another. And, because NOT doing these things does indeed contribute a lot to a prosperous and happy society, they see they have been rewarded for obeying "God" in their societal success.

In fact these are all things with a natural cause and effect relationship, but religion serves both the end of trying to explain to those incapable of understanding, and it discourages those who COULD understand and might decide to "cheat" or "exploit" the rules for their own benefit by making them believe an invisible parent figure is watching them always.

Of course the problem with the whole plan was that eventually when we began to use writing, the scientific minded were replaced by simple men who could read, and from that point on, the whole system became a counter productive mockery of itself. "

edit on 29-4-2011 by Illusionsaregrander because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 03:08 PM
I would be forced to explain to them that God hates aliens.

Then they would be probed, deep and hard, Roto-Rooter style.

Then they would be forgiven and sent on their way.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 03:09 PM
I hope they kill every single person who tries to tell them about our stupid useless religions. The last thing we need is a religious war with another species.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

This is a interesting response. While I do believe in a Literal God your post gives a reasonable secular explanation of religion pretty nicely.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Perfectenemy
I hope they kill every single person who tries to tell them about our stupid useless religions. The last thing we need is a religious war with another species.

Yes Genocide is always a good idea, just ask Hitler. LOL

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Perfectenemy
I hope they kill every single person who tries to tell them about our stupid useless religions. The last thing we need is a religious war with another species.

WOW really, thats deep.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13

Originally posted by Perfectenemy
I hope they kill every single person who tries to tell them about our stupid useless religions. The last thing we need is a religious war with another species.

WOW really, thats deep.

I stated many times that i think there maybe is a god out there but the bible is not from it or about it. It´s just bs to control people through fear and terror. Sorry if i don´t take any people seriously who claimed to have killed in the name of a invisible entity.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Punisher75

Originally posted by Perfectenemy
I hope they kill every single person who tries to tell them about our stupid useless religions. The last thing we need is a religious war with another species.

Yes Genocide is always a good idea, just ask Hitler. LOL

While I don't believe in Genocide. I have hypothetically thought that if every single religious person was killed at the same time that just maybe that would be less of a dent in the population, than if we continue to have all of these deaths in the name of religion over the next million years.

Although I wouldn't like that to happen, it is something i've pondered before

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Perfectenemy
I hope they kill every single person who tries to tell them about our stupid useless religions. The last thing we need is a religious war with another species.

Gonna agree with the rest here...thats not a great hope.

I am agnostic-athiest, but do have some beliefs that are not validated by science yet...would hate to be murdered over that.

What if one tenant of science is not correct yet we believe it...does that mean anyone whom discusses said science (say gravity) is discussing religion and therefore must be eliminated for corrupting knowledge?

Aliens may not understand religion, but they surely would understand errored scientific reason to murder someone over an error in a hypothesis

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

They are all insane and know very little truth... dont listen to a word they say about anything is how I would explain (religion) to an ET.

Sciences, History, Math, Psychology, Philosophy

The ET would kindly reply...."Oh I knew that...and I wont thank you very much "

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by redwine425

Originally posted by Punisher75

Originally posted by Perfectenemy
I hope they kill every single person who tries to tell them about our stupid useless religions. The last thing we need is a religious war with another species.

Yes Genocide is always a good idea, just ask Hitler. LOL

While I don't believe in Genocide. I have hypothetically thought that if every single religious person was killed at the same time that just maybe that would be less of a dent in the population

If every religious person was killed at the same time, I would be a firm believer in a deity...a instant death of people whom have a different way of thinking...that could be a cause for belief in god right there...or some really advanced self destruct coding in all religious texts anyhow (close enough)

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