posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 06:46 AM
I am noticing a trend, this is the second post in a row I have made in this forum over a two day period. I seemingly have a bite of inquisitiveness
when I wake up in the morning
On that note and in regards to the OP title. When I am authoring a thread or replying to a post and I am going back through on occasion proofing what
I wrote I often notice points where I would like to add emphasis via the wonderful smileys up & over there > I click it, and you would think I would
have learned by now, but alas every time I have to go all the way to the bottom and C&P it or just see the code and then add it to the respective
position in the post.
Occasionally I add the emphasis at the point it was intended whilst at that particular point, but there are plenty of times where the aforementioned
applies. However, when you click a smiley, by default it populates at the bottom most point of the section you're writing in as opposed to populating
where the cursor is flashing. Why does it do this?
question portion
Is there a way to have it populate where the cursor is active and not at the last available field in the thread? or... Have a mouse-over added that
would at least reveal the "text string" portion?
small request portion
On a side note, and to assure those that will reply with such. I know, I should be authoring these in my own text editor and then transferring them
over to "this" box, but I don't for whatever reason. As well, I know I could just memorize the "text string" of each emoticon and I would not
have this issue. None the less, if only as a path of least resistance, is the aforementioned request at all a possibility? Yes I am aware that "path
of least resistance" is a.k.a. "laziness" that as it may, the request still stands.
Thank you in advance.